Red and Andy's Graphics! =8P

Mitch- I’d be honored!!!

Lizardgirl- A good quote has to have a good font! :wink:

I like that “symphony of crackle” one! :laughing:

Wow, I love the new ones JF. Really, really good. You amaze me everytime you post a new one.

Here’s three more. One of them is another “Fearless” Siggy. I like it. :smiley:

Haha! I love the Colette one, she looks crazy! :open_mouth: :laughing:
The Emile one is very funny too, I mean, take a look at Remy’s expression! 8D

Great job, JF! You’re getting better and better at this! :wink:

Thanks!!! :smiley:

Except the Colette one has an error…She really says, “Keep your station clear, or I WILL KILL YOU!!!” So I’m gonna go back and change it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe, no problem! They’re your graphics, make all the changes that you want! :wink:

There we go, all better!

Very nice, JF . I like how menacing she looks in that paticular shot. :smiley:

I think she looks more menacing in this pic…i haven;t thought of a good caption, yet…

Actually, i need to find a smaller version, cuz that’s WAY to big!

JesusFreak : what can i say? absolutely incredible graphics. I love them all. they are really cute.

Thanks a bunch, TSS! :mrgreen:

Oh, you are most welcome JF. i can’t wait for more from you.

Ok, I need some help, guys. I can’t really think of anything to put in these, so if you think of anything funny, or anything like that, then let me know. :stuck_out_tongue:

(First one)
Linguini: Say Cheese!

(Second one)
Emile: uh oh, Skinner is coming!
Remy: Oh, linguini is so fired. I told him not to put the rubarb in the sauce.

Three more. I like these ones! :smiley:

Hahahaha those are really funny! nice work JF!

hehe, I like the first one. The second one has to many words, though. Can’t use that one. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, TLP! :smiley:

Hehe, I love “thumb” one! Horst looks crazy when he says that! :open_mouth: :laughing:

JF - One quick question: which program do you use to make these?