
Spooky sigs! I really like the Hopper one!

Nice graphics.

Thanks PixarTeo!

Yay! More awesome PixarPlanet graphics!! Thanks for putting the link to this thread on your current sig, Pixfan! I can’t believe I hadn’t checked out these before… Anywayz, these are great! I’ve been rolling on the floor laughing for the last hour looking at these! Not only do you come up with great captions and gags, but your effects are amazing! I might have to use one of these at some point. Oh, and this might be a random question, but for the Halloween Lightning one you did, did you customize that graphic yourself or is that a promo image? Because there’s a user on eBay who sells custom diecast Cars models and he/she uses what looks like the same image for a store header. Just curious. But like I said, your stuff is great!

I really appreciate that ObsessedWithPixar thank you! Haha trust me I understand, with me far from “active” around here, I’m easy to miss these days. Haha an HOUR huh? Wow, but with the amount of sigs I have I can believe it. Yeah, the more I did them the better my graphics skills got so I was always all about pushing the envelope when it came to effects and stuff, and by all means use away!

As far as the Halloween Lightning sig, I did add a few effects for the sake of the signature design, but the Lightning model modifications and image itself was a “Pixar special” I’m sure. Thanks for asking though, and thanks again for the compliment!

I just flicked through every 4 pages or so of your sigs! They are GREAT!!
And I love the fact that you even use your own screenshots! I try to do that when I have enough time…
Anyways, Keep up the brilliant work!! :slight_smile:

Edit- P.S I cant beleive your one of the first PP members and you still remember your password and username!

Hey Angelxo thanks for stopping by! Back when I was a frequent poster I made it a habit to watch Pixar movies on my laptop and pretty much capture screenshots throughout the films.

I literally have HUNDREDS of personal captures in my files! :~o

Thanks again, and hopefully when my time frees up a little in the middle of the year I might surprise you guys! :wink:


P.S Haha yea! I made my combo pretty easy to remember but realizing I joined about 7 YEARS AGO (and counting) and witnessing how far this forum has come along never ceases to amaze me lol

Your welcome!
Oh, btw I LOVE your current sig annd avvie!! :slight_smile:

Thanks Angelexo!!

Time might be freeing up some soon (hopefully I don’t jinx it lol). Considering creating some sigs just for kicks. Deciding between Monsters U and either Up, Wall-E or Toy Story 3.What do you guys think?

…if anyone cares :wink:


I’d love to see more sigs from you, Pixfan! The MU ones sound the best right now (just watch the spoilers until the rest of us see it), but whatever you want to do would be awesome!

@ObseesedWithPixar- Sounds like a plan!.. and of course I won’t ruin anything for you guys, I’ll only be using shots from the officially released trailers :wink: :sunglasses:

Stay Tuned! :mrgreen:

LOVE the new sig! Its so funny! XD <3

New MU sigs coming up between today and tomorrow… Stay tuned! :wink:
