Put On Your Sunday Clothes - Michael Crawford

It is indeed Michael Crawford. Updated Picture:

The one in Wall-E isn’t Jerry Herman, it’s Michael Crawford.


Even says so in official Wall-E soundtrack.


Yeah, I forgot to mention that. But either way, if you do a search for it (especially on YouTube) you’ll find it. Thanks, EVEisawesome.

ah alright
thank you guys

Heh, I think I was a little more of a liability than an asset. :blush: Thanks again, EVEisawesome.

That was absolutely the best song to choose for the opening, I couldn’t imagine anything better. Seriously. Even though it’s unrelated to the movie, the lyrics fit very well.
Just a note: Could you change the title to Michael Crawford so there won’t be any further confusion? :slight_smile:

really great song =)
well i changed my post :stuck_out_tongue:

Anytime i wanna listen to that song version, I just pop in my Hello Dolly DVD.

I just love that “Put on Your Sunday Clothes” song! Michael Crawford’s voice is so young and nice and… mmmm. <3 I agree with Martin - that song was absolutely perfect for the opening section because it’s a old song which contrasts nicely with the futuristic theme of the movie (as well as the happiness of it contrasting with the reality of the future of Earth in the next scene), the “out there” first lyrics, and it’s just an unexpected song. Very nice.

I have the entire song, and I’ve made a ringtone for my cellphone with it. Now everytime I have a call, it seems like Wall-E pushes play :stuck_out_tongue:


I loved that music. Right when the movie started, my mouth was open for so long… :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

i always enjoyed watching hello dolly so as soon as that music started playing i was seat dancing. (wiggling around) and then when walle pressed play it was so enjoyable to listen to the old classic flow through the threatre.

:laughing: I should’ve danced te second time i saw…wait a minute, i did. The second time i went ot see WALL•E, and the end credits came on, (i was on a schedule so i didn’t watch the entire credits like the first time) i danced on my way out of the theatre to Down to Earth. :sunglasses:

We bought the video game and it also started with that song. I instantly started to sing it too my whole family. Boy that was bad :blush:

But anyhow my whole family loves that song…

That’s one catchy tune. Well I suppose for a musical it would have to be. It’s been stuck in my head for days at times. And yes, Michael Crawford does a great job with it! (Also did Phantom of the Opera too, if I’m not mistaken)

Yeah, it’s such a catchy song… makes you want to break out and start singing it.

“Out there…”

I love this song beacause it’s such a genius way to start WALL-E!!!

Out there… There’s a world outside of Yonkers…

I think that great city of rubble and dirt and junk could possible be called Yonkers :laughing:

There’s something very retro when the harmon-muted trumpets start right after Crawford’s first lines.

Their 5-notes play over a swirling galaxy, and that image just feels so 50’s or 60’s to me.

I’ll have to keep an ear for the trumpets next time… but retro is a very suitable way to describe “POYSC”. I especially like the fact that it’s an old-timey sort of song used for the opening of a movie set 700 years in the future.