The Cars Theorization Thread

I guess that’s why we have this thread though, to discuss the things we don’t know and what we believe goes on in the Cars world. :slight_smile:

I always theorized that there were scientists that were in on it.

Considering that he’s a Sir (or was, I’m more than sure that he got stripped of that title.) and was knighted by the Queen, he must of have done some very positive things and charitable achievements. He had a reputation. It would be like expecting someone like Paul McCartney to do something like that. :laughing:

Yes, there clearly were.

But no other scientist ever analysed the product? I mean, they were freely distributing it during the Prix. Anyone could have looked into it and realized the truth.

Very true.

SallyMcQueen: Yes, I guess that would be most people’s assumption, but the law puts no one above any one else. Or at least rightfully it shouldn’t. Therefore he should have been consider just as much of a possible suspect. Like you said though, his status could have made it more plausible.

Maybe they were kept quiet. o_0 Just kidding, I don’t know. That’s a loophole. :laughing:

Well, are you talking about ordinary people or the authorities? And are you talking about suspicion during the Prix when it started causing problems with the racecars or when Allinol first came out?

I actually have no memory of what I was really trying to say last. :laughing: Basically all I meant was that just because he is a celebrity doesn’t mean he is innocent. It would have been shocking, yes, but they are still just as capable (or in this case more than capable) of pulling off a crime. That’s why I find it hard to believe that there would be no suspicion of him at all.

Oh okay! I see where you’re coming from. I just don’t think the majority of people would suspect him mainly because of his stature. All about the impressions…

I remember when we discussed vehicles being born into jobs because of what type they were. Do you think it works the same with class? Like if you’re born a foreign and expensive type of car compared to a normal, much less expensive one?

It appears to be the case.

Lightning certainly took for granted that Sally came from a rich family. And as far as I can tell, the only real clue was that she was a Porsche. And of course, the queen was a Rolls Royce. So I’d say yes, you can get an idea of a car’s social class that way.
You know, it’s kind of creepy that you can get an idea of how much money and power a car has by their model. :confused:

Somewhat related: I bet nearly all the supermodels in magazines are Corvettes. :laughing:

They certainly don’t seem very able to make much decisions in their lives 8D

That’s a good question! But I would think so. It is like how in our lives people can commonly be judged on their wealth by the way they look (clothing-wise, etc.) and ironically by the cars they drive. :laughing:

Yes, but if your economy situation gets better, you can always change your clothes.

The poor cars can’t change themselves :frowning:

It’s a sad world, theirs 8D

That’s true. But they could get some work done, right? Like Mater for example, he could get a new paint job and other changes made to his body structure possibly. Or perhaps they could just show it off in other ways, like big houses and whatnot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, of course they could have possessions.

But look at the lemons. Some of them were wealthy. But they couldn’t change the fact that they were lemons.

Lets cry about them now 8D

It’s just weird to think of because it seems like something the cars are born into, which is such an old century way of thinking- to be born into class and wealth.

I know! But there are people in our society that don’t always appear to be rich either, when really they are. Then there are those who live a rich life just because their parents were wealthy and so on. So if you think about it, it isn’t such a foreign concept. It would be rather unfortunate to be born a lemon though. o_0

True, but like SoA said, people can change. It would be, actually. Like Holley said, they’re “history’s biggest loser cars”. :frowning:

This random thought came in my head: Imagine high gas prices, like we have, but in the Cars world. o_0 :laughing:

That’s like high food prices 8D

Oh my gosh! That’d be awful! :open_mouth:

Hahaha! True say!