
First off,the website has been updated to TS3:
And at the bottom it says G

Does that mean Toy Story 3 is rated G?

That’s interesting, the first 2 were pg right? Because Woody repeatedly said stupid, shut up, and idiot which are now considered pretty bad for a kid’s show I think. I was kinda hoping they would retain that kind of humor though…

Every Pixar film has been rated G except for The Incredibles and Up. Just wanted to point that out.

I feel that they’re talking about TS 1 and 2. Movies don’t get rated until closer to their release.

Yeah, it would be pretty surprising if it already had a rating :confused:

There’s no way its been rated yet, their still recording dialogue for the movie.

I would think it’s still a little early to be rated yet, although I assume it will be G, unless this last one will be intense enough to be PG.

Seriously, it’s going to be G. I mean do you really think it would be intense? Plus the G rating thing at the bottom is left behind from the Toy Story 1 and 2 Double Feature.

{500th post!}

It will mosty likely be rated G. First of all the other two were rated G. And second of all, all the new marketing has been inclusive of little kids, like backpacks and toys.

No I dont. But “intense” situations are one reason why a movie may be rated PG instead of G. Not the kind of intensity thats in PG-13 and R movies of course. I didnt mean adult situations. Perhaps intense was the wrong word to use. I dont see it being anything other than G either, but I cant say I’m completely ruling it out.