The Incredibles "Best Superhero Movie" on Rotten T

Rotten Tomatoes put out a “Best of the Decade” list, and The Incredibles got “Best Superhero Movie” (over the Dark Knight!)


What makes me mad? Some of these comments.

REPEAT AFTER ME. FAMILY MOVIE. FAMILY MOVIE. Bejeebus, does that tick me off. Just because its suitable for children (unlike TDK or BB) does not mean its ONLY for them.

Surprisingly, many seemed to think TI was a good winner. I expected to see a little more “BAAAW! TDK was the best thing that ever happened to this EARTH! It revolutionized whatever-thing! It questioned whatever-thing! It died for our sins!” whiners.

Even I’m a little questionable about TI winning, but I’ve admittedly not seen TDK yet so I can’t judge.

Yay! :smiley: Congrats to The Incredibles getting the “Best Superhero Movie Of The Decade” award! claps

Yeah, well, Rac_Rules, that’s what happens when a “Top 10 (or higher)” list or “The Best (whatever) Movie…” award comes around, there will always be different sides to whether this is good or this is bad.

The main reason why Incredibles was better than Dark Knight, on the Rotton Tomatoes site, was because of the “Tomatometer” ratings. If it hadn’t been for those, well, … I dunno, maybe, Batman & Robin would be the best (kidding :stuck_out_tongue:).

I actually did like The Incredibles a lot, but, unfortunately, in my honest opinion, I actually think Dark Knight should’ve gotten that award (I haven’t seen Spider-Man 2 yet, and I don’t think that Iron Man was the best of the decade).

However, I really do hate these comments about the fact that it’s a “family movie”! :angry: Darn it! If these people actually saw the movie, of it’s story and it’s characters, instead of looking at how age-appropriate everything is! That’s what the good films are made up of! Story and characters!

Also, Dark Knight was a lot more realistic than The Incredibles. Even though many people liked all of these dark and realistic superhero movies, many people actually miss seeing the quirky 90s-style of superhero movies, as well. That’s why a lot of people probably thought that The Incredibles was a lot more enjoyable than Dark Knight, because if you have ever compared the two films, you’ll see that TDK is a pretty darn intense superhero film, compared to the much lighter, fun style of TI.

In conclusion, though, it’s basically because of the Tomatometer that the Incredibles beat TDK for the Best Superhero Movie of the Decade award.

(I hope everything I wrote made sense to anyone who is reading this, I was writing this down at around midnight, and I’m pretty darn tired right now ;-o )

Well, I have to say that The Incredibles is my favourite superhero movie, so I agree with this list. :smiley: I do prefer it over The Dark Knight, but I admit to being surprised that it won over The Dark Knight, considering the latter’s following. I think The Incredibles is more of a rounded movie that pretty much anyone can enjoy, which is perhaps why it pipped The Dark Knight to the post.

That makes me so happy, since I hate the new Batman movies!!! The only good batman is the 1989 Micheal Keaton, and The Incredibles are my obsession!!!

I loved TDK, but I, being biased, agree that TI is the best Super Hero film of the decade.

Hmm, I’m a little on the fence here. Obviously I love The Incredibles, but I also loved The Dark Knight. It was the first movie I bothered to see more than once in theaters (I saw it three times). I guess I’d have to say they’re tied, in my opinion :stuck_out_tongue:

And I know what you mean about people calling them “kid’s movies”. A lot of animated movies these days have more heart and better storylines than most of the drivel being spewed out by Hollywood.

I think everyone can agree that The Dark Knight and The Incredibles were both brilliant and amazing films. It’s just a preference of what you liked better.

I love both movies too. On the one hand, Incredibles is more original (though it shares similar themes from the Watchmen graphic novel) and is also one of the few animated films to be given a PG rating, taking Pixar into some pretty deep adult themes like redemption and revenge.

But The Dark Knight was a box-office-blockbuster that not only examined the Batman mythos (as a flawed and morally-questionable superhero) but also grounds the genre in real-world settings- the villains use actual weapons, the good guys drive real-world cars, etc.

If I really had to choose, I guess it would be The Dark Knight because it felt more visceral and emotionally-carhatic to me than The Incredibles (although TI does have some pretty intense moments too). Plus, I thought Heath’s Joker was a much scarier antagonist than Lee’s Syndrome because he has no purpose for his actions, he just want to “see the world burn”.

But both of 'em… thumbs up :sunglasses:

I like the Incredibles better than The Dark Knight. Dark Knight was a good movie, but I found the Incredibles much more entertaining. And I’m not really even into super heroes so that must say something about the movie.