Psyche OS X

Let’s breathe some new life into this story!! :smiley:

For the first time in just about two months, inspiration for the end of Chapter Eight finally hit me this afternoon. I was in the middle of writing the beginning of Chapter Nine, but a sudden thunderstorm is currently going on and I would rather keep my computer (which is powered from a wall outlet) turned off. I have my mom’s laptop on, though, so I can finally post the long-awaited ending to Chapter Eight.

And to all who have been patiently waiting for me to get around to WALL•E’s take on the situation, I thank you for waiting, because your waiting is about to pay off. :wink: I really hope you enjoy what I’ve written in this next section. (Just to warn you, it gets kind of melancholy. :frowning:)

Another thing you might wanna do is read through the previous sections of Chapter Eight just to re-establish what was going on. That might help you read the last section a little better; to just get familiar with the material all over again. :wink:

Here we go… the end of Chapter Eight. :smiley:

Chapter Eight
Part Three

WALL•E would certainly never forget the day he laid eyes on the spotless probe he had come to know as EVE; how her perfectly white, glass body shimmered in the sunlight; the way her bright, blue eyes cautiously took in her surroundings; even how she had fired her first destructive shot at him: it was all so beautiful.

And now as he watched this young human woman, whom he was instructed to call by the same name, tenderly stroke her flowing blonde hair with a brush, familiar feelings began to gather in his mind. He remembered well the desolation, despondance, and despair that had clouded his mind when he was forced to spend that day at work without her. She had shut off for apparently no reason - at least, that was how it had seemed at the time. In hindsight, WALL•E knew that it was because she had found a plant and was following her directive, but it didn’t matter. Whether it was her job or not, WALL•E had been left alone for a good two days.

It was if it were happening all over again.

So maybe she thought like EVE and remembered everything that EVE did. It just wasn’t the same anymore. She was a human - that put up a seemingly indestructable wall between them. A relationship that had seemed so simple once a long time ago now felt so unattainable, especially now that there was another human in the picture - a male, at that.

He couldn’t be feeling jealousy, could he? Robots didn’t have feelings that went that deep… at least, not to WALL•E’s knowledge.

Of course, he had fallen in love. That was one of the deepest emotions one could possibly feel.

He gently tapped on the doorway to Eve’s room. “Eeva?”

Eve quickly turned around and a huge grin appeared on her face when she saw her favorite little robot. “Hey there, WALL•E! What are you doing here? You can come in; it’s okay. It’s not like you have to ask me or anything.”

WALL•E cautiously wheeled into the room, clasping his metal fingers together in what appeared to be nervousness. He lifted his head, as if to begin speaking, but nothing came out. Eve tipped her head in concern.

“WALL•E, is there something you want to tell me?” she wondered, leaning forward. To WALL•E’s surprise, she held out her hand to take one of his, and he hesitantly returned the gesture. He wished his eyes would simply fill with tears as she rubbed his cold fingers with her thumb. “There’s something bothering you, I can tell. You’re never this slow to tell me what’s going on in your head.”

Finally, he lifted his eyes to gaze into hers, and he struggled to make out the name. “A-A-Alex…”

Eve uneasily glanced around the room. “Wha…what about Alex?”

WALL•E desparately grabbed her hand with both of his. “Eeva… leeeave… me…”

The room fell silent for a long time after WALL•E had spoken the words. Slowly, Eve was beginning to piece it all together in her mind; and when she finally grasped what WALL•E was trying to say to her, the tears gathered in her eyes without warning. He was upset that Alex had entered her life, because to WALL•E, Alex had caused her to leave him. How could she possibly explain the truth to the robot without saying something she had already said?

Shaking her head, she gripped WALL•E’s hands and let the tears fall. “WALL•E, it’s not like that,” she pleaded. “I would never, ever leave you. I love you, WALL•E - more than you’ll ever know. It’s just that… it’s a different kind of love.” She paused, trying to find the right words to say. “You remember a couple weeks ago when you tried to take my hand, like you always did, but my new hands didn’t fit?”

WALL•E hung his head at the memory. Of course he remembered.

“Things are different now,” she whispered. The tears steadily streamed down her flushed cheeks. “It can’t be that kind of love anymore. Just because I have found that love in another human doesn’t mean that I’ll leave you, WALL•E. Alex isn’t going to take me away from you. I won’t let him. That’s not his intention, anyways.”

WALL•E wasn’t convinced. He yanked away from Eve’s touch and adamantly shook his head.

“No!” He struggled once more; trying to say something he had wanted to say for a long time. “I… hate… him…!”

Eve felt as if someone had struck her in the side. For a long time, she wasn’t sure how to respond to the words. “Look, you can’t hate him just because he loves me! You just have to accept that this is the way things have to be from now on, and say goodbye to the way things were.”

All of it was too overwhelming for the poor garbage bot at that point. He was experiencing a surge of deep, piercing emotion like he had never felt before, and he felt that if he suffered under this emotion any longer, he would cease to function. All Eve wanted to do was help him work through the pain, not realizing that WALL•E was having a much harder time adjusting to this new way of life.

Without another word, and aching with a new feeling he was unfamiliar with, WALL•E scooted out of the room as fast as he possibly could; burying his tightly-shut camera eyes into his hands. For the first time in his nearly eight hundred years of existence, he was experiencing bitter, overwhelming grief.

Just as a postscript - and I have already made mention of this - but could someone offer some advice about fixing the poll thing on this thread? It’s not supposed to be there anymore…

little chef

I could just picture that moment…poor WALL-E. I understand what Eve’s saying when she tells him “It’s a different kind of love”, but I also understand WALL-E not being fully convinced. It’s a really simply-sweet-and-sour moment, and it’s also nice how you can write something in which the reader understands both points of views at once and they flow together and do not clash together.
I was kinda shocked that WALL-E said “I…hate…him…!” But it’s also at the same time appropriate and key to the feelings in this chapter. Great job…this was really worth waiting for.

Hooray! Psyche OS X is back! :slight_smile: I just read the last of Ch. 8 and the wait was totally worth it! It was a bit weird hearing Wall-E say “I… hate… him”, but not as weird as robots becoming humans.

Yet another great chapter little_chef_eva09! Can’t wait for Chap. 9! Keep up the good work!

Ohh man, that was really good…Poor WALL-E…I feel so bad for him. I never thought I’d see him so angry and jealous…And Eve doesn’t really seem to be sensitive to his feelings. I hope she’ll come to realize that her feelings aren’t all that matter. :confused:

bright dot-dasher: Thank you very much - at least my true intent for this portion of the chapter showed through. :wink: I wanted you to see both sides of the story so you can relate to both characters as they are going through this difficult time, and also so you can see how the one would misunderstand how the other interprets the situation (if I make sense in saying that…:blush:).

I know it was kind of strange to have WALL•E actually talking, but my reasoning is that he’s been around more and more humans over the past ten/twelve years, so in that time, he may have been picking up a bit more of the English language. When he lived alone, there was no one around to talk to or learn words from, so he said hardly anything. I thought it would be really poignant as well to have him deliver this line; to really grasp the frustration he is experiencing.

Thank you sincerely for the comments - I appreciate every one of them!!

mo: Yay, my little faithful fanfic follower (wow, that all starts with “f”… haha) has returned! Where ya been, buddy? :slight_smile:

Thank you ever so much for patiently waiting. I’m so thankful that you guys would come back around to read my work even though it’s taken me forever to push myself back into writing it. Every ounce of your support is greatly appreciated, and I’m pretty excited to start on Chapter Nine. I have some pretty big plans for this one, if all works out correctly…

JF: Hehe, we talked about this on Tuesday a bit. :wink: Eve is not necessarily “insensitive” to WALL•E’s feelings - she’s just having a hard time understanding where exactly he’s coming from, seeing as how they stand on a completely different plane now. As a human, she can look at the situation and say, “Well, our love is different because we aren’t the same anymore,” but WALL•E will hear this and think, “But why aren’t we the same anymore?” You know what I’m saying? He just can’t relate to her in the same way, and it’s a tough situation, really. Both of them have to learn to deal with it their own way, I guess.

I had originally wanted this talk to go as painlessly as possible, but of course if you know me, then once my hands press the keyboard and my brain takes control the story kind of flows out of me without much consciousness. It drives me insane sometimes. I tell myself, “This is where I want the story to go, so go there!” But once I get to writing, my brain decides, “Oh, what if this happened instead…!” And there you have something written that I had originaly never intended to write. :unamused:

Hopefully, the next chapter will run on-course without much turbulence, if you will. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks so much for all your encouragement, and as always, your support. I would be nothing without the enthusiasm of you guys, my faithful readers. <3 With your eagerness to read the next chapter in mind, I will have all the more drive to continue on with it! Thanks again for being so patient!!! :smiley:

little chef

oh, man…its getting harder and harder for Poor Walle and Eve…lets hope they don’t lose touch forever. I still am wondering what Auto wants to do with Eve??

Woah little chef! That is amazing!

Your writing is addictive… I can’t wait for more!

thewisecookiesheet: Wow… addictive…? I’d like to consider that a serious compliment!!! Thanks!!! :smiley: This poor thread has been dead for so long, I didn’t think it was worth continuing the story. :frowning:

But… if you think I should… maybe I’ll consider it. :wink: The only thing is, I’ve been suffering from an absolutely horrid case of writer’s block over the past few months. :unamused:

I’m so glad you enjoyed it!! That really means a lot to me. <3

Wha…hey. Did you read this entire thing in one day??? You must be going cross-eyed by now!! xDDD

little chef

Addictive seems a little intense, doesn’t it? :wink:

It’s really good. I didn’t mind reading it in a sitting. I haven’t enjoyed anyone’s writing in a long time, and the one’s that I did enjoy were well known authors. It’s exciting to enjoy a story well written.
:stuck_out_tongue: You should jump over that block and keep on running-… writing. I’m up for you to continue your work, and I think others will feel the same.

I too think that it would be cool if you finished it. It’s kind of like a cliff-hanger right now…

  • C-3PO

Wow, two hands raised for continuing this dormant story?! That is so uplifting!! I’ve been trying really hard to get back into writing, so I promise that as soon as I’ve caught on again to my writing fire, I’ll be putting up the next chapter.

Seriously you guys - knowing that at least someone appreciates this story makes me feel awesome. <3 And to know that you want it to continue makes me feel even better! :smiley:

little chef

I’m with them- you must get back to this story!! I was really into it and want to read more! Of course, I also encourage you to take your time as well. :wink:

Well, since the demand for me to continue has been slowly growing, I’ve put a lot of effort into trying to pick the story back up. As you all probably well know, I’ve been suffering from some absolutely horrid writer’s block, but today, I think I’ve slowly begun to crack through that thick, looming wall.

May I finally present to you part one of the long-awaited (and long-overdue) Chapter Nine!! :smiley:

Chapter Nine
Part One

“Uncle McCrea, I’m getting really worried about Eve,” Mo confided to McCrea one evening during dinner. Eve had left just a little while earlier, apparently to go out with Alex again. McCrea almost refused to let her go out with that man ever again, especially having learned more about his past; but he had to accept the fact that Eve was an adult and could make her own decisions.

“I know, Mo,” McCrea sympathized, leaning forward to place his chin into the palm of his hand. Heaving a sigh, he glanced up to meet Mo’s worried gaze. “But there’s not much I can do.”

Mo sighed and shook his head. “Can’t you refuse to let Alex near her? I mean, she is under your care… you should have some say in this matter! Alex is up to no good, Uncle McCrea. He may look all sweet and innocent - but I just know he’s-”

McCrea waved his hand. “Now, calm down a minute, Mo,” he urged the teen. “Just sit down and breathe for a sec. I know you’re worried - I am too. But you have to understand that she is an adult with a free will of her own, and if she believes that Alex isn’t a threat to her, we just have to trust her.”

“But we know who he really is!” Mo cried, slamming his fist against the dinner table. “Why can’t we tell her that?! Why do we have to let her learn the hard way that Alex is a bad dude?!” He shot up from his seat again, apparently forgetting what McCrea had urged him to do. “Look, I care about her way too much to see her throw herself into this kind of danger. Why not warn her now and save her that trouble?!”

“Because I’ve tried talking with her about it already,” McCrea finished. “I didn’t tell her everything about Alex, but I did warn her about him. She seems to think he’s not like anything I’ve said about him. Unfortunately, only time will tell whether or not Alex is really faking this love for Eve. We just have to sit tight and pray that she makes the right decisions concerning him.”

For the rest of the evening, Mo was a nervous wreck. No matter what he tried doing to occupy himself while Eve was away, his thoughts would always come back around to the fact that she was out there somewhere, alone with Alex O’Neill - the same man who the police had been looking for for several years. The same man who had been convicted of drinking and driving several times. The same man who had raped and murdered some innocent woman…

And that same man was now alone with Eve.

The idea alone was too much for him to handle at that point. He crawled on top of his bed, grabbed a pillow, and hugged it tightly; beginning to slowly rock back and forth. He didn’t want to imagine anything that horrible happening to her - after all, she was pretty much a sister to him. She was a part of the family. If something happened to her, Mo would blame himself for not taking any serious action. Up until now, all he had been doing is taunting and teasing her about Alex. But now that he knew those details of Alex’s shady past, the threat of him actually doing something to her seemed bigger and so much more real.

WALL•E could sense that Mo was going through something tough, and he quietly invited himself into Mo’s bedroom only to find the young teen staring out the window, a blank expression pasted on his face. Cautiously, he reached up and tapped him on the shoulder. Mo simply glanced down at him.

“What?” he flatly wondered.

“Okay?” WALL•E asked him, trying to communicate the best he could with his choppy English. Mo shrugged.

“Just… just a little scared,” he finally admitted, his shoulders sagging a bit. “Honestly, I’m not even sure why. Up to this point, Alex hasn’t hurt her or anything. But why do I feel that he’s up to something…?”

WALL•E shuddered at the mere mention of Alex.

“Maybe I’m just overreacting,” Mo finally concluded. “Maybe he really isn’t all that bad like she says. Maybe she’s right. Maybe we all worry too much about her.”

“Eeva?” WALL•E wondered. Mo nodded.

“Yeah. She claims that Alex won’t hurt her, but I can’t help but wonder if his motives aren’t what she thinks they are. Like, he does love her… but not for who she is, you know?” He sighed again. All of this was getting to be too much to think about all at once. “Look, I should stop worrying and get to bed. You can stay in my room tonight if you want.”

WALL•E seemed to like that idea, and he boxed up at the foot of Mo’s bed without hesitation. The teen put his pajamas on, turned on some soft music, and finally crawled into bed; trying to shake off the worry that still ate away at his nerves. As the digital clock on his bedstand blinked from 11:59 to 12:00, Mo released one last sigh and turned over onto his side, still wide awake.

There’s nothing to worry about, he tried convincing himself. Nothing at all.

And she’s back! :smiley:

I’m glad you’re breaking through your writer’s block, little_chef_eva09! Though this chapter is a bit on the short side, it’s better than nothing, and it’s also a pretty good way of expressing the worry of the characters since Eve won’t listen. In addition to that, even though the chapter’s pretty much conversation, it does somehow make the moment more intense, because it made me feel the same panicking feeling they are, about what’s gonna happen to Eve. I shall await the next chapter, definitely. :smiley:

Oh gosh.

Just started reading this and…I suppose most ideas for WALL·E sequels consist of Auto turning back on. I just wrote that part of my Auto-biography, and it’s a bit creepier than this, but I thought it was origunal…Never mind. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will still post it. I just need to post the rest of the movie’s events, and then prepare to be scared…or at least get a minor shock, no pun intended…

yes, ch. 7 is up! I like this fan fic! keep it up!

-/* :my pathetic Auto ASCII.

AH! Double post! Maybe I sould have PMed you…

I read the rest of this story, and I am positively hooked. It’s interesting how you just took everything and turned it until it twisted and broke under the circumstances happening. It’s akin to the original film, where one chance meeting of the two changes a whole lot in so little time.

After I read the romance between Auto/Alex and Eve, one sentence just willed itself into being for me, and I KNOW I’ll have to include it somewhere in my AUTO-Biography:

"She called me ‘handsome’.

And it would cause me more trouble than anything else in my one-way, disintegrating life."

You never cease to impress, inspire, or surprise me! You are a future author, and I cannot wait til you write your own novel!


I am fully hooked. Keep up your amazing work!!

I don’t want anyone to think I’m skipping over their comments/reviews, but there is a lot to read here and I didn’t want to clog up the page with my own blabbing. :laughing: So after you read through the rest of Chapter Nine, I’ll be happy to reply. :slight_smile:

Whew!!! I am so happy that I finally got the ball rolling again!!! This chapter was long overdue… aaaand you guys will probably kill me for what happens in this chapter. Honestly, I debated on whether or not to actually have this happen in the story for a long time, but after some thinking I decided it would work all right with the plot. I hope you guys end up agreeing!!

You can kill me after the story is over - how does that sound?? :laughing:

Okay, enough of my rambling… here’s the rest of (the long) Chapter Nine.

Chapter Nine
Part Two

She wondered how she could actually believe that he was a person to be trusted.

Any trace of trust in him had been completely shattered. But she still loved him.

With her head hung in sorrow, she trudged through the doors of McCrea’s cozy home one afternoon after spending most of it with Alex. Mo immediately noticed the agony written on her face and shot up from his seat as soon as she entered the house.

“Eve, what’s wrong? What happened?” he breathlessly wondered. Eve never looked up at the words and placed a quivering hand on the handle of her bedroom door. A tear silently rolled down her face and dripped off onto the floor. Slowly shaking her head, she let go of another desolate sigh.

“It’s over, Mo,” she whispered, her voice cracking as she spoke. “I had to break up with Alex.”

For several long, agonizing seconds, Mo was left shocked. She had to break up with him? The same woman who had loved him so passionately decided to break up with him?

His gut began to churn at the realization. He could have only done something terrible to her to make her want to call it off. It wasn’t a complete surprise - Mo and McCrea already knew it was part of his nature. Obviously, Eve never saw it coming. But what exactly he had done was still in the grey.

He was unsure of what to say to her for a long time. “Would you… want to talk with me about it?” he finally managed. “I know I’m younger than you, but I’ll listen.”

Eve wiped her eyes as dry as she possibly could and mustered a small smile. “I would love that, Mo.”

Idiot! How could you have just let her go like that?!

Alex had been battling with his own thoughts for hours after Eve had left, as well as feelings he never before had to deal with.

Why do you act that way toward her? You’ve never been this way before! Where did you get the idea that this was all right?

He pressed his face into the palms of his hands and heaved another exasperated sigh. I don’t know… it’s almost as if there’s something in me that justifies it.

Justifies? Your behavior is completely inappropriate and violates everything that you are! For once in your life, you departed from protocol and pursued that which was based off of a feeling! A mere feeling! When did it become standard to take action based on feelings?

Alex stood up and began pacing the room, a hand pressed to his head as he walked. I’ve never had feelings before - that’s the thing. By human nature, feelings can drive you to do things you otherwise would not have done. And… I never actually realized that until now. But something else in me seemed to believe that I could justify what I’ve done - as if a long-lost memory gave me that assurance… and that… desire. Protocol or not - I love her.

It was as if he were battling with two opposing personalities both residing in his brain. But she broke up with you. She doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.

[i]She just needs time to reel from the initial blow. Things will even out eventually.

But what would[/i] you do if she never came back? What if she never forgives you?

Alex finally leaned against a wall, trying to keep himself upright. [i]But I… I love her… I can’t… let her go… If it weren’t for her, I would have never actually started thinking…

And it’s that same thinking that’s gotten you in trouble.[/i]

He knew he couldn’t win against his old self; that part of him that was so set in its ways. Something about straying from a uniform standard of behavior had never set right in his gut. Being a human, he had thought, would allow him these freedoms of thought and feeling that he had once only dreamed about. Yet the old self somehow longed for the days when thoughts and feelings were put aside and duty came first.

Only thing was, there was no longer any duty.

He was human. A new directive had to be found.

McCrea hadn’t heard anything of Eve coming home upset, as he had been working out in the fields with some of his co-workers for most of the day. As the sun got ready to set on the horizon, he wiped his brow and took a seat beside a piece of high-tech farming equipment. Out of the corner of his eye, he happened to catch a glimpse of Mo slowly walking his way, and upon seeing him waved him over.

“Hey there, Mo,” he said, grinning as the thirteen year-old came to stand beside him. “What’s up?”

Instead of smiling back, Mo’s already distraught expression turned into one of unease. “Can… can I talk with you for a minute?”

McCrea cocked his head, a bit confused. “Sure,” he slowly replied, standing up. Mo began to wring his hands as they walked away from the rest of the crew, and McCrea thought he heard the teen gulp as he prepared to speak.

“Uncle McCrea, there’s something I need to tell you about Eve,” he eventually managed, his voice now beginning to quiver.

“You don’t have to be nervous about telling me anything, Mo,” McCrea assured him.

“I’m not nervous about telling you,” Mo spoke up, raising his voice a bit as he spoke. “I’m more nervous about how you’re going to deal with Eve.”

Now McCrea was beyond confused. “Mo, can you just tell me what’s going on?!”

For several painful moments of silence, Mo refused to say anything. Finally he glanced up, his eyes round and filled with fear.

“Uncle McCrea,” he hoarsely whispered, “Probe1 just found out that she’s… positive.”

That was it. McCrea had finally had enough of that Alex O’Neill. He was ready to settle this score once and for all.

It was painfully obvious that the man hadn’t changed at all since he broke out of jail. McCrea had been lenient enough to give him the benefit of the doubt concerning Eve’s relationship with him, but this…? This had simply gone too far. All it did was prove that Alex never actually had deep, heartfelt feelings for Eve or respect for her well-being.

McCrea finally made a point of stopping at Alex’s house several weeks after the whole ordeal had transpired, intending to lay down the law with him. Alex had absolutely no forewarning about McCrea’s intent to visit and was surprised to see him standing in the doorway one rainy afternoon.

“Can I help you, sir?” he slowly wondered, immediately recognizing McCrea as Eve’s caretaker.

“Yeah, I’d like to talk with you for a minute,” McCrea bluntly replied, helping himself into the house. Alex surpressed a groan at the words.

A minute? This guy looks like he means business… this is going to take much longer than one stupid minute.

“Sure, whatever you’d like,” Alex found himself mumbling as he half-consciously offered McCrea a seat at the dinner table. “You… you want anything to drink?”

“Just sit down and stop being such a butt kisser,” McCrea angrily demanded, thrusting a seat out for Alex to sit in. “I’ve got something serious to talk about, and you know exactly what that is. So shut your yap and lemme have my say.”

Alex obeyed without showing any visible sign of reluctance, when everything inside of him wanted to lash back at McCrea just as hard. He never thought he’d have to endure another controversial confrontation with McCrea again in his life, but yet here he was all over again. Memories he had long since forgotten flooded back to him now as he blankly stared back at McCrea’s determined glare. Their eyes never wavered from the other; set intently on the pair staring back as if the meeting was solely meant to be a staring contest. Back in the day, Alex would have won that game.

“So you break out of jail; lie to Eve, pretending that you love her when you have other intentions; and give her a kid she doesn’t want… and you expect to get away with it all?” McCrea coldly wondered. Alex’s face went white at the words.

Break out of jail?! he wanted to sputter aloud, what’s he talking about?!

“I’ve talked with the police about you a while back, you know,” McCrea continued, “they say they haven’t been able to get their hands on you for months now. I promised if I ever saw you again, I’d turn you in… but when Eve told me that you were nothing like what the police said you were, I decided to give you a chance. So much for not being what they said you were, huh? You actually thought you could pull off the nice-guy, didn’t you?”

“But you’re completely mistaken, sir,” Alex insisted. “First of all, I have absolutely no knowledge of breaking out of jail. Secondly, I was never trying to-”

“No knowledge?!” McCrea yelled, almost laughing. “You’re the one who broke out! How could you not know that?!”

“Look, it’s a long story,” Alex sighed. “But you have to believe me - I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, so you don’t remember stealing from your former boss while working on buildings after the Axiom landing?” McCrea retorted. “You don’t remember those times when the cops pulled you over for driving drunk? Or raping and murdering that innocent woman? None of that rings a bell?!” He shook a finger at Alex as he continued to speak. “And don’t give me the whole ‘I suffered severe brain trauma’ crap, 'cuz I’m not gonna buy it!”

“I think that if you calmed down just a bit, we could talk this over more peaceably,” Alex firmly replied, keeping his cool as best as he possibly could. “As I said before, I don’t recall any of the things you claim that I’ve done. But maybe who I am now is completely different than who I was.”

McCrea was baffled at the words. “But you haven’t-”

“Do you consider me to be evil, sir?” Alex suddenly interrupted. McCrea sputtered for several moments before answering.

“W-well, well I-”

“Do you?” Alex asked again, more forcefully that time.

McCrea hesitated. “Y-yes…”

“So then you haven’t changed at all from who you used to be, either,” Alex smartly finished.

“What are you talking about?” McCrea cried. “This is my first time actually talking with you!”

“Oh, you know me,” Alex objected, his tone of voice dropping to almost a whisper. “You know me probably more than anyone else.”

McCrea was left speechless; part of him confused, the other part a bit creeped out. But the more he thought about that last sentence, and the more he recalled the information given to him by the police officers, he found everything eerily falling into place. He remembered first seeing Alex’s picture and how he was immediately reminded of the photographs of AUTO back in the Captain’s Quarters on the Axiom; and how the initials of Alex’s full name just happened to spell AUTO, of all things; and not only did Mo claim McCrea had already met Alex, but now Alex himself was making the same claim. It couldn’t be…

But it had worked with EVE and M-O.

“You believed that I was evil simply because I so strictly followed my directive, did you not?” Alex continued, breaking the uneasy silence. “And it seems to me that you believe I’m the same way even though I’m a completely different person now.” He paused for a good while, intently watching McCrea’s angry expression turning to one of shock and disbelief. “You know who I am, don’t you?”

McCrea slowly nodded. “Yeah… I think so…”

“You believed I had been shut down for good up there; but that was before you learned that I’m a human just like Eve and Mo are now,” Alex continued, retaining a calm demeanor as he spoke and slowly revealed the truth to McCrea. “So what was it you were thinking as you apologized for shutting me down just before the Axiom landing?”

“I… I guess I was thinking I was wrong about believing AUTO - err, you - were evil because you were willing to defend your directive no matter what it-”

“Exactly what I’ve been trying to say,” Alex interjected, sitting back in his seat. Finally, he was getting through that thick skull of McCrea’s. “So if I am indeed AUTO in human form - like Eve and Mo are - then wouldn’t that explain why I don’t remember anything you said that Alex O’Neill did?”

McCrea was left stunned; speechless once again. Alex leaned forward in his seat, locking gazes once again with a bewildered McCrea.

“Who said people couldn’t change the way they are living their life?” he asked him. “Do you honestly believe that I am completely evil? Or will you accept what I’ve tried to tell you and believe me when I say I know nothing about Alex O’Neill’s past? All I can give you is what I know; not what he knew.” He shrugged and sat back in his seat. “And… for the record… I think I’m smarter than him. Whatever I’ve done wrong I’ll attempt to right. You have my word.”

It had been just over twelve years since McCrea had argued with that adamant robot; and to this day, he still couldn’t win against him. No matter how he tried to present his argument as legitimate and viable, he couldn’t deny that Alex was telling the dead honest truth about his side of the story.

So many italic tags… sooooo many… :open_mouth:

little chef

YES! GO AUTO! Someone finally learned the truth!!! XD

Very good! Keep going. :slight_smile:

  • C-3PO