Anybody here a fan?
I am. My favorite series is SPD next to Overdrive and RPM.
I wonder what Power Rangers would be like if Saban owned it all the way throu RPM.
Anybody here a fan?
I am. My favorite series is SPD next to Overdrive and RPM.
I wonder what Power Rangers would be like if Saban owned it all the way throu RPM.
Well, this brings back good memories… used to be my favourite show as a kid, I remember buying all those McDonalds toy tie-ins.
I love the first season. Zordon, the talking face in the fish-tank, ahahaha! I loved quoting Alpha the robot! “Ai-yai-yai!”
Ah, I feel so nostalgic now. I don’t really follow the new series nowadays, maybe because I ‘outgrown’ it and have other fan obsessions. But for what it’s worth, it was good, cheesy fun.
Love the theme song. “Go, go, Power Rangers!”
On a side note, KFP fans should get a kick out of this one. From one of my good friends on YT and a fellow mash-up artist, CannonBoltPhoenix.
I really love their first ‘in-theater’ movie. There was an awesome feeling sitting there watching my favorite childhood heroes.
Nowadays, they are facing a new rating of mine: b TOTAL BURNOUT[/b]
~ Flare
I remember, even when I was younger, thinking that the Power Rangers was rubbish. It just never appealed to me, especially as the two female ones (as far as I can recall) were always dressed in yellow and pink, my two most hated colours. I guess I just didn’t get it.
I used to like the Power rangers, until I grew older and found out that everything in there was overdone and overplayed and over-the-top. However, I still love their theme songs.
Oh yeah, lol. And they’d all hang around each each other in their normal clothes wearing their respective colours (Jason always wearing red shirts, same with Billy except he’d be in blue, and so on) and no-one would suspect who they really were. Kinda laughable now, really.
Bwahaha lizardgirl! Yeah, like Rachel said, it’s quite funny how they always ‘colour-coordinate’ their clothes, even when they’re civilians.
You’d think they’d get sick facing the same villains again and again every episode (they try to spice things up every now and then by kidnapping or killing a Ranger, but other than that, it’s pretty formulaic). I guess a hero’s work is never done. It was fun while it lasted.
I think i watched until “Lost in space” or something, then I stopped… aren’t they all now filmed in New Zealand?
I used to love Power Rangers when I was a kid! My brother and I had a few Power Ranger action figures that we’d play with on a daily basis. My brother liked the pink ranger and even tipped the TV over trying to “hug” her one day. I think he was 6.
I’ve had to watch some of the newer Power Rangers with my little cousin. Definitely don’t enjoy them as much as I used to! Too over the top. I just laugh. Still brings back good childhood memories though.
Im a HUGE fan of power rangers since im a child, the best power rangers were the firsts “mighty morphin”
they brought me back so many memorys. i hate alpha by that time, you know that the first alpha(5) die in power rangers in space?
oh and another thing, dont you think lord zedd, the second villian (my avatar) and zurg have similarities?I mean they both are ciborgs, they both are evil emperors,theyr both names begin with z(Zedd and Zurg)They both have giant spaceships(zurg have in blosc a HUGE spaceship and zedd have a HUGE dragon called serpentera) they both have giant robots(zedd: serpentera and zurg: the ultra soldier or something like that, it was in blosc) and theyr foes are white dress(zurg: buzz , and zedd: tommy the white ranger)
omg I LOVED THE ORIGINAL ONES…once they got into zeo i stopped watching lol becuase Kimberley and Tommy broke up <_> I bought the new released action figures disney released but I will admit they turned the show into crap good thing Saban the original owner and creator bought the rights to it and gave it to Nickelodeon to air.