PV's fan art ~~=oP

I just can’t express how CUTE that Tippy pic is!

No, the Alien’s name isn’t Froggy, it’s just the name that PixarVixen chose since we don’t know!

Heheh – I know. I’m just wondering if her guess is right or not… :wink:

Wow i just discovered all your arts, and im’ impressed! It’s nice to see your version of the next Pixar short’s main character. It’ll be fun to see the final official one compared to yours!
Keep on the good job!

Thanks, Kinoo! I like your new website banner. :slight_smile:

Here’s the sketch of the Ratatouille poster image. All I have to do now is color it and add the text. It’s one of those white BG posters, so it shouldn’t take that long.

I’m going to fatten Rollie (is that his name?) up a teencie bit, and I don’t like Remy’s right hand.


Aw, that looks so cute.

Yep – his rumored name is “Rollie”. And your picture is adorable. :smiley:

Rollie & Remy (though Rollie just a TAD more) are awesome!! Absolutely amazing!

Nice pic- can’t wait to see it coloured! :smiley:

I did some prep sketches for my For The Birds drawing. I’ve drawn the little birds before, but never the big one. They’re all so fun to draw.

I’m trying to get both the FTB pic and the Ratatouille poster up within the next 3 days. I hope you like what I come up with!


You absolutely got the style of ‘For the birds’! :smiley:

Great job PV!

I left an in-depth comment on dA. Good work, PV!

Wonderful job/artwork, PV!! :smiley:

[color=indigo]Here’s my Ratatouille poster. Pretty cheesy if you ask me. Haha.


I drew Remy, Rollie, and the symbol on the movie title by hand, and then I colored them with Prismacolor markers. I normally use Photoshop to color my drawings, but I wanted to experiment with a different medium.

I did the cheese in Photoshop to save my yellow marker. Can you tell how crappy it is? I’m ashamed of myself. So what have I learned from this? Don’t use markers for really special pieces. :-\ Pixar, if you don’t wanna hire me based on this piece, I don’t blame you. LOL

But don’t fret. For The Birds will make up for this eyesore.


I wanted to further express my disgust for my previous piece, so here’s a quick sketch of the FTB birds expressing theirs. My thoughts exactly, guys.

Those little birds sure are naughty, aren’t they? ;-p But that’s why I love 'em.


]I love the Ratatouille poster PV. If you don’t mind can I print it out?Keep up the good work!

No, I don’t mind! Go right ahead! I’m flattered that anyone would want to. :smiley:


Great Thanks! Hey guys how do you like my new Avatar? :smiley:

Ya’ know, I think I’ll print it out, too. I’ll post it on my wall…if my mom will let me. :stuck_out_tongue:
Great job, Ms. Vixen! Your second For the Birds poster cracked me up. :laughing:

I love it, JV!! Spread the Ratatouille love. :smiley: