Please advertise this in an entry.

This petition needs at least a million signatures if we want Rotten Tomatoes to listen to us. I say do a blog entry on Upcoming Pixar about it!

I don’t know what all the fuss is about, personally…I mean, surely those who know about him know that he’s a troll, and those who don’t obviously don’t care enough about movie reviews to know the difference anyway? I mean, it’s irritating that he gave Toy Story 3 a rotten review, but he hasn’t been the only one so far. And it’s not like someone’s going to go on Rotten Tomatoes to see whether or not Toy Story 3 is good, looks at 98% or whatever and goes, ‘oh my goodness! It’s not 100%! I’m not going to see THAT film!’

Plus there’s the fact that the ‘tomatometer’ is fundamentally flawed anyway…So yeah, the guy is very irritating, but it just seems like a lot of fuss about nothing in my opinion.

Just thought I’d put my two cents in there, though of course it’s up to the writers of Upcoming Pixar as to whether or not they’d like to advertise this.

I agree with lizardgirl, Movie is about what your intrest are.
Like for example Bruno, sure a local newspaper does not like it, that does not mean YOU have to like it. I wanted to see Baby Mama and my friends were like ‘ewwwwww thats a cheap movie’.
Beisdes, it’s what people think about the movie. Not movie reviewers.
Thats what Beyond The Trailers for, because movie critics can’t be trusted! :laughing:

Critics are people. Some people reeeeally suck and neat a beat-down, therefore some critics are that way. I’ve signed the petition, and I hope he gets banned, but we’ve talked about him quite enough here on Pixar Planet.