TDIT's Sigs & Avatars

thedriveintheatre - Ha-ha. You’re welcome!

I remember most of these promotional signatures, and it’s refreshing to see them again, as I still love them all, especially that EVE one. (I was laughing so dang hard at the EVE graphic. Heh.)

“Hal is Alfred Pennyworth”… :laughing:

– Mitch

Dude, that is just clever. I see it fitting so wel with the Dark Knight movie Keep up the great work my friend.

Whoa, seriously awesome! :smiley: It all really fits…geniusly thought up and put together. Really cool.

Thank you, thank you very much! :sunglasses: To all: which one is your fave of the series, out of curiousity?

The trailer is going to be released in just a few hours! I just finished a recording session for this forum (I’m not sure if this is to be kept under wraps) and I need to pop out for lunch, but when I get back, I just have to figure out how to output it for HD and upload it on YT. Thanks again for being so patient, folks!

thedriveintheatre - You’re welcome!

My favorite of the “Dark Droid” signatures is the EVE graphic. :wink:

Awesome! I’m definitely going to check it out as soon as possible. :smiley:

– Mitch

you recently posted the trailer huh TDIT? I’ll check it out ASAP.

They’re all amazing, but my fave would be the one with M-O as James Gordon “Things Will Get Ugly.” It really fits his expression perfectly! And the one with EVE as Rachel Dawes is a terrific fit as well.

You’ve uploaded the second trailer??? MUST WATCH!! :smiley:

There’s so much to grab attention in the ‘graffiti’ signature, thedriveintheatre - what’s not to love about it? :slight_smile: “From the guy who brought you ‘Quantum of Bolt’ and ‘PAROD-E’” - lol! Glad to see you were able to pretty much stick to the release date on the advertisement. And I only just realised by intensely dissecting your poster, that you modelled your “Dark Droid” logo from the Batman one. Who is meant to have defaced that poster - The Joker or WALL-E? 'Cause if you’re looking for a culprit, WALL-E has a bit of a guilty look on his face, in that there image…

Wow, mega siggies! My favourite signature out of those…? Well, they’re all so wonderful and creative, but I’d have to say the “Rachel” one, for obvious reasons. Heheh. Nah, just kidding. It’s so hard to choose a real favourite, though… but I’d have to pick the Hal one because he looks so cute sitting there, wishing WALL-E well on his adventures, much like how Alfred has always been so dependable for Bruce. Hal-fred, anyone? :wink:

Keep up the great work on those entertaining graphics! :smiley:

It’s cool seeing all of those promotional signatures together, thedriveintheatre. They’re all brilliant and you’ve clearly really thought through each and every one, so it’s difficult to choose a favourite, though I have to say I do like the M-O as James Gorden one. I love how you manage to capture exactly the right moment to go with each quote. Your hard work has really paid off! :smiley:

Mitch - Huhuh, I can tell! :slight_smile: Thanks for the comments here and on the vid thread!

TSS - Yup, it’s on, live and loaded! :smiley: Thanks also for the comments on the video thread.

BDD - Yeah, I like M-O’s determined scowl too. Doesn’t come off menacing, rather it makes him look ‘cuter’! Thanks for the vid comments too!

Rachel - Heh, I employ a “Just In Time” policy. :stuck_out_tongue: I hate my procrastinating habit.
Yup, the logo’s a spoof of the original bat symbol. Don’t you like those eyes?
As for who was the vandal, think about it: Joker defaced the original posters, and the phrase “Gimme the plant” on my YT wallpaper should be a big clue… :wink:
Hal-fred, I like that. Good one! :smiley:

lizardgirl - Thank you! :smiley: Seems you like M-O too! Yeah, I thought about which quote from the movie summed up each character (or at least, sounded the coolest), and then I found the appropriate shot from Wall-E to match the words. Glad you liked it!

Thanks for the compliments, folks!

TDIT: May I have a request for some Incredibles siggys please?

thedriveintheatre - You’re most welcome! I can’t wait to see what you’ll post up next. :wink:

– Mitch

thedriveintheatre - Heheh. Yeah - if it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done. :wink: I, too, can’t wait to see more of your promotional graphics. =)

Sure TSS! Drop me a PM and I’ll see what I can do. :slight_smile:

Mitch - Like the new Rat sig? :wink:

Rachel - Well, I think I’ll ‘push’ for the Rat commentaries over the weekend, before embarking on promotions for my next mash-up project.

Here’s a simple Rat sig I ‘cooked up’ yesterday to create awareness for the Ratatouille fan commentaries.

And here’s a non-Pixar related sig in quite a while.

In case you didn’t get the comparison, Tim Roth and Hugh Laurie both play cynical characters who don’t trust society in their respective roles as Dr Carl Lightman and Dr Gregory House in Lie To Me and House. The quote is a “Houseism”.

I’m currently a fan of both shows. Both shows have grumpy experts who don’t trust anyone, even their colleagues. Both air on a certain American channel notorious for axing TV shows before they’ve gained a proper fan following. Both also air on a certain Australian channel famous for the same reason. And both are excellent character dramas with engaging plotlines and witty characters.

The self-referential disclaimer incidentally, was taken from a quote from an episode of another show I like, Life, starring Damien Lewis as a Zen-praticing cop.

Now I feel like munching an apple…

TDIT:I i love the advertising siggy for Ratatouille commentaries and Radio Pixar.

Listen closely… that’s one awesome signature! The logo makes it seem really professional, too. And thanks for promoting the latest episode of Radio Pixar with your text underneath your siggie. =)

looks at your latest avatar Wow, that messes with the mind! You should make it say *that was a lie… or was it? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m lovin’ it, man! As Rachel stated, it’s very professional-looking.

Your latest avatar is hilarious, as well. “That was a lie.” (snigger) That particular quote sounds vaguely familiar, even though I don’t think I’ve ever seen an episode of Life. Nevertheless, it made me chuckle.

– Mitch

thedriveintheatre That Ratatouille signature… genius… pure genius… Filled with connotations and enigma… The use of the Line… “lIsten Closely” fits perfect!

The New Avatar… “Everybody Lies” and there’s no greater liar that Hugh Laurie’s Gregory House… Come on he has almost all of America thinking the British, OxBridge Educated, Prince Regent, Last Survivor of the Cambridge Tiddlers, Comedian is an Everyday American.

I’m Continuing to be amazed… and enjoying being amazed too

Danke schon TSS! Anything I can do to help promote other fan work (that I’ve participated in, of course. heheh! :wink:)

Merci beacoup, Rachel! Least I could do to give awareness of the ‘resurrection’ of Radio Pixar. As for your suggestion for the avatar tagline… that would sound pretty good! So maybe the disclaimer that my statement was a lie… is a lie itself. Which means that my statement “Everybody lies” is true. But if everybody lies, then how can my statement be true? :smiley:

Domo arigato, Mitch! Glad you liked the Rat sig (Is it my first one? I think it is. :slight_smile:). Hm… you’ve heard it before? Deja vu perhaps?

Xie xie, Captain pan! Yeah, that was the first screenshot and tagline that popped into my mind when I was thinking up for a Rat commentary promo sig. And I’m also impressed Mr Laurie pulled off his Yank accent so well in House. His character’s incredibly brilliant… and nasty. :stuck_out_tongue: Have fun being amazed. It’s a nice feeling.

Well what can I say? It’s a teaser poster, self explanatory. :wink:

Are you making a recut where it is going to show Pixar movies going up against Dreamworks movies in the showdown of the century? :laughing: Wow, it looks cool.