The Croods (2012)

Don’t worry, the lion has astigmatism.

Ah, where do I begin? Well, in a nutshell, Frank Cho is a Korean-American artist who was raised in Maryland, and he’s well-known for his adorable critters and curvaceous women, which is why I place him in the same league as Chris Sanders. He drew Shanna The She-Devil and Mighty Avengers for Marvel and Jungle Girl for Dynamite Entertainment. I highly recommend you check out his comic strip Liberty Meadows, as its art style, especially for the animal characters, is reminscent of Walt Kelly’s Pogo (but with an unrequited-love plot between the two human protagonists).

I love his work because unlike a lot of “cheesecake artists”, he draws his pin-up women (and men, too!) with a little meat on 'em, and his linework and posing are just incredible. It also helps that I’m a Frank Frazetta and Julie Bell fan, so his renditions of Shanna and Deja Thoris (if you’ve seen Andrew Stanton’s John Carter, you might remember her as the Princess of Mars) are just… phwoar! 8D

I’m getting a little off-topic here, I’ll post a lengthier fan-gush in the “Who do you admire?” thread, but basically I’m a huge fan and I hope to meet him in-person and get his autograph one day. I’ve already got Sanders’, thanks to the wonderful Mitch, but I have yet to meet him in-person (she did, though, that lucky sunuvasnitch! D:).


And I hope one day that you do need to meet Cho! I’ll look more into his artwork, but from what you’ve shown and told me he sounds terrific. I actually really like pin up artwork. (is that odd for a female)?

I think it’s totally okay for straight females to find art of women beautiful or aesthetically appealing, or vice versa. That drawing is lovely!

I kind of want to see this. I just the humans don’t look as freaky as they look.

Here’s the music video for Shine Your Way. I think that Adam Young has the same hand motions in every music video he’s standing and singing in. It’s awesome.

Today is Chris Sanders birthday, by the way.

Well, feliz cumpleanos to the man!

Yeah! I am a fan of the Cartoon Hall of Fame on fb, and they post this day in animation history. So that’s how I knew, I wasn’t creepin’ :slight_smile:

Wow, I did not know that. Well then, Happy Birthday to you, Chris Sanders!

Heehee, I wish I lived in the States, though, EJE! Then I’d just drive or fly domestic and attend all the great conventions you guys have and meet all the wonderful artists who live there! Sixteen hours on a direct flight from Singapore is a killer both in the wallet and legs! :cry:

I can’t remember if we have a “swag thread”. I’ll see if I can take a pic and post it up someday and let ya know.

Ain’t no shame in that, that means his l33t art powers works on the ladies too! I like girls but I can appreciate the beauty of the human body for both sexes, and he draws some really ripped men too. A lot of cheesecake artists tend to exaggerate certain parts to the point of absurdity, or are only talented in drawing women (usually male artists), so the fact that he draws both sexes well and yet make them believable human beings shows his incredible talent (in my opinion). Even more remarkable, he was mostly self-taught!

Teehee, you said it IV! Gotta warn you, though, some of his pieces are NSFW (nothing deviant or anything, mostly nude stuff that you’d see in an average figure painting class), but the mainstream ones (like Shanna The She-Devil, Avengers, and the recent Savage Land Shanna and Wolverine crossover) are “safe” yet sexy.

Regarding your concern on The Croods’ character design, a lot of reviewers said they looked ugly too, but I personally think they’re quite appealing. Yeah, Eep would’ve been way “hotter” if they gave Sanders the reins, but I think she was cute in her own way in the movie by her mannerisms and sense of curiousity and wonder. Guy (the progressive chap with the lemur as a belt), I’m sure, will be the subject of many a fangirls’ fanart and fanfics, he falls squarely into the “gorgeous geek” category of Hiccup and Linguini.

pixarfan9099: GAAAA… thank you thank you thank you for sharing this! :smiley:

I watched it this morning. Kinda disappointed Adam and Yuna pretty much wandered in wonder through the composited backgrounds. I wish they placed them in a “real-world” setting like in When Can I See You Again or If I Never Knew You or Telling The World, those MVs were beautiful cos’ they were more subtle and yet incorporated elements from the movie, rather than just “plonking” them straight into scenes. Or go the whole hog and animate them like Somewhere Out Of The Blue.

Still a great effort, though! I’ll be faving it anyway cos’ I’m a fan of these kinda vids and they remind me of the 90s.

A big happy birthday to Chris Sanders, I wish you and your team the best for your latest film. Follow the light to Tomorrow! :slight_smile:

The Croods is out today!

Here’s my published review of Nic Cage B.C.

The original review was chopped to fit, there were some bits I wished were left in - for instance, I called Nic Cage’s character a kiasi (Singlish term for ‘scared to die’) caveman. :slight_smile:

So like this movie’s gonna be out next Wednesday here and I really wanna see it (and so does my mom!). Though commercials claim it’s also in the English version, I’ve yet to see it… cinemas I know outright refuse to show animated films in the original language. Oh well.

So you get the option to see films in your language or the original language?

So I saw this film last night.

The Good: It was SO imaginanitive. The creatures, the plants, the whole world was fresh and creative. It relied more on visual humor than snappy one-liners. (Refreshing, since most modern animated films don’t do that).

The Bad: The turning point of the film felt unconvincing and forced.

But overall, I really enjoyed it. It was HILARIOUS.

^ Yep, usually animated movies are shown in both English and Dutch over here (live-action that isn’t geared towards kids is only subbed. Sadly enough the Animation Age Ghetto is at work here because I’ve seen things as The Simpsons Movie get a dub while the show only gets subbed when shown on TV, wha?), but lately, cinemas I visit have declined on showing original dubs for animated movies - which irks me greatly.

…Still, I really wanna see the Croods. Even though they’re showing so many commercials on the channels I watch that the little ‘Da-da-DAAAA’ sloth is beginning to get on my nerves slightly. Which is a shame, because in context, he’s quite funny from what I’ve seen…

Hey guys! So I pulled my act together and started my Animation blog (ManicMation)

I play to took at the historical, artistic, social, and mythological roles of Animation and Comics.

I’ll also post cool pictures, facts, and reviews.

My first post was about my Review of The Croods. And here it is:

Thnank you!

The Croods is out in cinema today! So keen!

Soooo… I still want to see this… I tend to have trouble getting around to seeing March-released animated films for some reason. I wasn’t that interested when I first heard about it, but I’ve learned in the last year to never judge a movie by its title or two-sentence summary. Once I saw the first trailer I was pretty into it. Then I found out Owl City was doing a song for it and I was even more into it. And upon reading this Animation Magazine article, I’m really really wanting to see it… … -the-cave/
Yeah, I really hope I’ll be able to catch it in theaters before too long! :slight_smile:

That is very interesting, ObsessedWithPixar. I’m in very much the same situation as you. It may be hard for me to see this in theaters quite yet, but my birthday is coming up, so that should be a good reason to go. And if nothing else, even catching them in the late theaters (?) just shorty before they come out in DVD is also fine. That’s what I did with Tangled, for example, and I love that movie. So I’m glad to hear your excitement has also increased over time as mine has. Best of luck to you seeing The Croods soon! :smiley:

Thanks for posting that article OwP! I enjoyed reading about the film from the directors perspectives.

That is a very interesting article! I’ll probably have to rent this one.

^Glad you guys like the article! Animation Magazine is awesome :slight_smile: And I’m also glad to hear that I’m not alone when it comes to missing March movies, LQ. If I don’t get the chance to see The Croods in the next couple of months, hopefully it’ll be as a $3 PopNCorn matinee at my theater in the Summer!