Reasons for Horst doing time

He did time because he threw his shoe to George Bush.

He stole a jar of pickled eggs while running with a pair of scissors.

:laughing: So that was him

He did time because he was selling pirate copies of the Toy Story 3 DVD.

He shot JR.

Steve Jobs caught him buying a Zune

Those are all very funny reasons! I like the idea of this thread being a game! :smiley:

Ha I know, it’s so entertaining to read! Too bad I’m not creative enough to think of one myself!

He was the unknown third accomplice in the North Hollywood Bank of America robbery. He didn’t attack the cops, but he was armed with a ballpoint pen!

I just died.

I completely agree. The truth is probably something so mundane and ridiculous, the other chefs would laugh if they knew. He tells the big scary stories to keep everyone intimidated.

He was arrested because he was one of the ******* referees of this World Cup.

Ha ha! You guys are hillarious… :laughing: Let’s see if I could contribute a random idea!
Perhaps it had something to do with his first job at a French kitchen… perhaps he either a) made cold cereal by pouring the milk first or b) made French fries. Bet he never made that mistake again… :mrgreen:

How do you get cold cereal if you pour the milk in first, may I ask? :slight_smile: Also, I’ve wondered whether it makes a difference if you pour the milk or cereal in first (probably because I hardly eat cereal for breakfast, or breakfast for that matter).

He was arrested because he said animation was a genre, not a medium (Double points if you get the connection between Ratatouille and the person who despises that statement).

He did time because he wrote the Brave script.

He did time because he forgot that fish are our friends, not food.

He did time for putting a snake in Woody’s boot.

He did time for bumping, cheating, spitting, biting, road-raging, maiming, oil-slicking, pushing, shoving, backstabbing, road-hogging, and lollygagging in a race.

He did time for his wilful commission of crime against the crown. Those crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature, like impersonating an officer of the Royal Navy; impersonating a clergy of the Church of England; kidnapping; perjury; piracy; pilfering; deprivation of a Federal Loyalist…

Good one! It is a crime to many animators and animation enthusiasts!