PV's fan art ~~=oP

PixarVixen: The poster is on my bedroom door right now. Thanks again PV! :smiley:

Thanks Mitch, I made it last night. :smiley:

I have one too. :sunglasses:

(Should I say again, that Vixen’s artworks are beautiful? I must find some new words to describe her pics… :smiley: )

PV, your art is SO beautiful! That Ratatouille picture looks great in colour- even the cheese looks good! :laughing: And that For The Birds idea, with the birds throwing your poster, all I can say is; shame on those birds for throwing about a great piece of art!

Awwww. Thanks, guys. I really did think the poster was kinda crummy. Thanks for disagreeing with me. :smiley:
And lizardgirl, those birds didn’t throw the poster. They’re about to…um…use it for target practice. LOL Go back and look at the middle bird again. :stuck_out_tongue:


:laughing: LOL! Okay, I see now… :stuck_out_tongue:

You should make me one. :smiley:

PixarVixen: Yes, keep going with the posters! They’re all beautiful and deserve to be respected and preserved. :wink:

Edit: Ha – two hundred and nine posts! I’m a Toy Collector at last… :smiley:

I would but I don’t know how I would get it to you. if I could get one to you…let me guess you would what a Remy one right?

Heh – I never thought of that. If you have a website, then perhaps you could paste it onto there? I dunno. But yeah, I’d definitely want a Remy one. :smiley: It’s alright, though. You don’t have to do it. I’m not gonna die if I don’t get it. (Or maybe I will…? :stuck_out_tongue: )

Here’s an old drawing. It’s Mr. Skipperdoo!


Mr. Skipperdoo!! I think he must be one of my favorite characters on that Incredibles show… :stuck_out_tongue:

I love the rabbit. He is so cuddly, cute, adorable, white. . .uh. . . a time tested. . . Okay, I just like him.

Only one of the two or three poses you see him in 8D

Yeah, we see him in three poses.

  1. About to Hop
  2. Mid-hop
  3. Looking Apprehensive

Nice work, PV! He looks cool. Who wants a Mr. Skiperdoo plush?

Ooooh! I do! I do! :mrgreen: Thanks, RMS. :slight_smile:
BTW, we also see him holding Mr. Incredible’s hand as the team glides over Frozone’s ice bridge.


Here’s an old colored pencil drawing of Bomb Voyage.

I’m posting some old stuff until my For The Birds pencil draft is finished. Sorry for the wait, but as the toy cleaner in Toy Story 2 said, “You can’t rush art!”. :sunglasses:


If you haven’t looked at the Ratatouille thread for a while, a topic was recently started about a character named Vermin.

I believe he’s a cockroach, so I did a concept sketch.

I should’ve made him a lot more creepier looking than this.


Great drawing PV, if you want to you should try drawing Vermin as a mean looking Rat or a Mouse.

Just an idea :smiley:

hehe - you don’t do creepy hun. =P

Oh yeah? I’ll show you!

This isn’t Pixar related, but it’s creepy!

Foxxy - 1
Dashy - 0


You call that creepy? Besides the pointy edges he looks rather cute amd cuddly to me.

Where’s the snarl and the drool and the spit and the blood and the slimy scales? Really - besides the pointiness he looks like one big, giant, fuzzy teddy bear. =P