Please, no.

Haha, Blazeguard Jeff! That’s just inspired! Look at all the googly eyes! :laughing: Yup, it definitely looks like more of a Pixar film now, much more acceptable. :sunglasses:

Humans-Perfect…you could make them look (a little) more modern but not like the first pic :open_mouth:
Aliens-They look goofy…you can at least give them less evil faces then the first one…

Other then that it looked almost perfect although i can tell sarcasm when i see it…

If you can edit them to look real than i would probably go see that…

Humans perfect, aliens look goofy… You’re kidding me - right ? What compound did you say you live in ? I can’t take it anymore, the madness runs too deep and I’ve caused enough harm to the fine artists that have depicted the John Carter of Mars stories. I shall do no more.

Back to John Carter as he belongs, painted by the amazing Frank Frazetta. Shield your eyes oh sensitive one !

Aah, it burns! :laughing:

But seriously, that picture is awesome. :open_mouth: I think I’m warming to John Carter of Mars.

That’s a cool thing. When I saw Star Wars I thought, ‘wonderful ! Now give me John Carter !’ as I’d fallen in love with the books way back then. Now I’m hoping for wondeful, eye burning John Carter movies that will totally ecllipse what has happened to Star Wars.

Side note - the flying ships, desert stuff and fancy derring -do in Return on the Jedi ( and Lei’s get up ) is John Carter of Mars.

I’m going to have lunch now, and maybe slap my Jedi disk in…

Below - more Frazetta Mars goodness.

“Andrew Stanton has made many comments about John Carter of Mars being released outside of the Pixar umbrella, it will probably be released under Disney and packaged more like the Pirates movies.”

I’m hoping they’ll go for an epic and package/market it like Lawrence of Arabia, Ben-Hur, The Ten Commandments, Braveheart and Lord of the Rings. The potential is there, if there is the interest and patience to dig it up and spit-shine it. :wink:

Abraham Sherman

Thanks for posting those Frazetta pics, Jeff. Lovely stuff.

What’s all this silliness about? Pixar knows where their bread is buttered. If they choose to contribute digital content to an action/adventure movie, the Nemo crowd is not obliged to go see it. To lose respect for Pixar over such a venture is sillier than criticizing Fred Penner for his stint on Broadway. These are not children making these films. It’s neither wrong nor amoral for an adult to want to express their creativity with more obviously grown-up oriented material. Not that this is going to be Tolstoy or anything.

I’m guessing (and hoping) that Pixar will be to John Carter what ILM is to Star Wars

Here’s more Mars art, this time by Rafael Kayanan:

I saw that at his own personal museum. :smiley: I didn’t meet him though - I did get to meet his wife, and his son who runs the nearby costume shop.

It really will be an exciting trilogy of films, I cant wait and have always been so very supportive of the animation as a medium rather then genre argument, I pray that these films are the turning point where animation finally gets taken more seriously, the most successful animation studio in the world making Mature animation is a fantastic start.

I’d Expect instead of a Disney|Pixar release, it will be more of a Touchstone|Pixar release.

Silly me, I didn’t realize you had already posted that Kayanan pic in another thread, Jeff.

It’s worth seeing again anyway.

That last image reminds me a little of the Star Wars poster.

I think some films are better left alone. I can understand why Toy Story 2 was made, Toy Story was an incredible success and at least Toy Story 2 is a good film in its own right. I’m glad that nearly all the Pixar films are just a one-time deal (the other exception being Cars, which was/is a huge merchandising success). Sure, Cars was a huge success too, but does it really need a sequel? I’d still watch it, since I love Pixar and enjoyed the first film, but I can’t come with any good ideas for what the story could be (though I’m no genius, and I bet Pixar already has the full plot planned out.)

I shouldn’t worry though, it is a Pixar film after all and they always manage to make any idea into a good movie. Only Pixar could make an entertaining talking animal (or rodent) film (which I’m seeing more and more of, but none can compare to Ratatouille of course.). The only thing I could do without in Cars is the crappy country music - Rascal Flatts and Sheryl Crow, for example.

Also, I recently saw Kung Fu Panda which is the best DreamWorks Animation film ever. Much better than the Shrek films (which is approaching 6 films, with Shrek Goes Fourth, Shrek 5 and a Puss spin-off), Shark Tale and Bee Movie (I found The Bee Movie obnoxious, and the only redeeming factor of it was the fact the main character was named “Barry” like me.) Anyways, back to Kung Fu Panda. Apparently there’s a sequel in the works. No! The original was perfect! Why must DreamWorks do this. Why must they take good movies (Kung Fu Panda and Shrek) and turn them into crappy franchises? It’s rare DreamWorks does something right, so Kung Fu Panda is a rare occurrence. I don’t want it to be diminished (in a way) if a crappy sequel comes out.

Thank you, original poster. Thank you.

I know, I know, it’s been confirmed Pixar’s not working on this now, right? Well, call me a purist, but I don’t wanna see Mr. Stanton working on it. I know, his life, his choice, but dude… Do we really need any more rediculous levels of nudity in Hollywood? It just bugs me that somebody I look up to, especially a Christian I look up to, is working on a project like this. :frowning:

Like I said before, you don’t have any right to try to impress your levels of “morals” onto Pixar. Andrew Stanton is a grown man and he can make whatever kind of movie he wants. Part of moving into mature films is dealing with more mature themes. The human body is nothing to be ashamed of, and if Pixar does end up dealing with near-nudity, I’m sure it will be done tastefully and will be done to enhance the story. And if this offends you, don’t see the movie. But myself and other adults who can get past our personal opinions will go see it and enjoy it.

Isn’t this moive going to be PG-13 anyways?

Not just one sequel, Alec. Katzenberg has already mentioned he’s planning for five more Kung-Fu Panda movies, and that the first movie was one chapter in the six-movie story.

Because Shrek 1 made $484m worldwide and Shrek 2 made $919m worldwide. Even Shrek the Third with mixed reviews made $714m worldwide. That’s why they did them. With those returns, it’s hard to argue that they aren’t popular.

Editors Note: Please try to be more constructive in your criticism and don’t directly attack our members. It’s not nice. If you would like to construct an argument that doesn’t attack the other person (because that just means you lost the debate), please feel free to edit this post.

Blazeguard Jeff, you have been warned.


Violence ! Nudity ! I love this stuff…

"especially a Christian I look up to, is working on a project like this. "

I think you guys should be warning statements like this ( the above ) , not my mocking of them. I didn’t start out saying that I am better than everyone not like me.

The last time I was anywhere such consistently crazy crap was spoken unchallenged as a girlfriends church long ago. They were discussing the ‘jewish and new age threat’. No one said a thing.
( My girlfriend DID leave the church )

I’m disappointed that this has turned out to me more of a ‘christian pixar’ site than anything else. Maybe you should have a warning. I will be closing of my account and not returning.

Who says there’s going to be any nudity in this film anyway? And if there was any as per the scource material, it would be incidental, matter-of-fact nudity like in a National Geographic documentary about life in New Guinea. Netbug, are you offended by the levels of nudity in the rain forest? Remember: who made the body, and who made the clothes? :wink:

I’d like to think pPixar always will be an Animation Studio. I mean, Pixar directors are great and will want do live-action, but they know they don’t need to classificate their other workdas Pixar, just as their own work.

Abou John Carter, I have no idea what is it about, but they said somewhere that it will be packed as Disney, not Pioxar, correct me if Im wrong.