Ron Clements and John Musker's next film

What do you think their next film will be about? All that we know so far is that this film will be hand-drawn and done in the same style as Paperman.

I’ve got my fingers crossed for a film about a Latina Princess. I also think a movie about Moby Dick or an old folk tale would be cool as well.

For me the question would be if they’ll make another film or if Princess and the Frog would be their last one, because I haven’t been having much confidence in Disney anymore lately. And even if they did, would it still be 2D?

Bumping this since we recently got some news. … n-20130307

Not surprising and not worrying.

It just means at the present moment, there aren’t any in production.

It’s interesting that they might make their first all CGI film. And true, nobody said hand-drawn animation was gone, it’s just not going to be within the next few projects. I heard that there’s supposed to be a 2D Mickey Mouse film, though, and that several Mickey Mouse shorts are currently being created.

I love Ron Clements and John Musker, and I like how they’ve always worked together. I feel like they’ve really shaped the way of Disney 2D animation. I think my favorite of their’s will always be the first one I saw, Aladdin. The Princess and the Frog is a close second, and I also really enjoyed The Great Mouse Detective. While I’m not the biggest fan of Treasure Planet, it was quite better than what I thought it would be and I’m glad I saw it. I still want to watch Hercules (the DVD at the store keeps eyeing me) and hopefully I’ll finally see The Little Mermaid ( :open_mouth: ) when it comes out on Blu-Ray this fall.

I heard about the Mickey Mouse film too. If it is still happening, it’ll probably be in CGI, because the announcement said that no traditionally animated feature films are in progress at the studio presently.

And that’s right, I always forget about their involvement in the Great Mouse Detective. That’s another great film.

Who cares if it’s CGI? Honestly, does it matter that much? Hand drawn animation is beautiful, but CGI is just as useful and breath taking.

LOL, love that “sorely under rated” bit. Riiiiiiiight

Actually, now that I think about it, a 3D Mickey Mouse could actually look pretty darn good. Considering that their 3D movies look exactly like their 2D films (except computerized), this could instead be paying a nice tribute to 2D with CG, like Tangled and even Wreck-It Ralph technically.

I agree! CGI isn’t always bad. It looks quite good under the right circumstances.

Oh, yeah. CGI is never bad unless the story and execution is bad. Pixar and lots of other films are good examples of that. :stuck_out_tongue:

The thing about CGI is that there are so many purists who get upset that Mickey is being in that format…

which makes NO sense! If we kept Mickey in his original format, he’d be black and white and silent. One reason why he’s still popular is that Disney has constantly been evolving him into the times. So all the out lash against him being in CGI is just ridiculous.

Well, I don’t mind what animation style their films are as long as there’s a good narrative to support those visuals.