Rest In Peace

I looked it up and it said that her death was casued mostly from alcohol abuse.

Former voice actress Christine Cavanaugh had recently died. Best remembered for the voices of Chuckie and Dexter.

RIP to the guy who played the role of Spock from “Star Trek” at the age of 83. The Trekkies will surely miss him… :frowning:

Leonard Nemoy (1931-2015)

Rest in peace, Mister Spock. You lived long and prosper and I hope you’ll see Scotty, McCoy, Lwaxana Troi/computer voice and Gene again.

Robin Williams death (and Michael Jacksons) will be two deaths that I’ll never forget the moment that I heard of their passing.

Director Wes Craven recently passed on. My favorite films from him are A Nightmare On Elm Street, New Nightmare, Scream 1, 2, and 4.

Rest in peace, all those nearly 3,000 innocent victims of 9/11, 14 years ago today. You will not be forgotten.

Rock star, David Bowie had recently passed away.

I saw that on my facebook thread last night. so sad. :frowning:

:cry: Rest in peace, David Bowie. We will miss you. :cry:

Another recent death. Alan Rickman from the Harry Potter films recently passed.

RIP Alan Rickman. A remarkable talent, gone too soon.

Rest ib peace, David Bowie and Alan Rickman.
You both are heroes and you will be remembered. Always.

Bowie’s death was bad enough, and motivated me to listen to more of his music. Rickman’s death hit me even harder, being a huge fan of his performance as Hans Gruber in Die Hard, such a memorable villain. I had just finished watching all the movies as well (including that dismal fifth movie). Of course, he was fantastic as Snape as well.

Horrible to have two talents die in one week, at the same age from the same cause.

Carrie Fisher of Star Wars fame have recently passed away from a heart attack

I heard about that! And her mother also died a day later. But at least they already finished filming the parts of an upcoming Episode VIII from which the character Leia is still supposed to be in. (She also made a small appearance at the end of Rogue One, which I had gone to see at the theaters earlier this past weekend.) May they rest in peace… :frowning:

John Hurt recently passed on (1940-2017)

Don Rickles passed away at the age of 90 last Thursday. At least he had a long life and we will always remember him as Mr Potato Head.

RIP Don Rickles

Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin Park (1976-2017)