Pixarteers Thread!

…because when you live here it isn’t that amazing? I told you that.

oh yeah you did. Sorrry. Uh brb vacuuming out the car.

Hi again!

Hey Grace!! :smiley:

Hi, Jessie! :smiley:

Hi Bob! Lol Hey Grace. :smiley:

Bob?:lol: Hi, Garrett.


There’s an ant crawling all over my computer screen right now. :laughing:

Get it off get it off get it off!!! x(

I hate killing bugs! :cry: It’s disgusting! But then again, this ant is driving me insane!

Why do so many people hate bugs?

I don’t know. Bugs are just creepy.
Whew, it fell off the desk. Now I don’t have to kill it!

No there not there just different! :smiley: // helping to make dinner.

Well, they’re different in a creepy way. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess. :confused: To me I think there wonderful… But not when they bite or sting. Lol

Lol. I almost got stung by a yellow jacket once.

ive gotten stung by them and wasps… And bit by spiders. And other bugs. :confused:

Ow. That must’ve hurt.
Anyway, I’m going to go practice my violin now. See ya.

ok seeya! I gotta eat soon. And Ami will be on soon.