Pre WALL-E Practice Commentaries

I’m having some problems with skype. I probably won’t be in on the commentary :`-( Sorry.

TS2 - What kind of problems are you having? Maybe I can help you solve them.

lizardgirl - Ok, got it. You’ve already done a practice, so it’s not compulsory for you to participate in these WALL•E practice sessions. :wink: You could if you wanted, and if you’re free at the time it is going to be, though. But thank you for your diligent response. After the practice has been completed, I’ll create a new thread(s) which will have the details of who is going to be in which group as well as an announcement to send me your schedules, and that’s when you can send me yours. Just keep an eye on the threads.

TS2 - Ok. Thanks for the update. When in doubt, just contact me and let me know what’s happening so I’m not wondering if you’re still interested. I hope you can get your Skype sorted out soon, with the help of Peter, so you can participate.

Rachel- Ah, I see, probably should’ve read the title of this thread before replying. :laughing: But thanks, glad to see that this is all being organised so well! Good on you for keeping on top of things. :smiley:

No more schedules or participants will be added to the WALL•E commentary if you have not done a practice in the past. We may record WALL•E again at the end of this year, so you will have to wait until then.

Actine and WALL·E would any of these times be ok…?

Monday February 9th
London - 8pm
Ukraine - 10pm

Tuesday February 10th
London - 8:30pm
Ukraine - 10:30pm

Saturday February 14
London - 8:30pm
Ukraine - 10:30pm

I was having trouble matching up both of your times because when WALL·E is just getting on the computer at night, Actine has to get off. I thought I’d put those times above up anyway. Please let me know which one of these is the most suitable ASAP, guys (if any.) Unless you two can stretch your times slightly earlier and later, it may not be possible for you to practice together.

WALL·E, is it possible for you to record early in the morning, from 9am or 10am onwards on either a Saturday or Sunday?

Also, I’ll have to catch you both on Skype sometime so I can transfer the NTSC copy of Presto to you before the practice.

valentine’s day is the best option.

i may be able to do early morning

i think i’ll be able to find the NTSC myself, but if I can’t ill let you know

Oh… all these do not fit me… My mum is working all day on Friday, and she’ll be very tired on Saturday. She’ll fall asleep and I do not want to disturb her.
Is it possible to do it on Sunday or Friday, the same time? If not, I won’t mind missing it if another time is not convenient for you.

Actine and WALL·E, how about these times…?

Friday 13th (!) February
London - 8:30pm
Ukraine - 10:30pm

Saturday 14th February
London - 11:30am
Ukraine - 1:30pm

Sunday 15th February
London - 10am
Ukraine - 12pm

(With the Sunday time I should be able to get on the computer two hours earlier or later. I’m pretty flexible with that time.)

Let me know soon, boys. Thanks. :slight_smile:

i should be able to sat/sun, possibly friday

Ok, well, I’ll log on at those three times - if either of you are available please log onto Skype, too. I’ve sent you a link to the NTSC version of Presto via a private message. Please download the video before the commentary session.

Actine - How’s your computer? Is it fixed yet? And what do you think of the updated times above?

Rachelcakes: yep, I have fixed it in almost no time.
What about the hours, I blame myself for not seeing this yesterday. I could stay home today (fri). I think I will be able to skype either on Sat or on Sun. Leave a post here or PM me when exactly.

So Actine, qxgnxamy and I ended up commenting on One Man Band as a practice instead of Presto because Actine enjoyed that short film more.

One Man Band practice - download link

I must warn that I was very tired when this was recorded (it was late at night), but overall it turned out ok, and it was fine for a practice. Actine, I liked how you expressed your amusement at Treble’s puppet and also your enthusiasm at One Man Band as your favourite short, is infectious. You did really well! Peter, nice job at explaining why Bass was your favourite character - you always give really well thought-out and fascinating responses in these commentaries. =)

Sorry I had to leave shortly afterwards, and especially as Paul was explaining the process of Pixar’s translations. I was SO tired, otherwise I would have continued chatting about Pixar with you both, had it been at any other time of the day.

EDIT: I’ve updated the file so it’s a lot clearer and the volume is louder. Thanks Peter!

it gives em a HTM file. Strange

I managed to download it okay, WALL-E. It came up as an MP3 file for me.

Nice work on the commentary, guys! It was great to hear your first commentary, Actine, and as Rachel said, the way you express how much you enjoy One Man Band is infectious. The fact that you clearly enjoy the short made all of the comments you made seem even more sincere and interesting, and you’re right, it is a really funny short. :laughing: I understood everything you said easily, and your English is really good!

As usual Rachel, your contributions were interesting and well thought-out. That was a really good question to ask about which is your favourite, Treble or Bass, and it created some great responses. I always enjoy listening to what you have to say. You were good too, Peter, and I agree, Bass is better! I hadn’t thought about Treble taking over Bass’ territory, so that was a really good point.

Thanks everyone! I hope I will progress while doing more and more commentaries.
By the way, I want to download the recording and I experience the File Not Found problem. If the problem repeats, could Rachel send me the file via Email or Skype? I also can open you some ftp folder on my domain. Just tell how much space you need.

It’s not a direct link to the MP3. You click on the link and go to the FileSend website, wait about 20 seconds and then click ‘download’. I’ve updated the link to an improved version, and to a different file hosting website. But if it still doesn’t work, you can get the file from either Peter or I when we’re on Skype.

Much thanks for your feedback, lizardgirl. The choice of commenting on One Man Band was a spur of the moment thing, so I’m glad you enjoyed listening to this practice and that it turned out well. =)

Indeed, we tried Presto but it was a complete failure. We simply didn’t have too much to say about Presto.
By the way, did you make a Presto commentary with WALL-E next day?
PS. Finally downloaded it. I didn’t enjoy listening to myself, but it wasn’t so awful that I’d expected :slight_smile: Now I really see that delay. One moment no one is speaking and another moment everyone’s speaking. When it was live, I tried to talk when no one else was talking. I also have listened to some other commentaries - this one is not the worst :slight_smile:

we’re not doing a practice, 'case i rarely have time to do a full commentary.

Actine - You sounded fine. I love your accent and how you said “chaaarming good fellow” (if that’s what you said). I thought you said “jolly” when we were recording, though.

Yeah, there seems to more of a delay between you and me, Actine, than between me and other people, like Peter, for example. I don’t know why… location, perhaps? I don’t even want to know which commentary is the worse (unless it’s not one of ours, then I’ll listen.) :stuck_out_tongue: No, WALL·E isn’t going to do a practice because he doesn’t have time to do a feature right now.

So that’s it for the WALL•E practices - now all you have to do is send me your schedule, Actine (and everyone else). :wink:

Haha, it had to be ‘chubby’ :smiley: