The adorable snowman! Excellent
work! He looks so cute. Makes you want to break his glass and cuddle with him.
The adorable snowman! Excellent
work! He looks so cute. Makes you want to break his glass and cuddle with him.
Here are 2 versions of Disney Cutie style
As you can see, Remy is wearing his chef hat in the second version.
Which version
do you guys fancy?
Aww, so sweet! I definitely prefer him
with the hat- he looks more complete.
[b]Awesome PV! I like Remy in
his chef’s hat. [/b]
Haha – that’s cute! Yes, I also prefer Remy in his
chef’s hat. Like lizardgirl said, it makes him look “complete”.
I like Remy in his chef’s hat.
One word. Squwee!! What a wonderful
job. Remy looks so adorable.
Thanks, guys! So Remy looks the best with his hat, eh?
Here is my last Disney Cutie style character for
Edna was the trickiest Cutie to assemble.
PixarVixen - Remy is always best with his hat.
Well…maybe not always, but you get the general idea.
And great job on the Edna, PV! She is quite a
tricky character to design…
Dahling PV, what a wonderful drawing
of Edna! Splendid! Fantastic! Incredible!
it looks so cool! Good job PV.[/b]
sketching out a Christmas piece. I wanted to use Remy because I have a good idea, but this is
Cars’ year. Sorry, Mitch.
No way – and you were so close to pleasing me!
Heheh – I’m just kidding you, Miss. I can’t wait to see your Christmas masterpiece.
PV: Wait, so no Incredibles?
Yay ! It would have been cute to
see a few movies there , but i don’t really like the incredibles so this is fine by me ! And cars is #2 on my
Pixar list .
PixarVixen - Better do something quick before
The Star Swordsman blows.
I still wish that Remy would make a cameo
appearance in your sketch, though.
Oh no, I don’t mind. Just as long as it is from PV, I
will be happy. She is a great artist, and anything she creates is incredible.
Sorry to disappoint you guys. I
failed to finish my Christmas drawing before the end of the year. This holiday was screwy for
However, while in my dead tired state-of-mind, I managed to do a decent sketch of a new Experimentals
If you’ve seen my 1st post in this thread, you know my
Incredibles/Lilo & Stitch crossover characters, the
Experimentals. I’ve been asked about an Edna experiment, but I had other yet similar plans for her.
Mokiba (Edna Mode + Jumba Jookiba) is the L&S version of E. She created the
I originally tried to model her after Jumba, but things got messy. The only
thing they have in common is a thirst for science. After all, E may be a designer, but science had to come into
play when designing the Parrs’ suits.
I gave Edba a space helmet instead of hair, but I shaped it
like E’s hair…sort of. I even put an “E” on it. Lame. Heheh.
The Star Swordsman - Heheh
– you can say that again.
PixarVixen - Wow, that’s…interesting.
Heheh – it’s very unique, I must say! You definitely got the nose right; it looks like Jumba’s. And
“Edba”'s over-all complexion and shape distinguishes her in that you can tell she is an Experimental.
Great job, though. No matter what they look like, your stuff is still wonderfully cool.
Holy cow! That looks really, really cute! I love it! How original of you PV!