
I’m afraid to wear my glasses on them because I think they might fall off.

When I used to wear glasses all the time I’d tuck them into a loose pocket with one of the sides/arms clipped onto my clothes, I think. I remember being paranoid about that, though.

I know if they did fall off, They would never be found.

Maybe you’d get lucky and the glasses would fall into one of those net things. 8D

Can you just go without glasses or do you really need them to see everything?

No, I’m not a really lucky person. I can go without glasses, I just wear them a lot.

The Wizardng World is awesome and that’s coming from someone who is not a Harry Potter fan in any way or form. :slight_smile:

I used to be afraid of that but they never did fall off so I got over it.

Did they just stay on like they alway’s do?

Personally, I’m not really big on roller costers. It’s just that I’m not really into heights all that much.

Yeah! Like I’ve worn them on everything from upside down roller coasters, launch roller coasters, drop coasters,etc.; they barely move. :laughing:

Do you guys like wooden coasters or steel coasters better?


I guess Steel, they can do more.

Steel, because they’re faster, more exciting, and I think they’re safer.

I agree. I haven’t been to Six Flags Great Adventure in a long time so I haven’t been on any of their coasters.

I’m not the biggest coaster bug, but I do go on some of them. i dont do ones that are extremely tall or the thrill rides that just drop you and nothing else…I dont mind wooden ones though I do prefer steel ones

As I said before, the only wooden roller coaster I like to ride is the Big Dipper at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.

I have gone on two wooden coasters I believe. One called The Boss and the other called the Screamin Eagle. Both at Six Flags St. Louis. One thing I hate about them is my neck hurts afterwords.