Position Vacant: Wordpress Designer/Coder

Upcoming Pixar is seeking a skilled Wordpress Designer/Coder to help with the transition from the Textpattern CMS system to Wordpress 2.7+.

If you believe you are fit for the job, please either PM me or send me an email at thomas@pixarplanet.com to discuss the position further.

Unfortunately, due to the Pixar Planet Network being not-for-profit, this is an unpaid position. However, you would receive all the recognition and thanks we can possibly give.

I look forward to hearing from you soon :slight_smile:

I would just like to add; if you know someone personally or through the web that you trust can and will do this, please recommend them to us and let them know of this great opportunity. :smiley:
Thanks a whole bunch,

I don’t know if you guys are still doing this, but I contacted Thomas about helping out with the position. I use WordPress an awful lot with A113Podcasting.com and a site that I did for my mom.