
Well on most fan forums I’ve been on there’s been a roleplay of sorts, and I was thinking, “Why not try it on Pixar Planet?”

Right now there’s a pretty good Toy Story Roleplay on deviantArt that I’m a part of and I thought it seamed pretty fun. So how many people would be interested in Roleplay on Pixar Planet?

We have had an effort to start a role playing on Pixar Planet in the past, but there wasn’t a lot of intrest in it, so the idea kinda faded away.

I like to RP but I’m bad at it, and only about my current fandom, because else I can’t really relate to the characters in the stories I type… D: and I procrastinate a lot. So sadly I can’t RP now. Maybe I will if I’ve seen TS3, though.

I’d love to do a roleplay, but I’m not very good at it unless I’m playing an original character… I’ve been told I play Syndrome very well, though. But that’s about it. :laughing:

I think it sounds fun.

So is there even a vague possibility of this happening? Because I totally think this would be fun.

On deviantart there is an amazing Cars role-play group called Cars-RP. You should go check it out.

I’m not allowed to use dA anymore, or I would. o_0

I would love to roleplay for Cars if anyone is actually interested in doing this. :smiley: I’m already a part of two RP-ing games for the Twilight fandom but I always wanted to do a Disney or Pixar roleplay. I will definitely check out that one, Gypsy.

I’ll definitly be up to doing RP if anybody wants to do it.

It certainly sounds interesting. I cant say i’d have much time to give to it though. The only one I do is a Star Trek one. I am curious to how that would work though. Would it be movie specific or would it be open to all of them?

I would love to do one!

I guess we could, sure.