The Cars Theorization Thread

Oh my gosh! That’d be awful! :open_mouth:

Hahaha! True say!

I always wondered what dinosaurs in the car world would be like. I’ve been thinking of this since I rewatched Cars 2 yesterday.

They look normal on the Dinoco logo.

It feels pretty odd though… I mean, seeing dinosaurs in a Car world would feel weird.

Evidence for the ‘machines turned sentient and took over the world’ hypothesis. :smiley:

What doesn’t convince me about that theory is that not only the living beings of the universe are all machines (which is explained by the theory), but the actual geography of the world, not to say the architecture, is different.

I think they live in a different universe all together, not in ours and then they became sentient.

Terraforming? Artistic license in car-made pictures of planet Earth, perhaps?
You have a good point. Neither of the explanations I thought up are very convincing.

I seem to recall that the birds from the Pixar short made an appearance in the first movie, which implies that either
A) The machines did take over the world
B) Or that Pixar just really likes easter eggs.

I think it was made just thinking in the Easter egg aspect of the think, after all they only appear in a blur and are impossible to identify except for their squeak.

But maybe there’s a possibility that there are a few organic life forms in their universe. I thin the presence of plants proves this as probable.

I have informations to say on the dinosaurs story: :nerd:

There is a nice interview of John Lasseter in which he discuses (among others) the mythology of the Cars world, and he talks of dinosaurs in it…

Question: In Cars 2, you mention the existence of dinosaurs. Are those dinosaurs flesh and blood or are they cars?
Answer: “I mean, in the mythology of the Cars world, the living creatures are vehicles of some kind, and so it’s like with dinosaurs. I always imagined it would be some kind of dinosaur-like car or vehicle, something like that. It would actually be an animal.

Ok, that makes sense… but where did the dinosaur of Dinoco’s logo come from ?..

An abandoned Cars Toon concept, called “Backwards to the Forwards”, in which Mater gets to time travel, Back To The Future-style, and that is presented in the Blu-ray/DVD release of Cars Toon: Mater’s Tall Tales, also proposed to deal with dinosaurs: Mater ends up in prehistorical ages where he encounters… a flesh and blood dinosaur… “Because Dinoco had to be named after something” says the guy presenting the thing…

None of these ideas has ended in a final product in the franchise… But between an unmade Cars Toons and the director of Cars and Cars 2, I think the second would have the last word… And that the Backwards to the Future tale shows an abandoned concept.

You were talking of the theory of cars taking over the world, and on how it may be evidenced by evidence of organic life. I would say this on that subject:

I tend to think that that theory is improbable… There isn’t any clear evidence that there has been humans once. In Cars 2, all buildings, sculptures, paintings, from any era, depict cars and/or integrate cars elements in their design. So if cars took over the world, either that happened really early in the History, or they managed to destroy each and every single representation of a human and rebuild it with cars…
I would think there is no problem with the theory saying that the Cars world is simply a world exactly like ours, except with animals and people replaced by vehicles of some kind.

Except of course that the numerous references to organic animal life aren’t logical…
From where does the T-rex from Dinoco’s logo comes ? The horse of Ferrari’s ? The wings and feathers of the allegoric cars on the statues of all buildings and paintings (There’s even a huge feather on Mater’s “Materhosen” disguise…)? And so on…

May be those are mythological figures (like dragons in our mythology) ?

Hmm. Having all the normal Earth animals be imaginary does make sense. We have pegasus, dragon, and mermaid art everywhere in real life, so why couldn’t the cars have myths too?
I approve of your idea, Gray Catbird. :smiley:

I once thought that was possible, but we have evidence that they’re more than mythological, as that feather, or the fact that organic animals created petroleum.

Hmmm, I’m not sure… I don’t think it is sure there are organic animals. There are undoubtedly plants, though… But for animals, we only have hints of their possible existence; there isn’t any actual organic animal that has appeared (except the birds of For The Birds, but I would say that was just an Easter egg).
Yet saying organic animals are myths is an a bit strange explanation. Our legend creatures were inspired by real animals; from where would cars have the inspiration for organic animals ?
But if all animals are vehicles, that would remain the best explanation for me.

Anyway, John Lasseter has shown that his view is that all animals are vehicles of some kind… I think that Pixar won’t make appear any organic animals, at least on the foreground.

Recently, I was reviewing Cars and Cars 2. Trying to finding some clue on their past.
But the most clue that I found out is for Mater.
I wonder why he is the only car that became so rusty, I mean he has a friends that will take care of him. He would probably protect him from getting rusty by Ramone.
But Sarge is not rusty, I see a lot of rusty jeeps.

I see some 30 years old tow truck but it’s never get that so rusty.
Anyway, this is some list of what I’m trying to figure out.

-40 years ago Mater’s color was originally baby blue, after the years he gets almost rusted(Weird! It’s sounds like a man ruined his life forever.)
-He lost his hood and left headlights.(How? Unless their is an accident happened)
-He was the best backward driver.(Cool! But I bet their is also a lot of cars that can drive backward as good as him.)
-He mention the cars named Doreen. She looked like a jaguar, but she was a truck, and that he used to "crash into her just so’s I could spoke to her. (Dah, I think you know what I am thinking).
-He is somehow very highly intelligent. He knows many Cars and their parts, and he is even the one who solved the case. And Finn said that “He is the smartest Cars they ever met”. (Confusion)
-He has the worst home on Radiator Spring. (Wtf?)
-Holley, her girlfriend looks a jaguar car or almost near at it. (
-He still doesn’t refurbished himself even before Mcqueen. (Ramone is his friend, I think it should be free for him.)
-Doc Hudson is a Doctor. (He repair cars, don’t have idea why he is also a judge)

For awhile that’s why I get for him. Or you can add something on it. I will try to make a theory later.

Anyway for Sally Carrera.
-She was an L.A. Attorney(So? she’s kinda a good Liar. Lawyer also likes ruining someones life.)
-She is never felt happy until she found Radiator Spring and McQueen.(I guess she feel guilty from what she is doing to someone’s life or maybe because of her Family)
-She was rich. (on Career or her Family?)

Still interested to see the life of the other cars.

So what do you think?

i always thought Mater was so rusty BECAUSE he had barley has a roof on his home, so he can’t get out of the rain (dew, frost, etc) and because he doesn’t seem to have a problem with it if he notices at all (“I think my rust is starting to show” Cars 2)
as for Doc being the doctor and the judge, ive always heard that in small towns everyone has multiple jobs because there aren’t enough people, same reason Sally is both owner of the motel, attorney, town hostess, and probably the one who cleans the motel rooms when cars stay there

-why does being an attorney make her a good liar? maybe thats part of what she didn’t like about LA
-just because she was unhappy doesn’t mean she was ruining someone’s life… maybe she just didn’t like LA, there is an awful lot of traffic in LA (as a Porsche, she has racing capabilities, maybe being stuck in traffic whenever you tried to go anywhere when you have a top speed of about 180 gets annoying)

i have always wondered though, if her family wasn’t happy about her idea of quitting her attorney job and buying a motel in the middle of no where

you may have asked the wrong person, i’ve been asking myself questions about their histories for 7 years :slight_smile:

So I was watching Cars 2 again (after watching the new James Bond, his Austen Martin is in it!) and I’m wondering something, Finn says “They must be the heads of the Lemon families” so does that make all cars of a certain type (like Hugo, Trunkoff, etc) related? like the pure-bloods in Harry Potter? for there to be that many cars, some would have to be distantly related (to lessen inbreeding). It makes you wonder though, like in old world families (in our world) they used to only marry their cousins, but no so much anymore, would the same be true of their world?
I was thinking about this while watching the Italy race, and it shows a dark red Porsche mad at the Alinol sign (1:07:41), and I started wondering if that could be Sally’s cousin, the red Porsche is also a Carrera.
That also might explain how some of the racecars aren’t instantly identifiable as a specific car brand (like McQueen), maybe that’s because they aren’t, they are a mix of different cars brands.
Maybe racing in their world started much the way it did here, as stock cars, regular (pure-blood for them) cars trying to beat the other car families (or brands), but as cars got away from staying with their own brands, the cars look less like “regular” cars, that’s why they can go faster, their mutts (I was always taught that mutts were genetically better than inbred)

Does any of this make any sense?

Also: New information for greatveemon:

during the credits in Cars 2, it shows Mater’s passport (1:44:02), including his birthday: January 12, 1957
The credits also show Mater’s certificate of Knighthood and the date he was knighted: Tuesday, July 15, 2011
so he was 54 when he was knighted

Yay! Someone finally got a solid number for Mater’s age! I suspected he was around that age but people normally debate otherwise.

Though I am an adherent of the manufacturing theory, that’s actually a very interesting idea ! I never thought of that. It would explain how come so many cars aren’t of a specific model… May be Rod Redline’s parents were a Mustang and Challenger ?..

Apparently the spys can… Rod Redline looked like a lemon for a while, and Mater had all those disguises. Everyone my not be able to change their car type yet, but the internet was invented by the military too, so maybe one day. :slight_smile:

Yeah, but it’s simply a high-tech disguise, not an actual update.

So a cheap car will remain cheap for ever, for instance.