Robot Chicken does Toy Story!

He used Buzz as a smoking instrument. I laughed until the Buzz Part. then I was offended and felt my childhood was violated. Why the heck does this take place in the TS1 Andy’s room? yeah, the Buzz part just did it. I immediately stopped laughing after that part and felt bad for Buzz…

Ugh, I can’t even stomach this

I’m not mad at it Pixarfan91, I just didn’t think it was funny. I use to like Robot Chicken, but I got over it a while ago. That’s just my personal opinion.

Oh. That’s terrible!! Though I must admit, I thought it was something much worse. But it made me feel sick. Literally. My mom said, “Why are you so pale?”. I didn’t tell her, because I’m not allowed to watch Adult Swim shows. :blush: I hated that part. :shake:

They also had old toys like etch, i don’t think they saw Toy Story 3, only the trailer.

Honestly, since it was a parody, I don’t care about the inaccuracies, just how bad(inside and out) watching it made me feel.

Same here :open_mouth: I thought it was much worse, and I’m not allowed to watch it either.

Oooii. I don’t feel angry, just sick. I didn’t want to know. I’ve never watched Robot Chicken before, and I don’t think I’m ever going to. :cry: That… oii :frowning:

I honestly get sick just thinking about it now as well -.- Robot Chicken in general tends to do that. Something about the animation and tone is just disturbing. I have to be weary around Adult Swim in general because I’m afraid something Robot Chicken related will pop up on the screen. Which is a shame because there are some actually good shows.

I completely agree with you there. There’s just somethine about it that makes me uneasy.
And I loove your avatar by the way!

I feel sick, too. hugs We’ll live…I think…though I may now go insane. :shake:

I can’t totally bash Robot Chicken, because I thought the Star Wars special was hilarious, and the stop motion looks fantastic. Although, I hate this skit, just because I love the characters so much…

I’m sorry. hugs

Thanks for the hug, Virginia. I needed it :smiley: You need one too, for having to watch it hugs

8D Thanks, Evangeline.

I literally felt bad seeing Buzz like that, I felt bad for laughing so hard during the scene before it. But after seeing Buzz like that. Ugh…

That’s how I feel exactly. :neutral_face:

Kudos to the animation though. Sucks it isn’t put to good use.

So is the joke that Buzz is high? :frowning:

I also like how Kyle didn’t spell “Chicken” right.

Here’s Robot Chicken when it’s actually funny
