Questionable Quoting

Oh no, I know quoting is allowed. The unnecessary quoting is what I’m having trouble with. I… I… just… don’t understand why members do that. Period.


Hello everyone,

I just thought that I should remind both old and new members of the issue of unnecessary quoting, since I’ve noticed alot of that going on lately:

When possible, please refrain from quoting an entire post, as it is often unnecessary and clutters up the boards (unless you are only quoting a section of the original post). If the original members’ post is directly above yours – or even three posts directly above your reply – then there is no need to quote that person’s entire post. A more simplistic way to reply to someone is by stating their name in bold right before your reply, so as to emphasize exactly who you wish to talk to. For example:

member’s name - You put the marshmellows in the freezer? That’s awesome! What was the result…?

This system is a bit more effective and helps to keep the forum boards, as a whole, less cluttered.

Just letting you know. Thanks, guys! :wink:

– Mitch

I’ll try to keep that in mind. :wink:

Okay Mitch, I think I have been doing my best with it lately, but thanks for the reminder.

rachel and The Star Swordsman - Heheh. Thanks. You two are fine; it’s a few other members around here who are…umm… “uncorking the wrong bottles”, but I shall keep their names in the undisclosed section. :wink:

– Mitch

Oopsy-daisies. :open_mouth: Guilty as charged! :blush: Just give me a chance, I’ll change my ways! :frowning: :wink:

Hope my name isn’t in the disclosed section… o_0

Okay MItch, just making sure.

FireFly - No problem. I’m just giving everyone a reminder. :wink:

JesusFreak - Nah, I think you’re fine. This message is basically for everyone in general, so don’t feel as if you’ve been singled out. Heheh.

– Mitch

use too :blush:

but was quickly correctedon my standpoint in that area.

Now i almost never over quote or ever quote anyone.

I’m just bringing this topic back up again as lately there’s been a lot of ‘questionable quoting’!

So please, if you’re replying to something someone has just said, using Mitch’s idea of putting their name in bold and then writing your message keeps the boards uncluttered. In particular, quoting within quotes is unnecessary and makes topics difficult to read, so please try not to ‘over-quote’.

Thank you! :smiley:

This has been cropping up again really, really, badly recently, and I wanted to bring this thread to everyone’s attention again.

It’s actually really annoying and confusing when this happens, you guys. Especially the whole “I’ll quote the post directly above me” thing.

So, bumping this just to make everyone aware of it again. Hope it’s not out of my place to do that. :laughing:

little chef

I’ve been noticing it too. The worst thing: Quoting posts with lots of pictures in them. The least you can do is remove the IMG tags. It gets pretty annoying.

Thanks for the reminders to everyone, Bryko and little_chef. What I usually do is to quote a few lines, or the line just before the image only.

I brought this up a while back (as in, last week), and apparently no one re-read this. If it’s out of my place to continue bringing this topic back up, mods feel free to correct me - but the quoting is getting very, very out of hand here.

If you want to respond to what a member’s said, simply bold their name and respond to them that way, instead of quoting what they just posted. It keeps the boards from looking cluttered, and excessive quoting in this way really isn’t necessary.

Example (I’ll use mod’s names here, so no one gets offended :stuck_out_tongue:):

The wrong, cluttered, confusing way:

The right, more organized way:

It’s very easy. :slight_smile:

Hope that helped a few people out here. Personally this has gotten very irritating and feels a lot like the boards are being spammed. Again, if it’s out of my place to bring this up and explain, by all means mods, correct me. :laughing:

little chef

Emmm… not really! I’m also getting a miffed by the wanton quoting trend, so I appreciate the reminder. I’ve posted a link to this thread in my sig.

Thanks… hopefully we’re not the only ones noticing this problem, and people will start to get with the program. :slight_smile:

little chef

little chef: To be honest, I haven’t really noticed the clutter problems.

Regardless, your example seemed very helpful. I hope people start to listen to you.

Smart idea with your sig thedriveintheater :wink:

I agree, I wouldn’t of even of known to of looked.

Anyway, noted. I’ll watch my quoting.

Though it still doesn’t bother me, I have noticed people quoting the previous post more and more lately. I guess you opened my eyes to it little chef!