The Emperor's New Groove

This movie is awesome! Talk about it here! :slight_smile:

Yes, yes it is. Quite possibly the funniest movie Disney has produced. I quote that film with so many different people, and there are such great quotes in that movie. I remember even my freshmen math teacher used to quote it.

Yzma describing her plans to kill Kuzco is one of the funniest scenes ever. Brilliant! Genius, I say! :mrgreen:

I remember watching as a kid and not getting the ‘zingers’ (the witty repartees and comebacks kinda flew over my head). But I remembered a few favourite parts:

Kuzco talking ‘squirrel’ after revealing he was a boy scout (would make a great Up crossover come to think of it

The chase across the map and how Kuzco and Pacha paradoxically ended up behind up Yzma and Kronk.

Kuzco and Yzma sitting across from each other and not glimpsing each other because they alternate holding up menu boards. :laughing:

Squirrel, a party balloon and a pack of sleeping jaguars.

Pacha’s daughter skipping rope while commenting about Yzma’s age.

There are probably many more funny bits, but these are the most memorable for me. :wink:

That was his son :wink:

I really like this movie it’s so fun and a nice change from the musical types of Disney (even though those are my personal favorites). I couldn’t really tell whioch scene is my personal favorite because there were too many funny scene. But I think the scene where Pacha’s children told their mother about their respective dreams was hilarious, especially the fact that their dreams really happened.
Ooh, this topic makes me want to watch the movie again :slight_smile:

“Oh no! Llama face!”


Great movie. Terrible TV show though. Granted, I’ve only seen parts of some episodes but they seem to be nothing more then the same jokes in the movie repeated over and over. :unamused:

:open_mouth: Are you KIDDING?! I LOVE the Emperor’s New School, it’s just as funny as the movie! I wish I could watch it more often. I’m not a big fan of television though, I’m usually on the internet. Seriously though, The Emperor’s New School is amazing.

Ive only caught bits and pieces of it, it never seemed that bad to me, i want to see the show more often now that you guys are talking about it.

Maybe Disneys best modern piece. I love how it takes place in Peru (being part Peruvian) Makes me realize that country isn’t as God-forsaken as I once thought it was! XD

lol well you cant believe everything you see in a Disney movie
 Or much of anything.

It was pretty funny. David Spade was the perfect voice actor for Cuzco. Cuzco is actually the Incan capitol of Peru

^ I didnt know that

I think you mean Kronk. :wink: (it also kinda reminds me of Dory speaking whale to ask directions.) That part was hilarious as well as the rest of the movie! What I didn’t get was how Kronk first spoke in English and the squirrel understood exactly, then later he had to go “squeaker squeak squeakin”. :confused: Then again, it was probably because the squirrel realized Yzma was eavesdropping and Kronk decided the conversation should remain between them for the squirrel’s sake so he answered in squirrel afterwards. :slight_smile:

What’s appealing about Kronk is that he isn’t exactly dumb, he’s rather gifted and talented and unique, but it’s just that he’s so easily distracted that he can easily flip-flop and follow the wrong crowd. (However, I found Kronk’s New Groove unneccesary).

This movie was one of the most hysterical Classic films Disney has ever made. Sure it wasn’t dark or filled with sad, touching scenes or memorable songs that made most of the Disney Classics awesome, but it’s not filled with pop culture or bathroom jokes like many modern cartoons- how this film proved that you can have uproarious humor without going down that road made it very awesome.

Honestly, I used to be a fan of the television series but after a while I found the show questionable
Kuzco seemed a lot dumber (if he had to go to school, why wait until he was 18 to start?) and the relationship between Yzma and Kuzco dullened (they didn’t seem like a vengeful ex-advisor against a young emperor- it just appeared like a prideful but dumb kid getting sneaked up on by a menacing principal with a not-so-secret-lab). Nothing looked royal or peasant- it just looked like a modernized ancient school. Sometimes the jokes were funny, but not really original and got predictable. Kronk seemed to act dumb, too, when in the original movie he was just very easily distracted but not so gullible. Why is Kronk, a man of his late twenties, attending school with Kuzco? :confused: Many jokes that were great in the movie were used again in the show over and over (Kronk’s conscience, the rollercoaster to the secret lab, Yzma’s plots, the potion labeled wrong, Kuzco turned to an animal, the film being slowed down and scribbled on, and the chimp and the bug). As I mentioned in one of my Disney rants, Disney began chewing on the old stuff so nothing’s fresh enough to be funny anymore.

Anyway, back to talking about the movie- I got the DVD (yay!) and I must say I enjoyed it more than I remember! Back some many months ago, I underestimated it because it wasn’t quite as classic as other Disney movies, lacking sadness or darkness, so it wasn’t quite as glorious. However, watching it again, it was impressive and a wonderfully fun film because it had such witty, original, memorable humor and was something different and interesting for Disney.

Most hilarious parts for me are when:
-Bucky the squirrel makes the balloon, pops it, the jaguars don’t wake up until Kuzco yells “Ha!” and wakes up the jaguears
-Kronk plays jump rope
-Yzma’s plot- mailing to herself and smashing it with a hammer!
-Kronk has his own theme music

Pacha: Ready? about to climb up cliff Right foot first

Kuzco: Whose right, yours or mine?
Pacha: Doesn’t matter- mine.
Kuzco: Well WHY YOURS?

Kuzco: What’re we gonna do? whines WA-HEH-HAWH! What’re we gonna do we’re gonna die! We’re gonna die that’s it for me!


Yzma: That is the last time we ask for directions from a SQUIRREL!

Yzma: Then I bet you weren’t expecting this! about to pull up skirt
Pacha, Kuzco: NOOO!
Yzma: Aha! (reveals a sword strapped under skirt*
Pacha, Kuzco: Oh, okay shrugs it off

HaHA! Seeing under Yzma’s dress is worse than being killed by a sword, apparently! :laughing:

I was kind of skeptical about watching it, but my roommate insisted it was hilarious
and she was right! I thought it was really good and REALLY funny.

I agree!

Yzma: “Why do we even have that lever?!” :laughing:

It’s been a while since I’ve seen this, but I loved the whole sequence in the restaurant kitchen, with Kronk as the cook, and Yzma and Kuzco going in and out the doors.

Oh I love this movie especially when it came to the comedy

Kuzco: “Dude, you threw off my groove”
guard: “I’m sorry but you threw off the emeperor’s groove.”
oldman: (being thrown out the window) “Sooooooorrrrrrry!”

Lol, that was one of the first parts that cracked me up but when Kuzco and Patcha went over the waterfall, I especially love when Kuzco is all like “Bring it on.” That is one funny film but I do wonder why Yzma has a lever that apparantly isn’t really used that often, lol

Oooooh the show was almost as good as the film.

Guess who said these:

“Oh, I know. I’ll turn him into a flea, a harmless little flea. Then I’ll put the flea inside of a box, and I’ll put that box inside of another box, and then I’ll mail the box to myself.And when it arrives, I’ll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!!!” It’s brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!! Or, to save on postage, I’ll just poison him with this!!!"

“I just snatched you right out of the air! Look at me and my bad self NOW!!”

“I don’t really think you’re my great aunt. You’re more like my great, great, great 
great great aunt.”

“They ruined my life for NO reason!!!”

"Are you talking to that squirrel? "
" I was a junior chipmunk, uh, and I had to be versed in all the woodland creatures. "
[to squirrel]
" Please continue. "
"[walking away] "Why me? Why me? Why me? Why
? "
"Hey, it doesn’t always have to be about you. This poor little guy’s had it rough. Seems a talking llama gave him a hard time the other day. "
[rushes over to them]
" Oh, a talking llama? Do tell. "
“Uh, he doesn’t really wanna talk to you. "
" Well, then you ask him. "
[sigh]I” hate being in the middle. "

 who’s in my chaaaaaair? "
" Oh, oh! I know! Yzma. Yzma’s in your chair, right? "
" Very good, Kronk! Here. Get the snack. "

Kuzco: No! It can’t be! How did you get back here before us?
Yzma: Uh
how did we, Kronk?
Kronk: Well, ya got me. By all accounts, it doesn’t make sense.


I rewatched this movie with my friends last month, and we had a BLAST watching it. That movie is hilarious, probably one of the funniest Disney movies.
It is extremely underrated.

It’s one of those movies that, knows it’s a cartoon, it is really jokey, Tex Avery-esque. I love the character design, it’s so different than a lot of Disney movies, which I like.

Anyway, awesome movie!

Easy. [spoil]Yzma, Kuzco, Tipo, Kuzco, Yzma & Kronk, Kuzco. [/spoil]
Well, easy for me since my sis and I watch it on DVD so many times we know these movies like we know our way around our house.

“GOW! You threw off my groove!”
“I’m sorry, but you’ve thrown off the emperor’s groove.” [picks up old man]
[old man is tossed out window]“SORRRRYYYYY!”
[turns to theme song guy]: “You were saying?”