Robot Chicken does Toy Story!

Evangeline & Virginia; You’re not missing out on much not being alowed to watch Robot Chicken. But it’s a shame you can’t watch Adult Swim, they have a couple decent shows.

Ooh… I thought Buzz was being used as a different kind of adult toy. :confused:
Well that explains why the top of his head is missing, I imanine that would be rather painful if he was being used the other way.

Oops. Well, for what it’s worth I posted the topic from my iPhone. In a hurry.

Edit: Heres the episode for download for the 2 of you who might care.

That was what I thought, too. :shake: That Kahn clip was really funny, thought.

God, was that stupid, and not only hat, the idea of the toys being there while andy is making it has been done a million times on the internet, and it was disscused for MONTHS on imdb, so yeah…epic fail

I know. A little creativity, please?

I dont think thay can, all they think is how can they make sexual jokes about EVERITHING 8D

Right. But, the models do look amazing. It’s sad those artists choose to work for that show, instead of doing something productive and getting more money.

Well, i dont think stop motion gives as much money as it did before, because as far as I know, computer animation is cheapier, also i dindt like the animation that much, buzz looked horrible.

PD: dont you think that robot chiken is what dreamworks would be, if it wasnt pg?

Most likely, yes. 8D

I’m as conservative as it comes, but come on guys, joke a little, laugh a little- its just a tv show. I thought it was hilarious even though its technically impossible- [spoil]you can’t stick a pipe end into Buzz’s crotch and have the smoke come out his head and call it a bong. There’s electronics and wires and heck the ENTIRE KARATE CHOP AND WING MECHANISM in there.[/spoil]

But yes, I found it funny. That doesn’t mean I don’t love TS as a series or don’t love Woody, Buzz etc.

I’ve had half a mind to make a photostory where the toys have a That 70s Show circle moment. I’ve done it once with my 1:6 dolls (G.I.Joe, Ken etc) - I think I lost it when Yahoo Photos went away.

I guess, to each his or her own. If you’re not into it, that’s cool, but don’t go around saying it’s debasement etc. Its just a show. Heck, I’ve learned valuable lessons from Beavis and Butthead, as well as The Simpsons and You Can’t Do That On Television, all of which were shows that caused issue with parents. -Omar

I totally agree dude. Its Robot Chicken! C’mon its a skit show! Do you think the Zelda or Final Fantasy fans raged when they made fun of their hobby? No. It is just a parody. It’s a show about nothing. And not in a Seinfeld way. And you can try to bag on them for not being creative but they do make original sketches NOT parodies. Hey im not some Robot Chicken fanboy, but I do enjoy the show. Its funny, and thats what its meant to be. Not some emotional program were we all learn a lesson.

And too the poster who said Family Guy is just a 2D Robot Chicken I disagree. Family Guy does have morales just like the Simpsons. Too say Family Guy doesnt have touching moments is like saying The Office is a very bad doctumentary. Have you guys een the recent one where Brian was going to die to save Peter? I shed a few tears.

I’m not saying it’s a bad show or it’s not funny. I was just personally disturbed by this segment.

Everyone is. Thats what they were going for. But the very thought of Andy turning into such a bad kid he uses Buzz as a…you know what is so terrible you just have to laugh.

I guess so. i can see the comedy, and had I not gotten sick from the vid, I’d be laughing with you. My sense of humor is just…off. I laugh at weird stuff, and feel sick from funny stuff.

Those of you saying their not creative are factually wrong. Someone had to create these sets, models, etc. even when they borrow real toys they still have to modify them for extra articulation purposes, that ain’t easy folks. You don’t have to like the show, but these guys are creative. stop motion in general forces you to think outside of the box because you can’t cheat like you can in tranditional animation (as in either 2d or 3d).

I think we’ve been saying that more on their originality, not that stop-motion as an art form isn’t creative. I always knew stop-motion was creative by growing up with things like Gumby and Wallace & Gromit.

I wasn’t refering to the stop motion and the artistry of it. I think the humor and jokes are cliche and not creative.

Oh, I’m sure the physical part of the show is very difficult. I said that. I just think the concept and execution is a failure.

They used a modded karate chop action Buzz Lightyear, I think, Because of the many screws on his butt and legs.