Scrapped Toy Story 3 Script


Sorry, it’s just that I can’t think that a real script could have a phrase like:

“Hee-Hee flings his yo-yo, hooks it around a shelf bracket, and walks up the wall like Batman.”

I really need to know what’s the source of this, just to know how bar Circle7 really was.

I thought Circle 7’s version had Buzz getting recalled and sent to a factory in Taiwan? I might read this in a minute.

I would assume that this is the earliest version in existence. Circle 7 formed in late-04 ish as far as I know. I suppose the plot was turned around relatively quickly, especially because this version is just boring. At least the Taiwan plot had a bigger scale than this.

There’s something wrong with this script.

They keep calling Woody’s string a lasso, the aliens doesn’t appear and they try to repeat a lot of TS and TS2 quotes, and quoting is one of the classic marks of the fan fiction.

So, even if it isn’t, as Pixar Builder’s research points too, the writers are obviously very amateur.

Also, they don’t build up the romantic relation of Jess and Buzz (except for one cheesy line at the beginning) and then it turns out they end the script with they kissing. Awful ending.

As Pixar Builder said, the idea wasn’t that bad, but it was poorly executed.

I read the first bit and the last couple pages, and I didn’t like it one bit. It just doesn’t seem like our Toy Story. I’m gonna guess this is Circle 7. And there’s no emotion at all. This was the first script (if it’s real) that I’ve ever read really, so that was an interesting experience.

If it’s the first script you’ve ever read, you’ll think it’s even worse than it really is.

You generally don’t notice the emotion in a script if you aren’t used to read them.

By the way, did you guys read the Toy Story 2 script they have at the Raindance page? It’s also a very early version, and it’s very different from the final version and it looks really bad when compared to the finished product.

That, and the well known fact that Pixar likes to completely scrap their original ideas, are starting to make me think this may be in fact real.

Yeah, I read it. I knew that Jessie was originally called Senorita Cactus, but I didn’t know that she was an villain, or that Bullseye could talk. I also knew about how they got back to Andy’s.

Yeah, Bullseye talking was what surprised me the most.

So yeah, they’re not afraid of changing their original ideas. I suppose that’s one of the elements of their wonderful script developing.

Still, if that’s the case, not a lot survived from that grandma version, except maybe the opening, and the garbage truck sequence, which wasn’t as exciting.

I may as well not start a new thread for my comments on the Toy Story 2 script. One thing I noticed is that See 'n Say returned, and was used as a roulette wheel by the Green Army Men… sound familiar?

The burn mark on Woody’s forehead is also brought up, as it’s restored by Al. I think it’s best to just ignore it, since it wasn’t present during the ending of Toy Story, we can assume it just went away.

The idea of Woody being a prisoner in Al’s is also re-used in Sunnyside (the orginal Bullseye was somewhat fashioned into Chatter Telephone).

Really, wow I didn’t even read the Toy Story 2 script yet! That sounds really cool though, I love seeing how PIXAR incorporates parts of the “scrapped” ideas into other films.

By the way, any of you got a chance to look at the other PIXAR scripts on the site?

Every Toy Story fan should have already know about Bullseye talking in early drafts, it was mentioned in the TS2 commentary, and they even showed an animation test demonstrating his lip sync. They mentioned they were still unsure if they wanted him to talk when they built the models so they threw them in just to be sure.

Just reading the Toy Story 2 early PIXAR script and wow! No wonder PIXAR felt so embarrassed to scrap the majority of this before the film cam out- it’s almost like they did an entire sequel on the Black Friday version of Woody.

Yeah, well. Every Toy Story fan doesn’t own that DVD, my friend :wink:

I personally own the very first DVD edition that was released, which didn’t have commentaries, and I won’t change it until the box set is released, if I have the money.

So I’m not less of a fan for not knowing something. After all, I’m pretty sure there are so many little things that you and every other fan don’t know. It’s a never ending learning process, pal.

i was reading the scene where they are in als apartment, did i miss something? why does Buzz has a grapping hook?

EDIT: never mind, aparently utility belt buzz gave andys Buzz his utility belt, THAT SHOULD HAVE HAPPEND IN TOY STORY 2, it would be cool to seee andys Buzz walk around with the utility belt in ts3

*Gasp!! YD well i started to read the begining but it was killing me so i looked at the end >> I’m so ganna read this soon -3- not yet though cause I’m trying to get some writing of mine together for a college portfolio day. >//< Buzz and Jessie act just the way i thought they would wish i coulda seen that

The Toy Story 2 script wasn’t that bad at all. Though, the only part that was just bad was when Woody and Buzz fight, and Buzz ends up gagging Woody. Besides that, it had a nice message when Buzz was the only one willing to save Woody, and the Roundup Gang showed their true colors. Still, I didn’t like to see Woody so easily corrupted. He’s stronger than that. Buzz being confused over whether he’s a space ranger again is also odd.

We also learn Bullseye’s backstory, though I pretty much predicted that in a previous thread. The Prospector’s british persona was aslo starting to bug me. The final Prospector just seemed more real. The duel with the cocktail swords was clever, though.

The Barry Manliow fight and toll booth scenes also would’ve been hilarious, though I feel much worse for Al after this. And Woody ruining his hat would be something that would bug me.

Could someone post the original Toy Story script like PixarBuilder did Toy Story

I wouldn’t fault someone for not knowing a detail here and there, but fan is shorthand for fanatical, so not owning any version of the movie other than the bare bones release, I’d say kinda does make you less of a fan.

I think you’re getting too far with those comments of yours, specially when you know NOTHING about the availability of that material for me, like the money I may have or the difficulty of getting a DVD in my country.

I don’t think I’ve never seen any other comment in this forum that has been done with the purpose of calling someone “less of a fan”.

That’s not very polite, in case you don’t know.

By that logic Kyle, im much more of a fan that you, because I own the toy story 2 special edition, and its very VERY difficult to get it here , like Spirit of adventure said

Back on topic, the toy story 2 rejected script was good, but i dont like how they made woody a very manipulable person,and how he despised Buzz , after all they faced together.

Another thing i dint like was how they left out Buzz for the fight with señorita cactus and the prospector.

Some things should have made it to the final script, like making more emphasis about Al being a collector, i liked how he treated everything he owned like a collectible, even his car :laughing:

I liked some lines like “Look they are his henchmen” or “ITS ON US” after rex pushed a button on als car :laughing:

Like I said before, i would have liked Ultra Buzz to gave his utility belt to buzz, saying something among the lines “You ve help me defeat my greatest enemie, you deserve the belt more than I do” or “You ve reunited me with my father, to thank you i will gave you my belt”.

The toy story 2 script has it flaws, but the ts3 scrapped script was awfull…