Scrapped Toy Story 3 Script

You know, after reading the early Toy Story 2 and scrapped Toy Story 3 script, I’m really really interested in reading the very early Black Friday script for Toy Story. I know that it will be completely horrible and, thankfully, nothing like the original Toy Story but I got to respect it on a historical level. I’d really want to read it just to see how bad it must have gotten for PIXAR, that Disney wanted to shut production down.

I have that version too, but that’s beside the point. I think any fan of any movie is a bigger fan (read, more fanatical) about said movie if they own a copy that has basic special features like commentaries and making of’s. A fan wants to know more about a movie than just whats shown in the movie itself, right? I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m a bigger fan than those who don’t own, say the Ultimate Toy Box, as that seems petty. But I don’t understand how a fan could go whats now been a decade without anything but the bare bones release.
I understand it isn’t easy to get other versions where you live, but a fan finds ways around it.

This isn’t intended to be a knock against anyone, there are bigger fans than me, and that’s fine. I just think at the very least you have to own a non barebones copy (if one exists) to even enter the “fanclub” so to speak. Which one isn’t too important, just something. Otherwise your no more of a fan than some mom who bought a copy to babysit their kids and never saw the sequels.

This is getting too far.

I repeat. Yo don’t know ANYHTING about us, so shut the heck up and stop measuring our level of fandom.

PS: Thanks for the support, lord_zedd.

I’d really like the see the early TS script as well. It’d be really interesting to compare it to what came out :smiley:

And about this whole fandom thing, I don’t own all the Pixar DVDs. But hey, I’m 14, and don’t have a lot of my own money. But just coming on here and spending time here makes you a big fan. :smiley:

Oh jeez, I can see this is starting to take an unintended turn for the worse. Look I agree somewhat with what Kyle said about fans wanting to know more, but then again I agree with everyone else about how there’s varying degrees of fans out there. For instance, I hand built nearly every single robot from WALL•E and have the complete collection of DVD, Blu Ray and soundtrack but I still consider myself just an average fan. By the same guise I’ve only seen the complete Star Wars trilogies, and none of the interviews, or read any of the EU, but I’d still consider myself a fan nonetheless (original trilogy mainly). I own that Toy Story DVD and Bonuse Features disc, and have seen it a millionth times over and even I couldn’t remember Bullseye talking, immediately. Being a “fan” was short for fanatic in the antiquated usage, but now it’s short for anyone who likes a work. I love PIXAR and Star Wars and that’s all I need to be considered a fan

SO, anyone interested in reading the original A Bugs Life script? Word Of Mouth said that Atta and Dot originally had a father, who was killed by Hopper.

I just read the original TS2 script. Yeah, I wasn’t that impressed…

I couldn’t agree more man. This isn’t a contest.

I read the script the reason it was sort of off is the fact that it was supposed to be a direct to video release But woody was different in this

i skimmed through some of the early draft script for Toy Story 3 and it didn’t seem to work for me.

I’m guessing that it is indeed real, but just like everyone else is saying… it seems like it’s borderline fanfiction.

About the whole “fan” thing; it’s all relative. I own Toy Story and Toy Story 2 on VHS, and it isn’t any less enojoyable watching it on that.

Also, someone mentioned how they went more into Al being more of a collector in the old script; well, that is true in the final version, but most most of the details are left out. From additional sources, Al’s car is supposedly a super rare 1958 collectable. The reason he is the way he is is because as a child, he gave up playing with toys because he found out he could make money collecting them, which explains his motives for stealing Woody. Again, I don’t know how they could’ve incorporated that into the movie, but it definately explains some things.

Found this today, a whole bunch of details about a later Circle 7 TS3 draft.

Neato, concept art and everything! What’s up with Mr. Potato Head’s sideburns?

*Flame war, flame war…I smell a flame war!!)

Hey, TS2 is my favorite movie ever, and I didn’t have the DVD until this July. I’m poor. Anyway, thanks for posting these scripts! =)

Yes, and being poor doesn’t make us lower level fans.

I’m poor too, high five, IV.

High five!! Personally, I kind of like being poor(to an extent; not poverty). It puts things into perspective. Except for cheap food. :frowning: Yuck!

BTW, I’m more than a “fanatic”. I have an unhealthy Pixar and animation obsession.

I have healthy obsessions for a lot of things. They’re all very positive, thanks heavens.

Oh no, mine don’t hurt me or others, they just eat my wall space. And soul. Well, no, Jesus ate my soul. Pixar ate my personality. :laughing:

I finally read both of them. Toy Story 2 script: Okay Toy Story 3: Facepalm

Well, the Crcle 7 person spoke and he said nothing about the Grandma’s house script. He just confirmed their version was the Buzz recalling one.

I still think this one was a fan fiction.

It’s amazing what some fans can/will do to make you think their “masterpeice” is the real stuff. :unamused: