Dash looks cool, and I love that he still has his hair style. It is a really good drawing PV. I love it a lot. There is one thing I would like to comment on. I don’t know, maybe it’s just my eyes or my computer or something, but Dash still looks like a ten year old, even with the jacket and the hair.
Nice work, PV. It’s pretty hard to age characters, since, technically, we don’t know what they’re going to look like in the future, but I think you’ve done pretty well here, as Dash does actually look quite a bit older. He seems quite a bit taller, which is natural for a teenage boy, although I’m having trouble imagining Dash being so lean! Good work.
I see PV. Like I said, maybe something wrong with my computer or eyes, but you are still an incredible artist. I still love your work. As a matter a fact, I can’t wait to see more of them.
It IS hard to age characters, like LG said. The only major age difference in appearance that we see in the movie is Buddy’s (well, Bob’s too, I guess), so you can’t really go wrong with any of the other characters.
Well you see, someone on the old forums said they think Tony looks like a goat. I didn’t get it, but the fact that they thought it was hilarious. And so I drew Tony Goat and created the image above in Flash. He’s even cute as a goat, which shows how pathetic I am.
I had an idea a long time ago to draw each character from The Incredibles as an animal that best represents them. I have an animal lined up for everyone except Helen.
PixarVixen: Ahh…I see. But now you’ve got me interested in the whole “Incredimal” (half-Indredible/half-animal) thing. Do you mind if I make some predictions?
Bob Parr - A stallion, perhaps? Strong, tough, and durable; yet fast, as well.
Helen Parr - Either a cat (lean and able to sneak around easily) or a snake (enough said). Although, the snake might be a little…much.
Violet Parr - Ohhh…I had something, but I forgot!
Dash Parr - A cheetah. (Or a ferret… )
Jack-Jack Parr - A lizard (able to change form at will)…?
Yeah, Dash would be a good jack rabbit, or a hare. Helen’s a hard one…I was thinking giraffe, but they’re really not flexible enough, thinking about it.