Pixarteers Thread!

Read. Reviewed. Loved. Nuff said. Lol great chapter!

Nice chapter. Interesting stuff on the boards. It’s friday. It’s a good day.

Hey PPT!!! Whats up?

Thanks guys!

I’m a guy!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!??!?!? Well thanks for ruining my dreams as a dress model :cry: lol kidding.

Yeah, that wasn’t creepy. :laughing:

thanks for understanding us girls gotta stick together. Bwahahahaha sooo wrong. (im losing my mind haha)


face palm

hahahahahahahahahaha im insane (and I didnt even have coffee :open_mouth: )

Well don’t drink any. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh but I might! Mwahaha!

It’s passed midnight. That isn’t something I would really recommend at a time like this. :stuck_out_tongue:

wow I’ve been writing for that long???

I guess so . :stuck_out_tongue:

its so cool how I write in my journal everything is a puzzle and to find out what i wrote u have to solve it.

I don’t keep a journal in my house anymore. My parents always read it. I keep mine online now.

ah thats why mine is just a big puzzle. Anyone can figure it out though but it would take a while. And yeah lost a girlfriend cuse my lil brother found it and was blurting out things in it about her. :confused: :frowning:

Ouch. :confused:

thats what I said
 When I got slapped :confused:

For having a girlfriend? You’re kidding right?