TDIT's Sigs & Avatars

Well, it’s time for a new change of avatar and sig. :slight_smile:

This is my custom Dark Droid logo that I’ve been using in the sigs I’ve been releasing in the lead-up to the first trailer. I’m almost done with the 2nd, I got all the clips and their timings, and I just need to do the transition fade-ins and outs, which is the most tedious bit. As promised, I’ll post the entire series of character sigs closer to the 2nd trailer’s release date, so look out for it!

This is just my little contribution to celebrate the release of the new Up trailer. This image is actually from the first, but I just thought of this tagline and I couldn’t wait to use it. I’ll make sigs from the newer trailer later on. Oh, and I tried to match the tagline’s font to the one used in the 2nd trailer (the part where they say “This summer, the adventure of a lifetime…”). It’s pretty close, I used Engravers MT, but the tail of the ‘R’ is not the same (mine’s flat whereas their’s curls up, just watch the trailer again). If anyone knows the font used, please let me know.


I love it TDIT. Really well done and creative with the siggy. Neat. Kinda would fit perfectly for a promo pic.

thedriveintheatre - I’m really looking forward to that “Dark Droid” video – can’t wait to see it! :wink:

Nice Up signature, by the way! I love the font that you used. I’m not sure what the original font was that was applied to the trailer, but I’m sure that someone else on here would know…

Keep up the good work! :smiley:

– Mitch

TDIT: Nice signature! Love the tag line. I agree with TSS, it would make a great promo pic. :smiley:

I’m loving that signature, thedriveintheatre! As the others do, I really like the tagline and the font you’ve used for it is very refreshing.

Thanks guys! :blush: Y’all are awesome!

Oooh, I love the simpleness of your new avvie there. That Dark Droid logo is still fab (I know I’ve said that before) with the eyes and then the blue light shining from behind. Good luck on the final stages of your second video - because of the delay and everything, this must be your most anticipated yet! :smiley:

I checked out your redone YouTube channel recently - I really like the background that you matched with the Batman/WALL•E signature you had a couple of weeks ago. It’s the wallpaper with “HA HA HA”, “give me the plant” and WALL•E circled with “my hero” then a face drawn on him. That is really clever and amused me to no end.

Glad to see you getting your spirits “up”. Great puns! There are many, many possible puns for this movie, I’m sure of which you’ll have fun with while making future graphics. I’m not sure of the font used for Up, or any of the promotional material… your best bet would be to make a topic about the font(s) in the Up sub-forum and someone may be able to let you know. That’s how the WALL•E fonts were discovered by fans.

I hope so, at least it seems to be. :slight_smile:

Thanks! I was actually inspired by the “Jokerized” posters (where the Joker vandalises the original pictures with his own depraved scribbles, revealing his inner thoughts). I think you can guess who “defaced” my YT wallpaper. Oh, and I got the “my hero” quote from the Harvey Dent one.

As for future Up sigs, I’ve got tons of up and flight-related puns floating around in my head, I think I’ll post a new sig every now and then as new images surface on the net! Thanks for the font query suggestion, I think I found one which looks pretty close… it’s Modern No. 20 and the tail of the R curls up like in the trailer. I’ll post a new thread at a later date.

Nothing particularly witty or fancy about this one… though you may think otherwise. Mostly for a utilitarian purpose for advertising the recent feature-length Wall-E commentaries. Click on the sig and it’ll take you to the first page of the thread. As mentioned, page 3 is Group 1, page 4 is Group 2. You know what to do. Go on. You know you want to. :wink:

thedriveintheatre - I love your latest signature! It’s a great and inventive way to advertise the existance of the commentaries without sounding too “pushy”. (At least, it doesn’t sound forceful to me.) :wink:

– Mitch

Really cute siggy TDIT, and a wonderful way to advertise.

Since you guys kept saying holiday things, I wanted to add one:

Happy WALL*E Days!!! (Holidays). :smiley:

By the way, those are amazing graphics, dude. Love 'em!!

Mitch - Thank you! That’s good to hear, I though I was getting too corny by constantly plugging my fanwork in my sigs and text taglines, but if you enjoy them, I guess it’s fine. Maybe I’ll do a couple more generic ones so other members can ‘borrow’ them if they want to. :smiley:

TSS - Thanks! Maybe you put some of that space to good use and ‘publicise’ your fanfics? Which reminds me, I haven’t finished reading your Syndrome Returns sequel! :stuck_out_tongue:

Dan*E - Why thankee! You know, maybe we should set aside a day to commemorate Wall-E’s theatrical release. If we go by the U.S. premiere, it’s the 23rd of June. Wall-E Day, I like that! :slight_smile:

TDIT: I love your idea of using a siggy to advertise my fanfics, however, I can’t create anything creative to sort of portray “Syndrome’s return.”

thedriveintheatre - You’re most welcome!

Nah. I don’t think they sound too “corny” – they’re cool.

Yeah, some generic ones would be cool. :smiley:

– Mitch

TDIT - That is so creative. You must have a good memory to think of all of these references to use in your signatures, wow. It made me lol as soon as I saw it. And like the others said - it’s not corny at all to promote your works using your signatures and avatars. It’s one of the many things that makes this forum fun. :slight_smile:

Maybe I can help with you that? :wink: PM me if you’re interested.

Sure thing, Mitch! Keep an eye out in the future! :smiley:

You meant the ‘Jokerized’ Wall-E sig or my current “Listen Barnaby”? Well, irregardless, yeah, I’m kinda pop-culture geek, so I like to make references to other films and songs and stuff, which is why I love doing parody videos and mash-up sigs. :slight_smile:

That’s good to know. Thanks!

Well, here’s my latest and final sig/poster for the upcoming release of The Dark Droid Trailer 2. It’s an update of the older one with just Wall-E and Batman. I’ve added other characters into a Watchmen-style ‘group-montage’.

This is my most complicated piece yet, with over 15 layers to give that sense of depth and to achieve the many overlaps between the different parts like the characters, the logo/title, and the credit tagline. Yeah, a little self-indulgent, but I like creating promo posters. If you ever need me to ‘advertise’ your latest fanfic/video, do send me a request, because I love doing this kinda thing.

So lemme hear your opinions! And sit tight for the premiere next Thursday in conjunction with the Oz release of Monsters Vs Aliens!

thedriveintheatre - Ha-ha. Nice work! It’s apparent that you worked hard on updating your “Dark Droid” poster, and it shows. My favorite element of the signature is WALL•E staring up at Batman/EVE; his content posture is such a contrast to the graphic itself. (snigger)

Very cool, dude! :smiley:

– Mitch

Thanks Mitch! I’d say he (and Eve) are oblivious to the destruction and chaos going on around them… :wink:

Over here Down Under, it’s already April 2, but since it’s technically still April 1 in other parts of the world, I’m cheating and delaying the trailer release for a just few more hours. But short of an unforeseen catastrophe, I’ll upload it within the next 24 hours for sure. If you have been patiently anticipating its debut, I apologise and thank you for bearing with my ‘delaying antics’. I sincerely hope you guys will enjoy my labour of… ah, whatever. :stuck_out_tongue:

In the meantime, I remember I did a ‘promotional campaign’ in the lead-up to the Trailer 1 release a month ago with a fortnight-long run of custom character ‘posters’ (one every two days). To any one of you who have missed it, here they are, archived in this thread for posterity! Have fun now, kids! :wink: