PPT's Graphics.

Neat graphics! Can’t wait 'til Cars 2 comes out!

Neato! What fonts did you use for the Cars 2 sigs? Just a suggestion… it would be cooler if you use spy-themed fonts rather than handwriting ones. But I love your taglines!

I was actually going to use a spy font, but I think it came out better with this one. :smiley:
It’s Handwriting-Dakota

Does anybody have any requests? I can’t decide what to do next

I love all those, but “We’re cool”(<3), “Oh! It’s ok!”, “No Cake For You”!, and “I look good” are my faves. Also love that Cars/ST crossover, PPT.

Maybe some Toy Story

^Good idea! I’ll get right on it.

Thanks IV. :smiley:

Ok, I decided to do some ratatouille. They’ll be up tomorrow. Here’s a sneak preview:

And my current sig:

And there will be a new Star Trek crossover. :smiley: Yay!

I like your New years one! I hope you get a nomination for the Pixar Planet Award!

I just noticed the Pizza Planet Truck! That’s a legendary icon!!

Ratatouille Stuff is here!

And Pixar Trek continues with #3. I particularly like this one because it slightly parodies a scene in Star Trek 4

Good job! It’s nice to see some Ratatouille graphics, it’s not the most popular movie to do graphics of.

These are really good, PPT!! I like the one where Collette yells at Linguini. :laughing:

Thanks for the comments guys. I’m busy working on a campaign sig, but I’ll get back to making character sigs soon. I think I will go with Monsters, Inc. next. I changed the star trek crossover around since the ship flying over the eiffel tower bugged me.

What is the green thing, BTW?

Tis a klingon bird of prey.
More star trek stuff.

Ah, okay. I feel like a bad fan now. Permission status: permission to hit me granted.

Kay! hit :stuck_out_tongue: jk

:laughing: It’s okay, I knew it was coming. XD

I don’t even deserve to hit you, I know nothing about Star Trek!