
The thing about smoking is most smokers do it for a reason.

Smoking does calm you down and can be relaxing.

But there bad things do out weigh what it does BIG TIME. Which is why I try not to smoke often (I am thinking about quitting all together).

Having Asthma and the things that these compaines do to tobacco they might as well call them cancer sticks.

Last semester, I had to write a paper about smoking in the workplace. I had to analyze and either support or argue against forcing smokers to change their habits or risk their employment status.

I had a co worker who would ask for a smoke break every chance he got (he is my age and he chain smokes already) long story short he no longer works with me.

What was your thesis?

Oh, great. My state is third for amount of smoking. As if being 47th for quality of education wasn’t bad enough…

But, I’m not surprised at all. On the bus, people used to offer me tobacco(and…other things :open_mouth: ) almost daily. It makes me so angry.

I hope to goodness my dad stops. It won’t hapoen, but I’ll still hope.

Yeah, my state is second for LEAST smokers. But I think we have more pot smokers than any other state, so it evens out.

Can we talk about smoking pot here? Because what bothers me about that is that people say it’s ‘healthy’. Sure, it’s not as bad as other drugs. But inhaling any type of smoke into your lungs is NOT good for you. It’s not as bad as cocaine, but I hate when people make it sound like pot is healthy as eating carrots. It’s not!

I’ve done reaserch on pot smking. Any kind of smoke is bad ofr your lungs. By pot doesn’t harm brain cells like advertised, doesn’t harm the lung small airways, has never been the sole reason of lung cancer either, and no one has ever oded on it.

There is a reaosn why cancer patitents and aids patient are given medical pot.

True, it can be helpful in certain circumstances.

According to,
Right after smoking, the average heart rate increases between 20% to 100%, and that effect can last up to three hours. This increases the risk for heart attacks

Smoking it can cause panic attacks, especially if you already have a anxiety disorder.

It can stunt emotional development and promote paranioa. (San Francisco Mental Health)

Regular users are more likely to become sick and miss work.

According to, over 39 studies have concluded that marijuana users have a higher risk of getting schizophernia.

Three joints of weed a day can do as much damage to the lungs as 20 cigarettes. (BBC Health)

like that will ever happen. Some people smoke more then one pack a day.

Mind you, pot is rarely presented in its pure form. Pot today is 5 times stronger than it was in the 60s and is usually laced with cocaine to make it more addictive.

The panic attacks part is very true.

It can also cause short term memory loss.

Three joints thing equaling 20 cigarettes though I remeber reading about that in health but that is actually not true. Tar and carbon monoxide are the main reason why tobacco and marijuana are dangerous.
Tests have proven that the amount of tar and carbon monoxide in marijuana is about 2 times more then the amount of tar and carbon monoxide in tobacco’s. This would mean that 1 (pure) joint equals 2 tobacco’s. But Marijuana smokers smoke lesser joints then people that smoke cigarettes and there are only a very few people that smoke there joint pure.

Most of the time people mix there marijuana with tobacco, so that also lowers the above value of tar and carbon monoxide.

Lets take an example, if someone would smoke 1 (pure) joint per day, versus someone that smokes 6 cigarettes a day (most people who smoke cigarettes, smoke a lot more, but I’am going easy on them).

That would mean that the 1 pure joint that the pot smoker smoking, equals 2 cigarettes that of the cigarette smoker is smoking. So the cigarette smoker would be smoking (6-2=4) 4 cigarettes or with other words 4 times as more tar and carbon monoxide then the pot smoker.

The pot smoker would have to smoke 3 pure joints a day to match up against the 6 cigarettes that steve is smoking, and 6 cigarettes a day is not a lot for a heavy tobacco smoker.

So if you look at the facts, it is true that marijuana contains more tar and carbon monoxide then cigarettes, but when you look at it in a real life situation you see that the cigarette smoker loses against the marijuana smoker.

Who would of thought that drugs involved so much math!

I defintely see what you’re saying. I’m not debating which is more unhealthy. I’m just saying that both are unhealthy. Coming from Northern California. California, nearly everyone I know has tried pot one time or another and if not defintely second hand high. It just bothered me how people would say that pot is harmless and healthy, because it clearly isn’t!

Yeah I don’t like that either. While it does have some health beneifts it is still bad for anyone who uses it. But the push to get it legal is moving (it is alreayd decrimmalized in a few states) I am surprised that prop 19 or was it 9 in Cali didn’t get passed. These medical cards are helping pot get a better rep and that is pretty insane.

I voted for it to become legal! People are going to smoke it anyways. I’d rather it be legal so the state could tax it, and then more people will buy it legally instead of supporting the Mexican Drug wars.

Great point all that would conclude. And it would end alot of gang mentality. They tried legalzing it in Maryland but the best they could do is decrimmalize it in DC.

There are few big reasons why pot isn’t legal already. Phrmacys and tabacco compaines. They can’t make any more off of weed.

There’s no point to it. It should be banned all together, all your doing is smoking filth that will eventually kill you. So, I ask, what’s the point?

What’s the point of doing anything that YOU like? Smoking calms some people, and gives them happiness. As long as they’re not doing it around children and in public places like resteraunts, let them! They have a right to do so, as long as they’re of age.

Smoking is not my choice, but I am not down for taking that right away from people. And if we outlaw it, it’d be a disaster. Too many people smoke, and just like Prohibition against Alcohol in the 1920s, it’ll be NO GOOD. More crime and gangs will emerige, endangering the security and safety of the nation.

True you are right, it does calm some people down but they’re healthier ways to relax. I just can’t understand why people would use smoking to relax when it damages their health. Surely, they know that?

Personally, I think it’s pretty pointless, too. But I’ll leave it at that, because you can’t control what other people do, and I don’t want to argue. 8D

Smoking is gross. My parents make it a very big deal if anyone in our family even has one puff of a ciggerete.