The Incredibles Fan-Trailer

So this is a trailer I’ve been working on for the past month of The Incredibles…Hope you like it! :smiley:

[url]The Incredibles - Pixar - Fan-Trailer - YouTube

(Also, do to me making it able to be watched in high quality, during the rendering process, some of the scenes darkened…dunno why…so sorry 'bout that!)

That was…incredible.

Best fan trailer I’ve seen for the Incredibles! I loved the strobe flashes and the timing of the beats, as well as how you did the voice overlay just like a real trailer!

I love trailer soundtracks, I recognised the first from Transformers, and of course I absolutely love Fahrenheit, my favourite piece from Immediate Music!

One month musta been an awfully long time to make a fan trailer, but I guess the hard work paid off. Looks professional, and you managed to look like a serious action-drama (which in some respects, it is). Instant fave on my channel. (Psst! It’s thedriveintheatre89! And be sure to check out my WALL-E trailer and post a comment on what you think! I used a song from another great trailer soundtrack studio, Brand X. ) Nice channel bg by the way. :wink:

Aw! Thank you so much!! :smiley:! And haha. nice pun :]! Oo…Didn’t realize the first one was from Transformers…Cool! So do I! The choir is so epic in that song…it’s amazing :smiley:

Yeah. Haha…1 month…Took forever…but it was worth it in the end :slight_smile: Haha :smiley: Left a comment on it! loved it :smiley: Haha. Ty! =) Made it myself :slight_smile:

This has got to be the best Incredibles Fan-Made Trailer I have ever seen in my life. In fact, I think it is better than the one I made. From the moment the first clip played, you had me really on the edge of my seat. Incredible job. I already added this video to my favorites,. (That means this video gets added along with other Incredible Incredibles videos on youtube.) Everything is so perfectly edited and well thought up.

Timing was perfect. Great selction for music. I love the text you put in between clips. And you had a great mix of “plot-revealing” clips along with short, high impact, energy theme shots.

I could say so much why I love this video, but I think a perfect 10/10 should be a good sum.

I can not wait to see more from you. A well-deserved pat on the back for you my friend.

Aw :smiley: Thanks so much! Just watched the one you made. Great job! :smiley: I’ve heard that music from somewhere but can’t rememer…but I loved it! :smiley: Yay!! :smiley:! Haha. Like I replied to your comment on my vid, means a lot coming from you considering how big of an Incredibles fan you are :slight_smile:!

Thanks so much! I loved the music as well :smiley: Took forever to get all the clips though, but I’m so glad you liked it as much as you did!

And you will! I’ll be doing videos with movies from Pixar and movies from Disney…The movies from Disney will be the classic 2D ones. :slight_smile: So happy you liked it!! :slight_smile:

Well, I can’t wait for you next project, what ever it may be. I just a few more points to add.

What program do you use to make your fan-made trailer?

If you want or need any inspiration or ideas, you can check out my profile and check out my TI videos.

It looks so cool! Definitely was worth watching. Great job, Shockerz.

I used Sony Vegas 7. I bought it with a student discount, but it was still very spendy…around…350 to 400 bucks.

haha, will do :smiley:!

Thanks so much!! :slight_smile:

Wow, you make The Incredibles seem so… intense! The editing is so professional. I think Brad Bird would get a kick out of this fan video for the way in which you’ve used the scenes. Great work.

Thanks so much!

It only has 3.5 stars though at the moment…I dunno why…I thought it was good :'(!

I gave it 5 stars. Maybe someone wasn’t really impressed with it. It is definetly not 3.5 stars.

Don’t worry - the more people that see it, the better representation of the voting you will get. I think yours will end up at about a 4 or a 5.

I rated it more than that :confused: Don’t worry, I’m sure the ratings will increase soon enough, and get better. :wink:

Aw. Thanks. :') I hope so…I worked really really hard on it D:

God… how in the world did I miss this?! My freaking lord, that’s even better than any Digimon AMVs I’ve seen! Man! HOO!

Alright, I’m done. :stuck_out_tongue:

Really nice work, dude! I almost couldn’t believe my eyes! If I didn’t know any better, I would say you are like an official staff member of The Incredibles movie crew or something. I really love how you cut in the scenes and dialogues just right; it is a very good material for beginners like me to study through. So…

…yeah, you mind that I use this as a reference to create my other videos? I wouldn’t dream of stealing any of your clips, of course. :laughing: I just want to observe how you cut those scenes together in between.

TDIT, you are so beaten! :stuck_out_tongue: J/k, but you get my point. :laughing:

Alright, just calmed down for a moment to take another watch at the video, which led me to find some flaws in it but not enough to decrease the quality of the entire trailer.

First of all, when the titles, “After a time without superheroes in the world,” and then the titles following that, I really like the font, first off - I mean I really like it. I love how you made it seem like it was those used in the '80s, the setting The Incredibles was set in.

However, the music just seemed a little slow and dull to catch up with the noises after when the narrator steps in and speak. That one could had been replaced with something more dramatic, but that would had probably sent me into a cardiac arrest due to the awesomeness going over the charts, so, don’t do that…

Then there’s the font you use at the end with the “The Incredibles” title. Though the font might had been difficult to find, but I believe Premiere Pro CS4 has the ability to let you insert Word Arts from which one of them looks a lot like the font used in the real trailer (which I could still barely distinguish from yours).

However, it’s still freaking awesome! My god, I want to see moar! MOAR! :laughing:

Keep up the good work. :wink:
~ WBoon

Aw :smiley: Thanks so much! And thanks for the feedback!

And about the music…I’m very much a perfectionist when it comes to things, and that was the only first song that I found that started off slow that flowed well into the second song. So…I looked through everything I had…That’s all I found :stuck_out_tongue:

And the text… I’m not quite sure what you’re saying…But I used the exact same font throughout the whole trailer… :stuck_out_tongue:


It was like…THE The Incredibles font apparently. :stuck_out_tongue: If you’re talking about the black fading at the bottom of the letters, that’s really difficult to do if the text is moving, so I chose not to do that for the end. But yeah, it’s the same font, just differently edited. :stuck_out_tongue:

And of course you can use this as reference material! :smiley: That’s so sweet! :smiley:!

Oh, wait, could you teach me how to create those moving fonts and their fading effect in a video? That would be so awesome! Thanks! And once again, excellent work.

~ WBoon :sunglasses: