Pixarteers Thread!

You’ll see the surprise soon guys. :stuck_out_tongue: Just find something to pass the time.

Hey, it’s a sunny Saturday. Go fly a kite, or read a book sitting next to a stream, or go ride your skateboard. I mean come on, you’re that attached to the Pixarteers? :stuck_out_tongue:

You’d think this was one of those Apple events. :laughing:

I’m supposed to be attached because I started the whole thing. 8D Especially today. I’m going to be attached all day helping out Konrad. :wink:

Well yeah, we’re supposed to be attached to it! :smiley:

If we weren’t this would never come to pass. :blush:

Good thing we spotted what we spotted though. :frowning: It would have been a disaster.

It’s going to be huge. That’s all I can say. :smiley:

Huge between the few of us who are Pixarteers at least. :wink:

Yeah, finally something interesting on a Saturday for me! :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if we’ll gain a Pixarteer or two because of it… :slight_smile:

Maybe. :slight_smile:

We probably will, especially since I took off the “You need to be in high school” rule.

lol some dude on the toy story boards has an attitude with me. He’s choosing the wrong person to have an attitude with.

Hey, haijessie, I know I’ve already complimented it, but did you make your avatar or find it somewhere? I love it. :smiley:

I found it on World of Cars!

Give it to that kid, Jess! :stuck_out_tongue:

cdn.cars.dolimg.com/worldofcars/ … 0x1024.jpg

Geez, that’s pretty! :open_mouth: I love the purple.

I know! :smiley: I love it so much!

Moooorning all! Err afternoon actually. Lol I feel sooo excited for this!!! :smiley:

Hi, Garrett!

Hi Dug!! Oh, I mean Grace :stuck_out_tongue: how goes it?