Scrapped Toy Story 3 Script

A shame it wasnt made, i think y may have likes it even more than the ts3 we got!

Nah jus kidding, but I still find this concept art amazing, and the shot with Buzz sitting sad looking at the window looks amazing, it seems Buzz was gonna be the main character in this one

That actually makes me think it wouldn’t be half bad…

I think it’s kind of lame how Pixar claims to have never read anything from Circle7 when it’s pretty obvious that’s not the case. There’s concept art that has a character design that’s too similar to Pricklepants to ignore (except as an unsafe recalled version). No reason to hide that they borrowed ideas, especially when there’s plenty of evidence that they did.

Is it at all possible that it was true when Lee said it, but looked into it later?

And I still don’t think there’s any way you can prove it.

Where’s the Mr. Pricklepants look alike design? I didn’t find it.

Does anyone Know were can I read the whole circle 7 script?

Quick off topic remark: yes. Yes I am interested in reading it.

On topic: The script is…weird. I have little else to say except that it’s pretty out there.

I clicked on the link.

What I got was the actual Toy Story 3 script.

Is this some kind of prank?

They may have replaced it or moved it. It was an interesting read, though.

Aww, the removed it? Darn.

Wait, so Im confused. People were mentioning the original TS2 script? Where is that?

I know I’ve read it, but I don’t remember the site. I’l keep looking for it.

It was this one: [url][/url]