Psyche OS X

Whoa that may have been mostly conversation, but again, it gives the reader this intense, deep feeling of nervousness and debatable questions. Seriously, terrific job writing this part. You said it was long, but it was so good of a read that I couldn’t stop reading from start to finish, so it didn’t feel long at all! Oh, man, when Eve came home all unhappy and uneasy, I began to ponder if Alex carried out what the original Alex was known for, and I went like, It can’t be. The answer to that came to my shock! (But, nah, I won’t kill you for it! First of all, if I kill you for it, then you can’t finish this awesome story. And second, it actually makes the story more intriguing, to be honest. It leaves me with questions dying to be answered. :wink: )

I could just imagine that argument between McCrea and Alex. It was more than interesting- it kinda gave me chills as well as the tension built up with each person’s response. Especially the “Do you honestly believe that I am completely evil?” It was a striking, hard-to-answer-directly question that made me kind of think, “What will you say to that, McCrea?” (Also, I recognized it from one of your previous signatures :wink: ).

Intensity is building up! Questions are rising!

Alright! little_chef has returned! I wondered whether you were gonna continue this story, and I’m glad you had the courage and tenacity to press on! Good on ya! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I meant to give a review of Chapter Eight back when you posted it, but for some reason I musta been busy or forgot about it. I’ll tell you, it’s my favourite among all your chapters so far, because it answers one of the biggest questions (what does Wall-E think of Eve’s transformation and her new relationship with AUTO/Alex) and delivers one of the biggest emotional payoffs!

Seriously, I didn’t quite cry, but it’s one of the most heartbreaking and gutwrenching pieces of fiction (not just fanfiction) I’ve read in a long time! I’m not kidding, maybe it’s because I am emotionally-invested in the characters from the film to begin with, but to see poor Wall-E heartbroken, while Eve desperately tries to explain herself, got me pretty close to tearing. Your description of Wall-E’s shocking expression of simultaneous jealousy and grief in the last paragraph was particularly memorable and a brilliant piece of writing. I may be prone to hyperbole, but believe me, when I say that chapter moved me, I mean it. :`-(

Now, as for Chapter Nine Parts One and Two, those were excellent too. Nice bit of foreshadowing with M-O’s distrust of AUTO, and how McCrea was willing to give AUTO the benefit of the doubt. Another great dialogue exchange (which I think is one of your fortes, just like how TSS is good at action scenes, and Netbug is at scene description…). And Part Deux, man, that was harrowing! :shake: I really hope AUTO didn’t do to Eve what you seem to imply he did, that would be terrible! I like how he fights an internal conflict between being emotionless and having feelings for his former ‘colleague’.

And the line of “Probe 1 being found positive” takes on a whole new meaning when said in M-O’s context. Oh dear. :frowning:

I also loved the change in power dynamics in McCrea’s confrontation of AUTO/Alex. At first, McCrea was the one being aggressive and accusational, but AUTO/Alex turned the tables with his revelation. I liked the last line of McCrea not being able to win against AUTO’s flawless logic. At times riveting and chilling, this chapter is also pretty awesome!

I can’t wait to find out how this meeting of Master and Servant, Man and his former Machine ends. And what he did to upset Eve and his intent behind it. :~o baited breath

P.S. Oh, and I won’t kill you for the last chapter. But I’ma kick your butt if you don’t continue! :stuck_out_tongue:

That is definitely my favorite line so far. It’s so clever. I absolutely LOVE that line!

And don’t worry, I won’t kill you for that chapter, even though I did almost pass out when I read the above quoted line.

Great Job. This is yet another fantastic chapter of what is probably the best fanfic I have ever read or ever will read. I honestly can’t wait for the next chapter.

Nice to meet you, mo.

Wow!!! I’ve got so much to reply to!!! It’s almost dizzying! :open_mouth:

BDD: It’s truly a compliment to know that despite how long the chapter was, it was an easy and quick read. :slight_smile: And I’m glad that you won’t kill me for that certain detail of the story… honestly, I battled for months with myself on whether or not I should actually incorporate it into the story, but now I think it’s only going to make things more interesting, as you’ve said. After things slow down a bit here and my sibs start school I’ll probably have a bit more time on my hands to get some massive writing in. (At least, I hope so! :laughing:)

TDIT: First of all, thank you sincerely for the amazing comments… seriously, you are probably the only reader I know (of all my fanfiction, not just this one) that actually takes the time to break down every single part and tell me what you found interesting, what moved you, what you didn’t understand, or plain just didn’t like (which I haven’t actually seen from you yet :laughing:). I appreciate that more than words could say; thank you!

Wow, to know I almost made you cry is… amazing. Really. It’s hard for me to bring emotion that deep across when I’m writing, but I’ve been working at it for several years. (I’ve actually had a lot of my friends tell me, “Are depressing stories all you write?!”) And the emotions you tell me you felt while reading it are exactly the emotions I hoped the reader to feel… wow, it’s so good to know my intent showed through! :smiley:

I kind of pride myself in dialogue exchange, but not in a self-righteous way, if you know what I mean. :stuck_out_tongue: This has been a big area of practice for me too over the years. And doesn’t that line said in that context just change everything?! That actually came to me several months ago… heh…

mo: Isn’t that amazing?! Like I just finished saying to TDIT, having it said in that context really changes the story. I couldn’t help myself - I thought of it several months ago and just had to add it to the story once I bucked up and decided to go ahead with that idea.

I’m so glad you guys aren’t going to kill me. :laughing:

Aww, the best fanfiction you’ve ever read… really, I’m not that good… :blush: But it’s flattering to hear a compliment like that… thank you so much, mo. :slight_smile:

little chef

I read most of your story and I just love the way you write. I’m waiting for you to write a tenth chapter, and see if WALL•E becomes more important to the story. Maybe he might end up being human too! I also love the way you reuse movie quotes in different contexts! Way to go little_chef!

Wow…the confrontation with Auto didn’t go quite the way i thought it would…the only question that remains is…what exactly happens next?

JustSoWall-eCrazy: Aww, what a sweet comment!! Thanks so much! It just seems like more and more people are telling me they love my writing style, and it’s almost overwhelming how flattered I am by it all… thank you so, so much!! <3

I know a lot of people are asking the question, “Why doesn’t WALL•E seem as important in this story?” and I promise to answer that question very soon. It’s not that he’s not important, it’s just that a LOT of things happened in this story and I really had a hard time juggling everyone around. :laughing: He will definitely have his moment in this story… I’m in the process of editing a novel of mine right now, so unfortunately fanfics have taken a back seat for a little while. But I promise that when I find the time, I’ll be back up on this first and foremost. :wink: I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far - it’s only going to continue to get better! :smiley:

Al-Bob: Well, if you haven’t figured it out by now, absolutely nothing that happens in this story is going to go the way you, or anyone, thought it would. :laughing: And what happens next is definitely coming, please be patient; as I said above this novel is what is taking up all my writing time, and my parents are like, pressing me to get it out to someone for editing. :unamused: So… yeah, I’ll be back on this as soon as I get the chance!

little chef

Yaaay, finally have all of Chapter Ten finished, guys! :smiley: For those of you who have anxiously been wondering about WALL•E’s place in all of this, this piece should peak your interest a little bit. It’s about to get better.

I watched the movie last night, and it really helped to give me some ideas for where I want this to go. Hope you guys enjoy - all comments as well as critique are more than welcome.

Chapter Ten

McCrea’s entire household had entered into a continuous state of chaos and unease, and it never seemed to dissipate. Now more than ever before, Mo and Eve got on each other’s nerves and did nothing but argue. Mo frequently paced on the lawn outside, muttering to himself in frustration. WALL•E stood outside Eve’s room and whimpered as he listened to her relentless cries of guilt and anguish. And McCrea found himself being pulled in several directions all at once; trying to maintain the peace at all hours of the day, keeping the matters of his business balanced, and attempting to keep Mo out of trouble - not to mention the many hours he put into bringing Eve out of the pit of depression she was in and restoring her back to the bubbly, happy person she once was. To add to the confusion, now there was a baby to worry about. There were already medical bills that needed to be paid as a result of the horrible car accident that had happened just over a year ago, and he knew they would quickly add up once Eve started going in for monthly checkups.

To put it bluntly, McCrea was utterly overwhelmed.

As he sat poring over bills and business paperwork, he could hear Eve and Mo at it again, and he looked up to see Mo leaning into Eve’s room.

“If you mention that jerk again, I’m going to punch you! And I’m not even joking, Eve!” he was yelling at her. “To hell with that freakin’ jerk! He doesn’t even love you, and you know that!”

“But I still love him!” Eve cried in return, sounding on the verge of tears. “Nothing you say about him is going to change my mind!”

“You didn’t even want that kid!” Mo screamed, pointing an accusing finger at her. “Yet you accept it like, ‘oh, this is the way things are going to be and I can’t change that’-”

“But this is the way things are going to be,” Eve replied. “And I think you’re the one who needs to accept that!”

“It didn’t have to be that way,” Mo carried on. “You know there’s this magic option called abortion? Come on, Eve. This is Alex Freakin’ O’Neill we’re talking about! That baby’s gonna be just as evil as his dumb father, if not more so!” WALL•E invited himself over to the two, oblivious to what was being said.

“Baby?” he curiously wondered.

“Yeah, 'cuz I’m stupid enough to go get an abortion,” Eve spat, rolling her eyes. “In case you can’t tell already, it’s way past the point of a safe abortion. It would be more of a threat to both of us at this point, and I’ve already felt it kick - I’m not gonna kill it!”

Mo plugged his ears at her last sentence and turned away from her. “La, la, la, la, la… can’t hear you talking about Alex’s kid…”

WALL•E turned to Eve this time, his head cocked. “…Baby…?”

She didn’t reply. “Mo, shut up and stop being so immature!” she yelled, clenching her fists. Hearing the argument carry on, McCrea sighed and buried his face in the palm of his hand.

“If you both don’t stop, I’m gonna… I dunno… I’m gonna sit on you! Both of you!” he eventually cried, directing his loud words at Eve and Mo. Mo leaned against the wall and folded his arms.

“Puts a whole new meaning in ‘babysitting’,” he said with a shrug.

“Oh, would you stop?!” Eve screamed. “You’re so mean and cruel! How could you even think up something like that?!”

WALL•E was persistent in getting Eve’s attention, and this time he waved a hand at her. “Yoo-hoo! Eeeeva? Baaaby?”

Again, she completely ignored him and stood to her feet. She stuck her head out of the doorway and met gazes with McCrea, who was frustrated out of his mind. “Brandon, can you please deal with Mo and tell him to stop acting so immature?”

“Stop acting immature, Mo,” McCrea flatly said, looking back down at his papers.

Mo rolled his eyes. “Sure, whatever.”

Eve shook her head and sighed. She placed a hand on her hip as she leaned against the doorway, again directing her words at McCrea. “Don’t forget that I have a doctor’s appointment in fifteen minutes. They’re supposed to be taking an ultrasound today.”

WALL•E excitedly clapped his hands together. “Baby!”

“He’s clueless,” Mo muttered, rolling his eyes again. He looked down at WALL•E and shook his head. “This baby is no good, WALL•E. Bad. Bad baby. Evil baby.”

WALL•E looked a bit hurt, and he shrank back a bit at the words. Eve ignored Mo this time and smiled down at WALL•E.

“It’s okay, WALL•E,” she assured him, “the baby’s not bad. Mo’s just pulling your leg.”

“Tire,” Mo smartly corrected.

“Mo…” Eve angrily began, but McCrea’s stern voice immediately broke it up.

“Okay guys, that’s enough,” he snapped. “I don’t want to hear another argument out of you guys; it’s caused nothing but anger and hasn’t solved anything. I want it to end right here and right now.”

The three standing outside Eve’s room fell silent. McCrea pushed the papers away and pushed his chair out from behind the table.

“Get your shoes on, you’re all coming to her appointment,” he demanded. Mo bit the inside of his lip to keep himself from making another remark about the baby, and instead of speaking his mind he looked up and gave Eve a sharp glare. All the way to the hospital and even in the waiting room there, Mo never once looked up at Eve or acknowledged her and kept his headphones in with his iPod turned up loud enough to block out all noise. WALL•E even came along, and when Eve got up to leave with her doctor, he began to follow her.

“No, WALL•E,” she said, holding out her hand to stop him. “You can’t come with me.”

A sad look formed in WALL•E’s camera eyes. “No…? No… baby?”

“You can see the baby later,” she hastily replied, a bit embarrassed that she was holding up her doctor to talk to a robot. “I’ve gotta go right now. But I won’t be long.”

WALL•E’s eyes sadly followed Eve until she disappeared down a hallway, and he heaved a sigh once she was out of sight. He felt so left out of her life recently, and only now did he figure out that there was a baby involved. He wasn’t sure how it had gotten there, and really didn’t care, but was quite upset that Eve hadn’t told him before. He had never seen a human baby before, and to say he was curious about Eve’s child was a harsh understatement. He wheeled back to where McCrea and Mo were sitting and caught McCrea’s attention by pointing down one of the halls.

“That’s where people go to get checkups,” McCrea explained. “But that’s not where Eve is, if that’s what you’re asking.”

WALL•E shook his head. “Go see?” he asked. McCrea shrugged.

“Sure, I guess you can go explore,” he replied. “Just don’t bother anyone.”

This whole new world called a hospital seemed to fascinate WALL•E like nothing before. It seemed so reminiscent of the Axiom, the way everything was so pristine and sterile, the way the staff dressed in crisp white uniforms, and even how it had a devision for automated assistants. The hospital’s stretchers were modeled after the Axiom’s hoverchairs and ran on light tracks in the floor for faster mobility. The robot stood still when he caught a glance of a man with one leg using springed crutches. Didn’t humans have two legs?

A doctor came out of one of the rooms and immediately waved the man in. “Hey there, Mr. Garrity! Your leg is ready - if you’ll step in here for a minute, we’ll have it installed in no time.”

WALL•E was curious to see how this would go down, and he cautiously followed the one-legged man. He kept hidden and watched from the doorway as the doctor returned with another leg that looked so real, it almost freaked out the robot. The man sat still and quietly watched as his doctor uncovered the stump left from his other leg. Several brightly-colored wires were sticking out, and the doctor took them and matched them up to circuit chips on the new leg using some sort of high-tech fusing device. He used a different device to bring the man’s skin over the new leg and fuse it there, and the result was seamless.

“Give it a minute or two, and the computer will begin to respond to the wires,” the doctor told his elated patient. “You’ll start feeling a sort of tingling in that leg.”

After a few moments, the man nodded. “I feel it,” he laughed.

“Try and move your leg,” the doctor suggested. The man easily moved his leg up and down and laughed again.

“It feels just like normal,” he exclaimed. “I can even wiggle my toes!”

WALL•E was in awe of the procedure. A human… with a robotic leg? He never knew those kind of things were even possible! He left the scene uplifted by what he had witnessed and continued to drink in the sights and sounds all around him. Several nurses walking by happened to notice WALL•E strolling along and gave him a smile and wave as he passed them by. As he browsed the halls, he noticed he was gliding over several different-colored light tracks, just like they had back on the Axiom. One he knew was for the stretchers, but there were two others that would branch off and separate from each other. He decided to follow the white light track for a little while, keeping his eyes on the ground as he went. He nearly tripped several doctors and nurses and almost accidentally ran into an old man in his hoverchair, as they now served for wheelchairs. With a short blip of apology, he continued on his way, adamant to find out where this path led to.

“Whoa!” he found himself exclaiming as his body collided with something small and made of metal. He pulled back and shook his head, finding as he looked down that he had run into another robot who had been minding her own business until she collided with WALL•E. Her eyes were LED lights as EVE’s had been, and they were that same distinct blue, too. Her design was sleek and seamless, also like EVE; almost as if she had been developed around the same time as the EVE probes. She had those same magnetic fingers, except they were on small jointed arms. Her face was more angular than EVE’s, and she had more of a distinct body shape.

She sat stunned for a few seconds, looking up at WALL•E with a confused look in her eyes. WALL•E nervously clasped his hands together and backed up.

“Sorry,” he managed, dipping his head. The other robot straightened and cautiously floated closer.

“E-e-earth class?” she slowly asked, pointing at the logo stamped on WALL•E’s front panel. He happily pointed at it as well.

“WALL•E!” he cried. Someone had noticed him! He pointed at her. “Naaame?”

“DOLL-E,” she gleefully replied. WALL•E gave a gasp of excitement. Wasn’t that the same name as the main character from his favorite movie, Hello, Dolly!?

“DOLL-E… Leeevi!” he said, clapping his hands together. DOLL-E gave him a look.


WALL•E shook his head, as if to say “never mind.”

DOLL-E stared at WALL•E for a little while, then spoke up to break the silence. “WALL•E… lost?” The garbage bot shook his head.

“No, looking,” he responded.


“No one. Just… looking.”

DOLL-E smiled and held out her hand. “WALL•E come!” WALL•E was hesitant to respond, but eventually let her take his hand and lead her down various hallways of the hospital. They ended up in a room filled with small humans, and WALL•E noticed that most of their eyes were closed. DOLL-E carefully led him down the rows of beds containing the miniature humans, gesturing for WALL•E to be quiet. They stopped in front of one of the beds and DOLL-E jumped up onto a stool, where she was lifted up high enough to look down on the human resting in the bed. She reached in, pulled the blankets away, and lifted the tiny human into her arms, then got off the stool to show WALL•E.

“Baby,” she explained. The little human squirmed a bit in her arms and waved his fists in the air. WALL•E was at a complete loss for words as he gingerly reached out and fingered the baby’s hand. So this is what human babies looked like. They were so small and fragile-looking, their features so defined and delicate, and their little bodies mysteriously curled as if they were meant to fit right into the crook of your arm.

“Baby,” WALL•E reverantly repeated. He let out a sigh of awe and clasped his hands together again. “Eeva baby?”

DOLL-E shook her head. “Liam baby.”

“No… Eeva… have baby?”

Once again, DOLL-E objected. “Ingrid have baby. Baby Liam.” WALL•E was a bit disappointed, thinking that it was Eve’s baby, since she had said he could see the baby later. Obviously, she hadn’t had the baby yet. How long was it going to take?

DOLL-E put the infant back into his bed and looked up at WALL•E again. “WALL•E come. Can’t stay, WALL•E.” She took his hand again and began leading him out of the nursery. WALL•E couldn’t help but keep his eyes locked on those precious infants as he was slowly dragged away from them. Soon enough he found himself back in the waiting room where McCrea and Mo were still seated, and DOLL-E made sure to introduce herself to them before she returned to the maternity ward where she worked. Almost as soon as WALL•E returned to McCrea and Mo, Eve excitedly walked in with pictures in her hand and sat down next to McCrea.

“Do you want to see my baby?” she asked, holding out the pictures for McCrea to take. WALL•E watched as a smile spread over the man’s face. Curious, the robot wheeled closer and lifted his head up as high as he possibly could to see if he could catch a glimpse of the pictures.

“You can see it really well,” McCrea noted. “Look, there’s the head right there… and its hands, right up here.”

“They’re not quite sure what it is right now, but they’re almost 90% sure it’s a boy,” Eve excitedly told him. Mo couldn’t help but be curious as well and leaned over McCrea’s shoulder to look at the pictures.

“I bet it’ll look just like Alex,” he angrily spat as he sat back in his seat. Eve was still smiling.

“I hope he does,” she added. McCrea got up from his seat and helped Eve up, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“Let’s get you home - it’s almost supper time and you guys are probably famished,” he said, leading them out the door. WALL•E followed close behind, feeling as if he had been completely left out again.

“Eeva?” he called as he kept up with the three. “Eeva, WALL•E see baaaby?”

But Eve tucked the pictures into her purse as if she hadn’t even acknowledged WALL•E’s plea.

[i]HD_directory/EVEprobe1=commandoverride%pbug.exe {run:emotion_panic}

…Run successful! Initialize=panic_override/pbug.exe

inquirybank/ProbeHD=command/open {PROBE_DIRECTIVE=status?}


… {Initialization interrupted!}[/i]

For once in her robotic life, she found herself rising above the programming that bound for so long her newfound ability to reason.

Abandon directive! WALL•E is in trouble! Abandon, abandon, abandon!!! Forget the plant, it means nothing…! AUTO is attacking WALL•E - abandon directive!!!

She struggled to break free of the suspension beam she was trapped in by GO-4 as WALL•E fought against AUTO to keep the plant safe. He knew the fate of that plant would decide the fate of an entire colonization, as she also knew well. He believed that EVE wanted, more than anything else, to follow her directive - and that was to deliver the plant to the Axiom Superior and bring the ship home. But all of that had changed within a matter of 48 hours.

Her programmed directive was useless at this point. She didn’t care anymore. Right now, WALL•E was in trouble.

Before her eyes, AUTO had retracted his taser, and to her horror, jammed it into WALL•E’s microprocessor.

“No!!!” she screamed, completely helpless in GO-4’s unrelenting grip.

WALL•E couldn’t take it any longer. As soon as AUTO put away the taser, WALL•E lost all stamina and went into free fall down the garbage chute.

Panic like never before pulsed through EVE’s circuits as her precious garbage bot fell to his death. Her eyes bulged with fright as GO-4 led her closer to AUTO. She looked up at him, pleading with him using her eyes, and losing all control to panic.

“WALL•E!” she continued to wail. AUTO beamed her with his one glaring eye as she began carrying on in that computerized language only the robots understood. “No, you can’t do this! You can’t do this to him, AUTO!!! Let me go! LET ME GO!!!

You have violated protocol, AUTO mercilessly thought, barely acknowledging EVE’s anguished pleas. He reached foward and pressed a button that would shut down EVE’s system completely. You will be silenced and will cease to function…

“No, WALL•E!!!” Eve found herself screaming as she shot up straight in bed. Her skin felt clammy and the nerves in her body shook with intense fear. Sweat poured down her face and neck as if someone had poured a glass of water on her. Realizing it had only been a dream, she pressed a hand to her head and leaned back onto her pillow, bursting into tears at the mere memory of the situation. All she could do was repeat the robot’s name, her sobs nearly muffling it entirely. The tears from her eyes mixed with the sweat on her face and rolled down her neck as she cried, hardly able to bear the strong wave of emotion that surged through her at the very thought of that Earth-class bot - who was the one who showed her how to love in the first place - being destroyed.

He had been destroyed by AUTO.

Eve threw the blankets off of her bed and raced out of her room into the living room, where WALL•E usually slept. She needed to just hold his hand, touch him, even; just assure herself that he was there, safe and sound. She whisked the tears from her eyes and groped alongside the wall in the dark to find the light switch.

“WALL•E,” she continued to sob. “WALL•E, where are you?”

The light turned on, and Eve nervously glanced around the room, but WALL•E was nowhere to be found.

Right when she thought she had composed herself, she burst into sobs again. “WALL•E, please, where did you go?!”

McCrea heard Eve from his bedroom and got up as well at the sound of her distressed cries. He ran into the room where she was and put a hand on her trembling shoulder.

“Eve, are you all right?” he breathlessly asked, trying to get her to look at him. “What’s wrong?”

Eve drew in a shaky breath, wiped her eyes again, and pointed to the doorway. WALL•E’s clearly visible trail of dirt from his tires left a path from his favorite corner of the living room to the door. Now that they both looked again, it had been left open a crack.

“WALL•E’s… gone,” she painfully managed, biting back more sobs. “What in the world would have caused him to leave?!”

“Eve, calm down,” McCrea urged her, trying to be as calm as he possibly could; but his own unease showed through his voice despite his composure. “We’ll… we’ll look for him right now. We’ll find out why he’s gone.” He put a hand on her back and looked her in the eye. “It’s going to be okay. Maybe he hasn’t even gone all that far.”

As McCrea walked off to wake up Mo, Eve stood still in the living room trying to process everything that was going on. The fact that she had just had that dream before finding WALL•E missing gave her a strange, uneasy vibe. And as she had wondered before, what would have caused the robot to just up and leave without telling anyone?

While McCrea and Mo got dressed in their rooms, Eve ran to the phone and kept her hand on the table to keep herself up as she waited for someone to answer.

“Hello?” came a groggy voice.

“Alex, we need you to meet us at Brandon’s,” Eve choked. “We need your help.”

“Wha… why are you calling at three in the morning?” Alex mumbled. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine; I’m okay,” Eve assured him. “It’s WALL•E. He ran away and we have absolutely no idea where he’s gone - or even if he’s all right.” She burst into tears all over again and put her forehead into the palm of her free hand. “Alex, we need you here. I need you here. I just want to know that he’s going to be okay.”

Alex gulped on the lump in his throat. A wave of compassion and love poured over him at the sound of her anguished sobs. His eyes began to sting with tears, and all traces of sleep had suddenly vanished.

“Okay,” he whispered. “I’m coming, just calm down. We’re going to find him, Eve.”

I loved the dialogue between DOLL-E and WALL·E, the man with the prothetic leg, and EVE’s dream had a really good effect! The fact that MO and EVE are arguing like a family cracks me up, even though the subject is painful, and it makes me anxious to see McCrea’s contempt for the situation.

I love it! I’m patiently (that’s the way to treat great writers) awaiting the next part!

Yet another great chapter, little_chef_eva09!

I love the fact that Mo is simply not Okay with Eve having a kid. I can kinda understand where he’s coming from, but abortion seems a bit extreme. And the little “adventure” Wall-E has was good too. The dialog with Wall-E and Doll-E made me laugh :laughing: . And the ending with Eve freaking out was a great way to end the chapter.

There’s so much suspense it’s killing me! Can’t wait to read more!

My word… things just keep getting from bad to worse… :frowning: But that’s what makes it so dramatic and emotionally-resonant…

Some of the themes are surprisingly adult-level, although I think you handled it with grace and respect… I’m still reeling from the fact that Eve had [spoil]extramarital s*x[/spoil], and I’m not even sure whether it’s consensual, judging by the conflicting feelings she has for Alex/AUTO. It is truly harrowing, and I applaud you for having the courage to attempt something this provocative that that has never been attempted in Wall-E fanfics before (most are romantic fluff, although I do enjoy romantic fluff :slight_smile:).

It’s both amusing and heartbreaking to see M-O and Eve at loggerheads with each other, with poor Wall-E and Brandon caught in the crossfire.

I thought they had NAN-E bots to take care of newlyborns from the movie, but I guess I’ll interpret your fan-made OCC as a general ward nurse with access to the nursery. I wonder what the initials stand for, but DOLL-E was a great reference to Wall-E’s favourite movie, as noted by him in your story. :slight_smile: I also wondered why DOLL-E particularly wanted to show Wall-E the human babies. I mean, it furthers Wall-E’s understanding of human infants, and helps to move your story along, but it does not make ‘story-logic’ sense. Maybe if Wall-E asked Doll-E about babies, and then she showed him the ward, it would’ve made better narrative sense. But that’s a minor qualm, and I could be overanalyzing.

It’s so gutwrenching to watch Wall-E being ignored unconsciously by Eve, but I’m glad she finally came round to realising his significance with that terrifying nightmare/flashback. I didn’t understand why Auto felt love for Eve after what he did with her, but I guess we’ll gain more insight in later chapters.

I really hope they find Wall-E and he’s okay. Darn, you’ve made me ‘emotionally-invested’! Curses! :angry:

Next chapter whenever you’re ready, please. :slight_smile:

Beautiful…well done…full review tomorrow

AUTOA113: It tickles me pink to see someone enjoying this story as much as you are… seriously, I love the enthusiasm you have in it, especially in those times where I feel like I’m getting nowhere with it. :slight_smile: DOLL-E was a great little character to come up with, and although she only makes a short appearance here, she’ll turn up later as an actual part of the story. I didn’t want her to be one of those random characters that you read about and then they’re gone and you’re left thinking, “Okay, that had absolutely nothing to do with anything…” :laughing: If I have a lot of time this week, I’ll definitely be putting away at Chapter Eleven. With ideas already in mind, it should come pretty easily.

mo: Yeah, at first I thought that the whole idea of Mo being so upset with the situation was going to be out-of-character, but as I wrote it I found that it really fit in well with his natural personality. It’s almost like if things are not a certain way, he isn’t okay with it, and that really shows well here. And yes, abortion is a bit extreme, but the kid really has no better way to express his anger I think; and when you’re truly angry you say stuff you otherwise would not have meant to say.

Man, I absolutely loved writing the last part of that chapter… you have no idea… :stuck_out_tongue:

TDIT: There are a lot of points you touch on in your comment, and I believe my answers would be better suited if I sent them to you in a PM, as I have a lot of explanation for the questions you’ve asked. I will say though that yes, I definitely went out on a limb in presenting the “mature themes” in this story - normally I feel like Pixar fanfiction is dumbed-down because they are globally considered “children’s films”, but to those who truly have a love for the movies, they can dig a bit deeper into the characters and motives. I almost backed out of adding this particular situation to the story, because I was afraid that I’d lose readers… but it seems to have done exactly the opposite… maybe because they actually like reading something on their level…?

I wanted to make it clear, however, that in writing this I am in no way promoting the behavior, as it goes completely against my moral standards. A big reason why I decided on it is to fully present the consequences that follow and the emotional strain it produces in those who find themselves in similar situations… a lot of this I’ll get to in the PM. :wink:

Oh, and about DOLL-E working in maternity: I imagine the NAN-E bots being more for child development purposes, such is shown in the film where the NAN-E robot is teaching the children about the Axiom. DOLL-E really has no meaning as of now, I sat for at least 20 minutes trying to come up with something… but I’m sure someone who’s better at acronyms than I am could come up with something! :laughing: I put DOLL-E bots in maternity/pediatrics to deal more with newborns than older infants or toddlers. There are a few NAN-E bots in the maternity ward nursery, yes, but the babies’ primary caretakers are DOLL-E bots while the human nurses tend to the new mothers.

Good! I’m glad I’ve been able to get a lot of you really attached to this story mainly because of the emotional ties you already have to the characters. It’s great to see this fanfiction getting good attention by awesome people, and I am more than appreciative of that.

Until next time, guys! Keep your eyes out for Chapter Eleven… :wink:

little chef

I love reading this sort of inside information. :slight_smile: I hope I speak for everyone when I say we love it and think you’re a genius! Don’t push yourself. :smiley:

AUTOA113: I know, I love it too when authors dish the deeper meaning behind their writing; it brings better clarity to what you’re reading and sometimes illuminates places that you kinda skimmed over at first, thinking they had no real meaning… :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh trust me, I’m no genius! :laughing: I’ve been writing for almost eleven years, but that definitely does not warrant me to the title of “genius”… thanks so much for that flattering comment, though. It really makes me feel oh-so special!! :smiley:

Chapter 11 is in the works as we speak! :slight_smile:

little chef

I totally agree with you there, little_chef; your approach to this incident is sincere without being harsh, and it doesn’t encourage such a lifestyle. I do favor your cause-and-effect presentation of the situation. In a way it’s like your indirectly punishing the sin, with the characters also confronting her. Again, great job on the story. Can’t wait till Chapter 11!!!

As a fan of your stories, I have a few questions concerning it:

  1. Why did Auto become human in the first place?
  2. Is the incident between Auto and Eve the same as with Parker and Bella in “Mutual Misfits”?

JustSoWall-eCrazy: Wow, I’m glad someone actually agrees with the statement I’ve made there. I get pounded so many times by people because I believe that way about those kind of things, but to know someone will respect my stand on this particular situation makes me feel a little better about myself. I’m seeing it happen right now before my eyes, and it really makes me thankful that I choose to hold the standards that I do, because the consequences really are tough to deal with. I’m really hoping to filter that through this story, especially when the baby gets here. It’s definitely not going to be a little bundle of joy, I can tell you that. :laughing:

It’s also good to know that I’ve presented this in a rational, reasonable way and that it has not proved to be offensive. (At least, I hope not…)

In regards to your questions, I’ll see if I can answer them the best I can.

Well, a lot of this is actually revealed in the story itself. I’m the kind of writer who throws in little details that usually end up being overlooked, or I’ll mention something and the reader will say, “Wait… that was in the story?!” To save you a bit of trouble going back through the whole thing, I’ll bring a few passages to light.

From Chapter Five:

Now let me interject something here. We don’t really know what exactly has been going on over at the Axiom after Brandon [McCrea] brought EVE to AUTO to be fixed. We watch several years go by without any results in the story. Now, what may have been going on in AUTO’s mind that entire time is completely up to your personal speculation, but as the author, I’m pretty certain that as he was preparing for the memory reload procedure, the idea of doing it to himself may have gone through his mind several times. Since the humans are on Earth, the Axiom has landed, and AUTO is no longer able to pilot the ship, his directive is rendered useless, and he quickly finds himself rising above the programming he’s bound to, as the other robots did. This may have a lot to do with his decision.

Another thing is, after seeing Eve in an entirely new light, this also may have driven him to become human just so he could have her. Really, you can interpret it any way you want to. I’m not really picky about how the reader judges AUTO’s motive for becoming human. There’s a chance for the reader to get creative!

If you wanna put it bluntly, he became human to advance the storyline. :laughing:

Wow… you actually read that? I was pretty certain that story was dead for good… :frowning:

I guess you could say the incident was similar. First of all, Bella and Parker have been humans their entire lives and therefore have been influenced by the world around them, so their relationship was sort of filtered through other people’s expectations. Alex and Eve on the other hand, used to be robots who knew nothing of human behavior and what was expected of them as humans. My explanation is they got the wrong advice about where to bring their relationship, and it ended up like this. Of course, as I mentioned in my reply to thedriveintheatre, it has a lot to do with Alex O’Neill and Rylee’s own past experiences and desires too, as their memories were not necessarily erased in the procedure.

I’m hoping this makes sense, and I hate to make this post so long… but I know I like to have my questions thoroughly answered, especially when it comes to a story like this. I’m glad I’m raising a lot of questions, though. It tells me my writing is going beyond being shallow, and that’s exactly what I want.

Hope this helped! :slight_smile:

little chef

Thank you so very much :smiley: ! Now I understand that steering wheel better. I actually didn’t mind the long reply; your explanations actually help me to see the plot in a different light.

By the way, I absolutely loved “Mutual Misfits”! I’ve always wanted to see a fanfic about the reject-bots being human. :wink:

Anyways, thanks a million!!! Keep on writing!

JustSoWall-ECrazy: You’re welcome, and it really helps me to answer people’s questions like that - it keeps me in check as well and makes sure that I know my story and haven’t skipped over important details. :wink:

Oh, I’m glad you liked Mutual Misfits - I was thinking about continuing it, but it didn’t seem to be getting as much attention as this one, so I almost dropped the idea of continuing it completely. :frowning:

I will most certainly continue my writing… Chapter 11 needs a bit of tweaking first before I post it. :wink:

little chef