PV's fan art ~~=oP

I’m almost finished with the sketching part for both drawings, but I won’t post them until they’re 100% finished…and until it’s Halloween day.

The first drawing combines my favorite Disney and Pixar movies, and the second one is meant to be a joke. ;-p


Cool! I’ll be interested to see those as well!

Here’s a random sketch.

This is how I envision Dash as a teenager. He’ll have wild hair and a leaner body.


I’m not gonna touch that with a 10 and a half foot pole. :unamused:

Awesome teen Dash drawing PV!

Nice job there, PV. :slight_smile:

Dash looks cool, and I love that he still has his hair style. It is a really good drawing PV. I love it a lot. There is one thing I would like to comment on. I don’t know, maybe it’s just my eyes or my computer or something, but Dash still looks like a ten year old, even with the jacket and the hair.

Thanks, TSS!

I did my best to make him look like a teenager. Maybe a comparison would


young Dash

  • rounder, chubbier face
  • bigger eyes
  • smoother, wavier hair

teenage Dash

  • smaller, more chisled face
  • smaller eyes
  • spikier hair

sighs This will be so much easier whenever I sketch an older Jack-Jack.



Nice work, PV. It’s pretty hard to age characters, since, technically, we don’t know what they’re going to look like in the future, but I think you’ve done pretty well here, as Dash does actually look quite a bit older. He seems quite a bit taller, which is natural for a teenage boy, although I’m having trouble imagining Dash being so lean! :laughing: Good work.

Well, people with super speed are usually depicted as having a lean build, so it’s a logical decision.

Nice one, PV. Looks like the direction Brad Bird would take it in.

I see PV. Like I said, maybe something wrong with my computer or eyes, but you are still an incredible artist. I still love your work. As a matter a fact, I can’t wait to see more of them.

Thanks, everybody. :slight_smile:

It IS hard to age characters, like LG said. The only major age difference in appearance that we see in the movie is Buddy’s (well, Bob’s too, I guess), so you can’t really go wrong with any of the other characters.


Here’s a little treat 1 week before Halloween. :slight_smile: I created Pixar character pumpkins.

Jack-Jack-O-Lantern, Mr. Pumpkin Head, Gourdo, and Mike Wasquashki!


I’m undecided about whether I want to shade them in the daytime or nighttime.


Mitch made a comment in her rats thread that I have post this drawing for if I’m going to reply to it.

Anyone who is from the older forums should remember the “Tony looks like a goat” thing…which I STILL don’t see! :stuck_out_tongue: So, here is the legendary Tony Goat.



Haha – I love your Jack-O’-Lanterns, PV!! :laughing:

And no, I don’t see the resemblence between the “Tony Goat”, either. (Heheh – sounds like “Tony Loaf”.) Maybe it’s a perk? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m still trying to make sense out of that statement. :wink:
Heheh – I’m sorry. For some reason, I couldn’t understand what you said. Maybe it’s just me…?

Edit:: Nevermind. I looked at my “rats” post, so now I get it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Again, wonderful job on the drawings!

Well you see, someone on the old forums said they think Tony looks like a goat. I didn’t get it, but the fact that they thought it was hilarious. And so I drew Tony Goat and created the image above in Flash. He’s even cute as a goat, which shows how pathetic I am. :unamused:

I had an idea a long time ago to draw each character from The Incredibles as an animal that best represents them. I have an animal lined up for everyone except Helen.

But thanks about my drawings, Mitch! :slight_smile:


PixarVixen: Ahh…I see. But now you’ve got me interested in the whole “Incredimal” (half-Indredible/half-animal) thing. Do you mind if I make some predictions?

Bob Parr - A stallion, perhaps? Strong, tough, and durable; yet fast, as well.

Helen Parr - Either a cat (lean and able to sneak around easily) or a snake (enough said). Although, the snake might be a little…much. :stuck_out_tongue:

Violet Parr - Ohhh…I had something, but I forgot!

Dash Parr - A cheetah. (Or a ferret… :stuck_out_tongue: )

Jack-Jack Parr - A lizard (able to change form at will)…?

Interesting predictions. :wink:

I’ll tell you what I had in mind for the Parrs, but as for the others…you’ll see someday. :smiley:

Bob - gorilla
Helen - ?
Violet - turtle
Dash - rabbit
Jack-Jack - baby dragon

Believe me. I had Dash lined up as a cheetah at first, but I have good reasoning behind the rabbit.


Yeah, Dash would be a good jack rabbit, or a hare. Helen’s a hard one…I was thinking giraffe, but they’re really not flexible enough, thinking about it. :laughing:

PixarVixen: Why a rabbit/hare? Oh wait…I think I see it. Heheh – nevermind.

Your predictions are very intersting, as well. I can certainly see Violet as a turtle: It makes perfect

sense. :wink:

lizardgirl: Maybe Helen could be a caterpillar or something?

They’re kind of…“stretchy”. Naah…that wouldn’t work. Scratch that. :stuck_out_tongue: