Sid In TS3?

Why assume this cameo would slow the movie down? Did Jessie’s cameo in Monsters’s inc slow that down? Rex in Wall-e? lotso in UP? Dug in Ratatouille? your average person might not even notice Sid in this movie. it could just be a nod to us dedicated fans who like to spot things frame by frame.

As for the whole making sense thing, theres the whole thing about how we dont know how far they moved, but lets pretend they really did move far away, camoes dont have to make sense. Molly appeared in Toy Story 2 in the airport. try explaining that one to me.

Easter eggs, and cameos or supporting chracters are different I thought?

Like I said, no one here has seen it, so ease up on the speculation unless you know something you’re not telling us in regards to seeing the movie?

Your Molly thing has me confused, hahah, where you going with that? Sid had an actual part in Toy Story, Molly didnt. How would “we” even know its Sid nowadays anyways? Will he dress the same? Etc, things to think about…

Also, theres a reason this thread is spoilery. Sid=spoiler, so what does that tell one?

True, there is a difference, though sometimes the line gets a bit blurred. your right though, the ones I mentioned are more easter eggs than anything, but I’m not sure where to draw the line between easter egg and cameo. Is having a speaking role enough to cross that line? And how much further does it have to go to cross into a supporting character?

I don’t know more than anyone else really, I know of only a couple of people that have seen the movie in its entirety. No mention of Sid, but I wouldn’t exactly expect them to break that silence anyway.

Still, I’d bet money if I had it if Sid’s role had any real importance to the movie beyond a cameo. the movie already has its villains and established themes, if he had any real presence in the movie it would have leaked by now.

Look at how much hype they put behind Vader in episode III of Star Wars. He was in one quick scene with a few lines of dialogue, and that was all it took for them slap him on posters and calendars with a light saber even. Though admittedly that’s not the best example, since it was a prequel and we all saw it coming.

Maybe another example would be digital Arnold in Terminator Salvation.

I just think Pixar is smarter than that, to dip into the Sid well again. its unnecessary and would probably end up disappointing people. which is why I don’t think we’ll get much of a glimpse of his personality as an adult. it would ruin the mystery.

As for the molly thing, I was just pointing out that cameo’s don’t have to make sense. its a wink to fans, that’s it.

The Sid being a spoiler thing, well, we all have our own definitions of what counts as spoiler material, that’s why its marked. just to be sure.

How will we know its Sid? I have no idea. They would need to pick out something iconic, maybe he has a skull tattoo or something. then again, I’m not sure we will get a close enough look to even see something like that. it could just be that they didn’t stray much from his kid design. maybe he has a very similar shaped head and hair style. Maybe they show us his name tag. there’s a lot of ways to go about this depending on how in your face they want it to be.

One thing with Pixar is, they dont forget characters, and they dont do “filler” moments. Everything drives the story.

If he IS some trash man, maybe he sees Woody and throws him even harder into the grinder, hahah.

Its all theory, and good to read, I enjoy your theories too Kyle, as others. We all cant wait to see this movie, and it shows.

[spoil]“Sid is a garbage dude with headphones singing to himself. It’s just a cameo.”[/spoil] … /161935503

Bryko, thank you! Puts an end to my own theories, hahaha. Kind of a wasted character though, I’m a bit let down by that.

Sid being a garbage man would make sense, since Andy still lives in the same area. I mean, it’s a long shot by a toy’s perspective, but only a couple blocks. There’s a book with a map of the Tri-County area in it.

Indeed it does, which is why it will be really cool to see him. I’m a hopeful, so I was hoping for an expanded bit, and him coming in at the end with HIS toys he’s kept “babyface, etc” to save the day.

Maybe I’ll draw out a “fan scenerio” to get it off my chest.

I’m just glad he IS in TS3.

From what it sounds like, they were inspired by that scene when Sid was skateboarding home form Pizza Planet and singing along to metal music form his Walkman. So I guess Sid’s back to normal (hopefully treating his toys better, though).

Having so many years passed, it seems pretty unlikely for an appearance of the mutant toys (I’m still very curious about what happened to them). Did Sid try to put them back together or something?

Anyways, another funny idea would be if Sid was a summer camp instructor.

[spoil]It would be cool if he was hanging on the back of the truck, skateboarding, and sees Woody, laying there. “STOP!!!” The truck haults. Woody had been just trying to look for his pals, when he heard people and went into Toy mode. Little did he know, that he went into Toy Mode for Sid. Sid picks up Woody, and Woody recognizes it is Sid, and does what he can to get them out of there. Woody comes to life in Sids hands, and rather than Sid running like he did as a kid, he grips woody harder and throws him into the garbage truck, with the rest of the toys. The truck crushes them all. End. But it was only a potential revelation, like in UP with Carl contemplating loweing Russel down with rope. Sid, with Woody in hand, sets him back down, and rips open the trash bags. “What are you doing back there!” the driver yells to SID. “In a minute!!!” Sid yells. And before you know it, he has freed the toys from impending doom. “I owed you one” he tells Woody, as he sets him down. Sid hustles back to the truck, and it rolls on down the street. The toys out of harms way.[/spoil]

I wouldn’t like that at all. (no offense)

Sounds good, except the whole point of the end of Toy Story was to show that they reformed Sid. That idea would basically just disregard that and put their efforts to shame.

Uh, sorry, but I don’t care much for the idea either. >_>

Not to be a (censored), but I dont really care if anyone likes it or not, hhahahahahahahaah! Was just something I was thinking of, didnt mean to try and win internet forum awards about it. Anyways…

[spoil] I am quite happy with Sid’s cameo and agree with Dinoco, they seem to have taken inspiration from the headphones scene in the first film. And I’m glad he’s not locked up in a padded cell somewhere! :wink: Also seems like he’s getting some inadvertant revenge on the toys, with the whole garbage compactor bit…or am i thinking of another scene in the film?[/spoil]

Now I just wonder what happened to Hannah!

:open_mouth: I don’t know what emotion to feel at this point…

When did Sid have headphones in the original film? I can’t seem to remember that.
First part of the video. Fits perfectly, he has headphones, and is singing to himself.

Oh, when he’s skateboarding. I never even noticed those until just now. You’re right, it would fit perfectly.

There’s a picture of the Sid cameo in Toy Story 3: The Essential Guide. [spoil]He’s practically unrecognizable, he has a goatee and huge orange goggles so you can’t see his eyes. He does have his signature skull shirt though. Kinda funny that everything changed about him besides his shirt.[/spoil]