Anyway, was anyone else taken aback by the scene where [spoil]Ralph destroys Venellope’s kart[/spoil]? Sarah Silverman’s screams were just heart-wrenching, and the build up was fantastic. Also, anyone notice how a dark cloud looms over the area [spoil]once King Candy convinces Ralph why Venellope can’t be in the race[/spoil]?
I never expected a bright cheery movie about videos games and candy to be so emotional.
That scene hit me quite hard as well. My dad was like; [spoil]“but it’s just a cart.”[/spoil] and I was like “NO YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND.” Don’t get me wrong – my dad is awesome, but he feels I react a bit too emotionally to animated movies sometimes.
But yeah, I think it’s mostly the emotional aspect and what [spoil]the cart[/spoil] symbolises. Ralph basically [spoil]wrecked their friendship with his own two giant hands. The worst part is that he knew it was for her own good but he still had to do it.[/spoil] When Vanellope said [spoil]“You really are a bad guy,”[/spoil] was when I lost it. ;_;