South Park

Kenny’s my favorite as well. My little brother won me a plushie of him at a theme park, it’s neat.

I love South Park. One of my favourite episodes is where they make fun of World of Warcraft.

Has anyone ever seen 1000 Ways to Die? They should have an episode with Kenny as the person who dies.

Pixarfan91: That’s a clever idea!

Geoff: That episode is a classic! Loves it!

I’ve never actually been a big fan of South Park. I did watch it on occasions when I was younger (Not that I really should have been) and later forgot about it mostly ignoring it. However, I managed to catch a few episodes on Comedy Central recently, and I’m now proud to say it’s one of my favourite shows.

I do enjoy The Simpsons and Family Guy, but South Park never fails to put a smile on my face. Some of my favourite episodes are “Two Guys Naked In A Hot Tub”, “Make Love, Not Warcraft” and “Night Of The Living Homeless”. It may be politically wrong in some parts, but it’s still very funny and enjoyable.

Just a question, has anyone seen the episode where they rip on Paris Hilton? It’s REALLY funny, but definitely one of the most politically wrong episodes.

Haha, that’s one of my favorite episodes!

Same here. The four boys don’t have such a big role in it, but there’s so many funny moments, especially where the dog shoots itself because it doesn’t want to live with her.

My favorite episode of Season 14 was 201. Sure it was South Park’s most controversial episode ever and almost got the show banned, but it’s a shame only because it was really good. The twist and final jokes were supreme, and the parodies were top-notch. Other favorites from 2010 included You Have 0 Friends, and the Coon and Friends saga.

I also like You have 0 Friends and Coon and Friends. Kinda feel sorry for Kenny.

I’m so upset I missed 201! Like seriously, the one episode I didn’t record, and they won’t put on the internet for obvious reasons. :imp:

That episode was meant to be as offensive as possible if I’m not mistaken, but the only part that offended me was how heavy it was censored, especially during the end where you just hear an annoying, relentless bleep over Kyle’s “I learned something today” speech.

When they release Season 14 on DVD, they BETTER release 200 and 201 completly the way they were meant to be seen, uncensored. I have respect for Comedy Central, but they need to take their heads out of the sand and stop being so paranoid of what will happen.

Yeah, that’s disapointing, and Kyle’s speech is apperently all about censorship. But I see Comedy Central’s reasonings, they were getting legit death and bomb threats. But that’s never stopped South Park before!

All that really happened was some crazy guy on a Islamic Extremism site threatened them, but Comedy Central obviously saw that as a big threat.

Also, I got Season 2 yesterday. :smiley:

Really? Awesome! Are you planning on buying all of the seasons?

Oh yeah, definitely. I actually thought I should have started watching it earlier. The Simpsons and Family Guy (Own every box-set of those shows) are good, but South Park is always a show that can keep me amused.

I also just watched the episode “Woodland Critter Christmas”. A very heartwarming one, but also very dark in some parts, especially when the rabbit is brutally sacrificed. That was a very bloody scene.

I got South Park season 1, Simpsons season 1 and 2, and Family Guy seasons 1/2 and Season 4 volume one. I did have season 3, but someone stole it, I think it was one of my little bros friends.

I actually thought that was the joke. The entire episode is about how censorship is literaly destroying the world, only to have the episode more censored than anything imaginable.

-Also, “Blood O**y!”

Well, I did as well, but the truth is that Comedy Central censored the episode after Matt and Trey were threatened by a Radical Islamist website for the portrayal of Mohammed in a bear costume during the first part, so the cowards at Comedy Central censored every reference to Mohammed in the second part.

Cool, man. Nice to meet someone else who collects TV boxsets.

The only South Park DVDs I have are “Christmas Time in South Park” and “South Park: Bigger Longer, and uncut”.

The Woodland Critter CHristmas is on the Christmas DVD I have, it’s one of my favorites! I saw so sad when [spoil]Stan killed the Mountain Lion[/spoil]because Mountain Lions are my favorite animals lol!