Taylor Swift

Wow, that sounds cool! I only prefer Southern because of all the big movie companies. :stuck_out_tongue: Funny thing is, I hate warm weather. I’s have to hide inside all the time. :laughing:

Virginia: That’s the great thing about California! Want to be near the studios, but where it’s not so dang warm all the time? Move to the Sierra Nevada range in the north east of the state, or even the more foggy Bay Area (North, South, East, or central!) It’s only an 8 hour drive to LA or a 2 hour flight. And with this new proposed train that’ll run from San Fran to San Diego, it’d only take an hour.

But SoCal gets it’s share of cold. It seems that whenever I go to Disneyland it’s cloudy! :angry:

Ah, cool. I just hope that by that time in my life my mom finally lets go of the notion that I’ll always be in Tennessee. She wants us all to stay close. That’s the last thing I want. I just hope she can adjust to us moving on…

My mom is the same way, like she wants me to go to a University in California so she doesn’t have to spend buckes of money to come visit me, and doesn’t want me to be far.

I have no idea where I live when I’m out of college, but I just want to leave California for a while to explore what’s out there. As long as I’m not in a city and am in nature with trees, wildlife, and space I’ll be fine.

That sounds nice. The Smoky Mountains over here sound about like your liking. :wink:

Taylor Swift is one of the very few music artists today that I can stand. She’s pretty, has good songs, can sing, and she looks like one of my friends.

I’m not crazy about her, but I would rather listen to her than either Lady Gaga or Ke$ha.

^ Uh, that friend of yours must look fine, then 8D

lol. You know, she kinda gets that alot. You must really think Taylor is beautiful huh SOA?

Yes, I do.

Not the most beautiful ever, but she’s my kind.

Ah, I see what you mean. :wink:

I have a question, does Taylor Swift write her own songs? I find that I appriciate artist’s music more if they wrote it themselves.

Yes, she does.

That’s what I like about her so much, beside her wearing clothing instead of meat suits or almost nothing. I like her songs, her clothes, and just about everything. My sister is kind of obsessed with her, which can be off putting, though. She’s one female celebrity I don’t hate and can take seriously!

Spirit: That’s good, I seem to appriciate an artist more if the songs come from their heart and are written too

Virginia: Agreed, she stands out in Hollywood, by not having to do crazy things to make her stand out (case in point: Meat Dresses. It makes me sad that an animal died for nothing, if you kill an animal, eat it don’t use it to protest something that has no connection too meat!)

Sorry, got off track there! But yeah, Swift does have a nice style, and seems really sweet!

Take that Kanye!

I think the Kanye-Swift thing has been blown out of proportion. From what details I can gather through anecdotes and a bit of research, most people didn’t care about Taylor Swift before the incident.

After it occurred the entire community came to her aid and millions of people decided to give her a try. Before it occurred she was the pop-country singer who wasn’t Miley Cyrus.

What Kanye did was wrong, but if anything his behavior launched her career into the stratosphere way ahead of when it would’ve under her own power.

The worst thing that came along with that is the backlash towards both.

I know I made the joke about Swift earlier in the thread but she doesn’t deserve to be called any of the unkind words that have been flying around because she seemingly has a new boyfriend every couple of months.

First of all, outside of the songs she writes, it’s nobody’s business anyway. Second of all, she’s attractive and famous, it’s part of the trade. Thirdly, why does this sort of shame only get attached to females while famous dudes can be total players and be crowned “Greatest Man of All Time”?


Well, I think she was quite popular before that (she was actually taking an award when that happened).

But of course, that incident gathered a little more interest about her.

I’m not a fan of him just because of the Taylor Swift incident. In general his ego just bothers me.

She was popular but not as popular as she is now. She was picking up an award, sure. But she was something of an also-ran.

Like I don’t think she ever would’ve gotten that Sony commercial deal without the incident happening. Among other things.

This isn’t to belittle her talent. It’s just that I think got Kanye version of the Colbert Bump.

And I happen to like Kanye. He’s very talented and if you can tolerate the ego you find a celebrity that’s more amusing than most. I mean look at his twitter feed. Comedy gold.

I join the club. I also think West has proven to bean horrible being.

Glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t like him. I don’t think he’s a horrible being, but I just think he needs to be brought back down to Earth, and learn about modesty.