I’m looking forward to this. I read it’s suppose to be closer to the comics. I wish Peter looked up geeky, he looks more like a loner, he id in the comics but also a geek. I also would like to see Tobey make a cameo. Spiderman is swinging by then Tobey comes up and says, “Boy, I wish I was Spiderman.”
Stan Lee was pretty easy to spot this time round! I didn’t really enjoy The Amazing Spider-Man reboot as much as the Tobey films, maybe because I found this version of Peter Parker more aloof and “stoned”. Although, they gave him some serious cred with the skateboarding and one-liners. And Spidey is always great with one-liners! Also liked the finale and the fact that the villain is quite sympathetic.
I also enjoyed the Raimi trilogy better. I think the first one is a better origin story that this one.
And, even when The Amazing Spider-Man is better than Spider-Man 3, I also enjoyed that one more. This one was lacking a lot of stuff, even if there were many redeeming qualities.
One of the things I think could have been improved was their version of Connors/Lizard, which was kind of uninspired.
I felt that this version had a lot more humor, and was a bit more light hearted.
I was worried about it because the last trilogy was so recent. But I definitely see why they had a reboot, how technology has changed between the two versions is very noticeable!
I think the comedy was handled quite well. I’m glad they tried to give Garfield’s character a sense of humor, which I felt was lacking in the Rami trilogy. While the results were inconsistent, he pulls the comedy off pretty well.
As for the Stan Lee cameo, I thought it was one of the more bizarre scenes in the film. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t like it when they beat you over the head with “Hey, look! It’s Stan Lee!”. Easily his worst cameo since The Incredible Hulk.
I loved his cameo. Some people around me didn’t even know who he was, and they laughed all the same, so I think it worked on an additional level than just being a cameo, unlike the one in Spider-Man 3, which he has said is his favourite.
Oh man, it is easily in my top three of his cameos. I didn’t see it coming! My friend, my Marvel movie buddy, didn’t even notice that it was him however, until I pointed it out when the movie was over.
I enjoyed it more than any of the Raimi films, but the Raimi films have way better and more entertaining fight scenes. But, Tobey always struck me as a bad choice for Peter Parker (not to mention Kirsten Dunst).
I really liked this movie. I saw it at Midnight with my dad in IMAX 3D and loved it! I saw it again in IMAX 3D a few days later with my mom, and I got it on Blu-Ray for Christmas! I am in love with this movie! I don’t understand the hate Also, did anyone play the video game? It was ok, I guess. It was good but not worth the full $60 I had to pay. The game is really just a 7/10. But I give the movie a 9/10!
I have The Amazing Spiderman app on my iPad. The voice actor for Spidey sounds real goofy, but it’s kinda fun. It’s a sandbox game from Gameloft, kinda cool to swing around town although I was disappointed when I tried to get him to crash onto the pavement - he’s like a cat when he lands, no matter from what height!
The VR app was also interesting during the movie’s release. I downloaded it on my phone and scanned the QR code on the cinema standees and posters to play the minigames and earn badges. I think I got about two back when the film was still showing.