The Incredibles BOOM Comic Book Series

I just saw they released a nice hardcover edition of all the Family Matters comics… Considering buying them, it sounds great! Lately my Pixar merchandise spending is way up. But all the stuff is so cool!!

I’ve seen the paperback graphic novel of Family Matters and I am thinking about picking it up. Is it worth it?!

Well, I enjoyed reading it. It is nice ot see The Incredibles in new adventures, since we might not get a sequel for a while.

[spoil]I finally got their latest issue. I can honestly say that this issue was both awesome and intense. About 2/3 of this issue was the final battle with Shift, who had his entire body mutated and augmented. Anyways, It was pretty exciting to read. Everyone got a poece of the fighting (even Violet), this was because Shifty gave the family a power boost thanks to him sneezing on them. Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and Dash all had their powers upgraded and augmented. But Violet was given an electrical charge to her force field.

In the end, everyone was rounded up and placed in jail where they wont be a threat again. . . or so everyone thinks. Everyone in the the cell recieves a letter from “The Unforgivables”. This hints that there could be a massive jailbreak in the future, a formation of a new villain army, or a Family of Super Heroes vs a Famliy of Super Villains.

Overall, I loved it and I reccomend it to all who wish to read another adventure of TI.[/spoil]

Thanks for the review, TSS :slight_smile: ! I enjoyed reading it.

Well, sorry for the late review, but I finnaly am getting to it! And, I have # 2 and 3, but I only have time for one review right now. So, here’s my review of issue #2.

[spoil]So, in issue #2, we pick up where we left off, when The Incredibles were facing the government agents AND the henchmen. As the fight engaged, The Incredibles seemed to be winning, until the government agents use a sneak attack and temporarily disabled The Incredibles.But while one of the agents was kidnapping Jack Jack, Violet woke up and slipped into their sky ship. One of my favorite parts of this issue was that, when the agents realised Violet was missing, they dismissed it, saying that it didn’t matter and she to week to do any damage; boy, did she prove them wrong! While the rest of The Incredibles were taken hostage, Violet stumbled upon a captured Rick Dicker (the real Rick Dicker) and
Doc Sunbright.

Meanwhile, Mr. Pixel and the rest of the Confederacy of Crime debated on what to do with Jack-Jack, where we learn that it wasn’t the real rick Dicker that went after The Incredibles, it was shifty disguised as him. Everything seemed to be going as planned for them, until Mr. Pixel discovered The Incredibles were being kept on his ship. Just when it seemed there was no way out for The Incredibles, Violet stepped in and saved them with her force field. As The Incredibles made their why through the base, The Confederacy had already started to get their plan in action. They were about to give Jack-Jacks power virus to themselves, but Dash snuck in and took Jack-Jack back to his family. the issue ended when the Confederacy’s ship exploded (well at least partialy).[/spoil]

Issue #2 was great. I was glad that Violet had a lot more time in the spot light. She’s definitely becoming a bigger part of the story. I give it a solid 9.5/10 :slight_smile: ! I can’t wait to see the next story ark start! I’ll get in my review for issue #3 as soon as I can.

I really enjoyed reading your review Violet Parr.

Thanks, TSS :slight_smile: ! Do you know when the next issue will be coming out?

Here’s my review for issue #3.

[spoiler]So, when the issue starts, we see the Confederacy’s sky ship crash into the ocean. Thankfully, though, The Incredibles made is safely to shore (with help from Violet and her Dad). But, the villains also made is to shore. But, before the fight starts, The Incredibles discover that Jack-Jack is, happily, no longer sick. Shortly after, the henchmen emerge from the ocean, as well as an extra strong, amplified-powered Shifty.

Though, as The Incredibles and the henchmen band together to stop Shifty, it soon becomes clear that it’s going to take more that just raw super power to take down Shifty. So Mrs. Incredibles gets an idea… she makes Shifty sneeze on them to amplify their powers. Unfortunately, she forgot one very important thing… that it was “still a virus.” Shortly after gaining extreme power, they all became ill. But, they still had to fight. And that’s exactly what they did. They fought Shifty until they had defeated him.

Shortly after, they went to Doc Sunbrights, and found they had also healed from the virus. But then they realized, they’d lost track of the rest of the Confederacy. We then see prisoners in a high-security prison opening a letter from the “Unforgivables” (Hinting at the rest of them starting a new force).[/spoiler]

All-in-all, I loved this story, even more so than the first story arc :smiley: . I’d give it a great 9.9/10. And I can’t wait for the next one!

Also, I’ve been picking favorite panels from every issue. My favorite one for #3 was [spoil]the one where Shifty was firing a laser beam at them, and Mr. Incredible had Violet in his arms protecting her. I just LOVE those Bob/Violet Father/Daughter moments <3 .)[/spoil] My favorite from #2 (as I forgot to metion it) was [spoil]the one of Doc Sunbrigh huging Violet. I just thought that was too cute.[/spoil]

The Incredibles comics are AWESOME! And I’d reccomend it for any Incredibles fan or a fan of comics in genneral :slight_smile: !

Great review Violet Parr!

To answer your question about the next release, to be honest, I really don’t know. I think maybe the next week or maybe in two more weeks. But I’m leaning more towards the second option.

[spoil]The next issue deals with Glory Days Bob and Helen meeting Violet and Dash.[/spoil]

Thanks, TSS :slight_smile: ! It’ll be great when the next comic comes out!

According to a few website, the confirmed release date is the 13th of January
The preview of the issue looks pretty cool. [spoil]Violet is in a trance and is ordered to destroy Metroville when Dash recklessly saves the day, only to be scolded by his father later on when they get home…[/spoil]

Ah, man! That sounds awesome! I’ve gotta check it out when it releases! It sounds like it’s gonna get good! Thanks for that preview!

So I got the comic two days ago. And I thought it was going to be Dash and Violet meeting Glory Days Bob and Helen.

[spoil]What I got was another plot: Dash thinking a teacher at his school is an alien trying to destroy thr earth (which was supposed to be next months issue, but oh well)

Anyways, the comic starts out with an intense hero vs villain scene, with Violet in danger. (This kinda creeps me out because the Super Villain in this story called Violet by her real first name. Does that not bother a few people?) Anyways, Dash saves the day, but his recklessness gets him grounded.

I like this, but the Parrs’ way of grounding Dash might be a little too unrealistic: They inject something in him and take away his powers. Kinda cruel to do.

Anyways, the rest of the book has a very slow pace: Dash trying to live life w/o powers while trying to convince his parents of a potential alien invasion.

I think the ending was a great twist, but maybe a little too far overboard.

Overall, this wasn’t my favorite Incredibles issue from Boom. I didn’t enjoy it as much as others, but I think if you plan to read the next book, you will have to read this. it’s still good. I didn’t like it as much as others.[/spoil]

So last week, i got issue number 5 of the incredibles comic book series. Here is my little review of it.

[spoil]We start out by finally seeing Edna Mode! (After about 8 issues or so, Edna Mode shows up!) Anyways, she takes him to an underground bat-cave like place, located under her house. She equips dash with some alien-hunting equipment, and a new Super Suit, which I find kinda cool, but rediculous at the same time. Violet then surprises him by appearing out of nowhere. She tries to cope with Dash, but he flies out, convinced that the aliens are gonna take over the world.

So he flies to his school, where he sees Bernie (I thought he graduated his class already) and another person who kinda looks like a hybrid of the principle and Rick Dicker leave the school and drive over to his parents house.

Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl step out and Dash wonders why and how his teachers figured out his parents identity. it turns out that the teachers really are aliens, who hypnotize Dash’s mom and dad into mindless zombies.

They kidnap Dash and tie him to his bed. The aliens are about to, i believe, extract his brain, when Violet comes in with a giant gun and saves her borther’s life. We end with that, but maybe Violet gets a little action in the next issue.

overall, i kinda enjoyed this. I am a little annoyed by two things: the cave under Enda’s house and the aliens. I’m annoyed with the aliens because I don’t think it is realistic. And TI always tries to go for mundane, realistic elements, combined with Super Heroes.[/spoil]

SO the next issue came out way earlier than what I expected. It was more suspenseful and action packed than the previous two.

[spoil]So after Violet saves Dash, she takes him away from the house. (Violet’s character really starts to change here. She now assumes the role of protector to Dash and becomes in total control of his safety. Kinda Like Helen Parr in Missile Lock).

She and Dash meet up with the Underminer. Dash is surpised at first, but Violet explains that the Underminer, herself, and Dash have a common enemy: the aliens. And both must work together to defeat them.

Violet then starts to become hypnotized by the alien mind control. She then takes off to sabatoge the Underminer’s ship. Dash tries to stop her, but is too slow. Unfortuantely, its too late. The aliens catch up with Dash. Dash tries to fight the aliens. But he pushes himself and one of them off of the ship (out to the molten underworld).

The next part totally came as a surprise to me. The mesmorized Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl not only defended the alien, but attacked, fought (and even hurt) Dash.

With the Underminer watching the whole thing, he pushes the defenseless Violet out of his ship and into the molten lava below. Dash watches in horror as his sister plummets closer and closer to the lava.

A flashback of what happened in this first issue of the story arc (of Mezmorellda) and he remembers that his hotheadedness and stubborness put his sister in danger. And now, history repeats itself. He breaks out of his mom’s and dad’s grasp (which made me wonder how the heck was he able to do that, considering that Mr. Incredible is WAY stronger than him) And dives into the lava to save his sister. There is a big SPLASH and then a blackout.

Dash wakes up on the street. His mom and Dad are there. It was just a big dream. But there is just a couple problems bothering him: Violet is still missing, the parents seemed to still be mesmorized, and the presence of an old enemy on the last page.[/spoil]

I enjoyed this one. I know not a lot of people read my reviews, but i still stand for this: if you enjoy reading adventures of the Incredibles after the movie, the comic is a pretty good subsitute.

[spoil]Mezmerella’s return was just awesome. She’s easily become my favorite villain introduced by these comics[/spoil]

Really huh? That’s cool! Her name made me laugh, but I think that she is a cool villain. [spoil]And her return was just a cool twist.[/spoil]

I finally got the next issue of the series.

[spoil]As it turns out, Dash had been under Mezmerella’s mind trance the entire time. There were no aliens, no lava pits, no nothing. Dash was just trapped in a nightmare. While in this nightmare, the real danger was that Violet was still falling to her death. Dash spent half of the comic to break from the villainess’s mind control. When he did, he rescued VIolet and went to beat the snot out of Mezmerellda. Out of all the stories in this arc, I found the last one the best and the most exciting.

Near the end, we see another munduane side of the Parrs. I enjoyed this part the most. Remember how in the begining, before when the Supers were banned? Well, Helen now explains her concerns of putting her children out in the field. She’s against it while Bob is totally for it. He explains that if they did forbid Vi and Dash to use their powers and to not fight crime, they would more than likely sneak-out like vigilanties. He explains to Helen that it’s for the best. Helen is unsure though. (I get this feeling that this concept is going to come back in a future issue)

Speaking of which, remember at the end of the first story where after the Incredibles deafted the Confederacy of Crime, a letter had been sent to all of the SUper Villains that the Incredibles locked up by a force known as The Unforgivables? Well, they just recruited Mezmerellda as one of their letters reached her cell. And to put more of a twist to it, a letter found its way toward the family back in the first four issues. (I forgot their names, but things get more exciting)

What caught me the most was a lot of Pixar in-jokes in this issue. For instance, Bob was like “to infinity and beyond”, a reference to Toy Story. We meet up with Rusty, the kid on the tricyle.

Overall, I enjoyed it. I’ll be anxiously waiting next month for the next issue and a new story. [/spoil]

From the looks of TFAW’s online listings, we’re getting the next issue next week! Really hoping that’s not a typo of some sorts, as it’d be great to get started on the next arc right away. Though the question is whether it’ll start the Unforgivables story they’re building up to or if they’re gonna save that till after each family member gets their focus arc.

Aw, dang it! I thought for once I’d beat TSS :unamused: :wink: . I got it yesterday as soon as the comic shop opened. Oh well. Well, I’ve certainly fallen behind in my reviews. Sorry about that. Because it’s been so long, and I’ve been typing for hours, I’m gonna post what I have and give my review on the last issue and my final review later. Any way, what I thought of the last three issues…

[spoiler]The first issue starts off strong, with The Incredibles facing off with Mezmerella. She actually was a pretty good villain, as her lack of concern and even her delight in seeing Violet tortured was made very clear. I could actually see Dash being like this, though, focused on what he wanted to do instead of doing what he was supposed to do. Though, I don’t know if Bob and Helen would actually go so far as to take his powers away. But it was kinda funny watching him try to get along without his powers. After he witnessed his teacher partially transforming into an alien, he goes to his Mom. And when she doesn’t believe him, he goes to Violet. Though she was even less willing to believe him, and was extraordinarily irritated with him, though I can kind of understand that, as he did almost let her die. The next day, he again witnesses his teachers acting like aliens (though I had a hard time understanding what was with the way they were talking). When he again tries to tell his parents, they send him to his room. It’s then he decides to run away and take care of the aliens on his own. Though, I don’t think Dash would ever go so far as to run away, I just can’t see him doing that. Also, how are him and violet attending the same school (he implied by saying that his teacher that he thought was an alien was also Violet’s teacher)? She’s in Junior High and he’s in Elementary. As for my favorite panels from this one, I liked the one just when Dash realizes his teacher was writing with an alien hand, and where Dash was talking to Violet, and she was fiddling with the radio, as they were both drawn really well.

In the next issue, we see where he was running to: Edna’s! And, as usual, she’s got a short fuse. She, at first, wants to turn him away, telling him to go back to the family that loves his, that is, until he tells her about the aliens. She then shows him to her basement, where she has many miscellaneous things floating around. She then gives him a watch that she says will detect alien invaders. But, when he say’s it’s not doing anything, she gives him a swift hit on the head and says, “Do you see any aliens here?!”. I liked that, that was pretty funny :wink: . So, when she leaves him to his own devices, he does what most boys do… play with his toys :unamused: . He helps himself to a new suit and a rocket pack and is ready to go… until Violet shows up (quickly commenting on how dorky he looks in his “new suit”). She tries to convince him to follow her, but to no avail. He takes off, leaving Violet no choice but to take things into her own hands… Meanwhile, Dash goes back to his school. He arrives to see two of his teachers getting into a car together. He follows them to his house, where he sees them meet up with his parents, and then they hypnotize them! (The only thing I was curious about was why the parents were already in there suits. Were they already hypnotized?) It turns out, he was right, his teachers were aliens. Dash hides in his room, but he’s not safe there for long. He was soon captured by his parents and the aliens. The aliens were about to perform an experiment on him, when Violet comes in with a large laser gun (It was bigger than she was!). And that’s where it ends. My favorite panel from this one was definitely the one of Violet with the gun; I got a kick out of that. I could just see that happening. I also liked the one of Dash hiding behind his door with his hand over his mouth. That was just plain old drawn great!

The next one picks up where the last one left off. Violet, still with her giant gun, comes in to save Dash. She quickly unties him, and then leads him out of the house. Along the way, Dash becomes exhausted from the loss of his powers. But Violet won’t give up on him. She helps him the rest of the way, to a big ship of some kind. At first Dash thinks they’re going into space and is totally psyched! But Dashes hopes are… dashed, as the “space ship” starts drilling into the ground. It’s then that The Underminer shows up. Dash springs into action assuming he’s there to fight them. But Violet then explains to him that The Underminer’s working with them against the aliens. But then, Violet is suddenly taken under a trance. The aliens had caught up with them. As Dash tries to stop a hypnotized Violet, the aliens and his hypnotized parents show up. Meanwhile, they’re drilling deeper into the earth’s mantle. Dash attempts to take them down, even lacking his powers. He launches himself at one of the aliens using the jet pack on his new suit and shoots them both out of the Underminers vehicle and into the lava filled mantel. But he ends up in a fierce battle, in which, he is on the losing end. In all the chaos, The Underminer gets fed up and pushes Violet out of his ship. Dash immediately leaves the battle to help Violet. But, while he’s flying down after her, he starts to have flash-backs of the battle with Mezmerella, and get’s rather confused. Just then, there’s a big splash in the lava, and it seems Violet’s gone for good. But then, everything goes black. Dash wakes up to find that, he’s still in their drive way. His Mom and Dad are there, and they tell him every things okay and that he imagined it all. But Violet is still missing, and his parents are acting strangely. He, in a confusing end, see’s Mezmerellas face before him. As for my favorite panel, that’s tough. Probably the one where Violet was pulling dash up of the ground by his hand. You could really see the concern in her face. I’ve also found my favorite artist for The Incredibles comics: Ramanda Kamarga. I love his art style.[/spoiler]

I’ll give my final review as soon as possible.

FigmentJedi- I hope they give each family member their own time in the spot light :slight_smile: . I’d love to see Violet as the focus of the next story arc!

Me too Violet Parr. I would love for Boom to focus on Violet some day soon. I get this feeling that Helen Parr might be the focus next though.