This is a game I made up,you need to make up sentence’s,and use all the emotions!
Today is a good day I grinned when I saw a bird in a tree ,but a hunter killed it my mom just made me breakfeast But there’s a dead bug in my ceral Why? I’m gonna go out to the beach I peed in the water Aww we have to leave No momma! Ohh sorry mom I want my blankie! Gimme my blankie I stole money from the bank Stupid cops Heh heh,sorry cops Oh my gosh they opened fire! Why the?They stopped! I got an idea! Ill jump out the window! Why are people following me? They must love me! What the?Some old lady just went in my house for no reason She won’t leave I’m gonna give this face That scared her off I’m gonna go on Pixar Planet and talk with my fellow members Aww man a troll! Should I leave or stay? I’m mixed up WHAAA I HAVE TO LEAVE Yes mom I cleaned my room Ohh boy 100 dollars! <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/grinandwink.gif” alt=“;-D” title="Grin and
Wink" /> Hey look Cute Girl! Oh Boy! Thank you <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In
Love" /> Aww man I love this girl Aww man she left me! Ohh god,what the? I whip you girl! Yay! OH MY GOD SHES A ZOMBIE! <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/youwhaaa.gif” alt=“o_0;;” title="You
Whaaa…" />
That was fun