Saw about 1 or 2 new ones today, will proberly see more tomarrow. Are there any kind of anti spam hardwares?
I don’t know how it all works. From what I remember, signing up on to Pixar Planet before the forum revamp was more complicated, but it prevented a lot of spammers from coming in. now, it’s easier for members to sign up, but that also means easier for spammers to register as well.
I see, wish I could help.
Thanks. What you can do is if you see any spam, or think someone might be a spammer, report it to the mods, and we’ll handle it.
Sure thing, there are some everyday so I might see one tomarrow.
I’ve been using the report button when I see a spam. Those do get through to you mods, right? I haven’t been getting any notifications on that, even when I’ve pressed the “notify me” button. If those aren’t working, should I just go back to PMing the last mod who was online?
Nope, we see them, Snipe. I’m not sure how the reporting thing actually works, to be honest. When I see a reported post, I just go to the thread it was created in or the actual thread, lock it up, and move it away from sight. I don’t know why you aren’t notified that the report was viewed or dismissed, but I can check to see how to better work the report feature so that you are notified.
But do know that we see the reports, and usually are right on top of taking care of them!
little chef
Saw a spammer in the Tangled thread.
Well, as long as I know you’re seeing the reports, it’s all good, so don’t worry about the notification thing. I’ll just turn it off. It’d probably fill up my email account anyways.
Yeah, we see the reports and react to those. That’s enough to get our attention.
Did you guys get spammers back in 06?
Not as much as now.
I can not see as many spammers back then.
That was because the sign up process was a little complicated. Spammers had no chances of getting past it.
Thank you everyone who reports the spammers to the mods!
When reporting spam topics should we use the “The reported message has the only purpose to advertise for a website or other product” selection or the “The reported message does not fit into any other category, please use the further information field” one?
For now I’ve been using the ‘other’ category but seeing as most of them are advertising illegal TV websites should I be using the first one?
It honestly doesn’t matter which one you choose, because what happens is all we see is the report icon, so we go to the page and lock/move/delete the topic. All the report feature really does on our end is visually notify us of a spam thread. However, if it were a specific post we would go to check and see what the post was and deal with it from there.
little chef
I think WebSquadFJT is a spammer.
Thanks. He’s been dealt with already.
Someone please ban Slipleamisp. This one is annoying.