The Incredibles Young Generation - Production Stage

Alright! My first video ever is finally up on YouTube! Well, actually, it’s my second; my first was an edited Cardcaptor Sakura OP3. :laughing:

Anyway, after seeing how cool some of the videos made by the members here are, I was inspired (particularly by The Star Swordsman) to make one myself and, it wasn’t too difficult nor did it take too long.

Well… that’s because this one is still the short version of what I was going for (the whole music track of “Why Not” rather just a portion of it). The long version will come soon in probably a week or two’s time, maybe sooner with my availability this couple of days.

Since I love both franchises, I thought I might as well mix them into one music video. I’ve always dreamed of having a Shinichi x Violet story and, well, this is kinda the only way I can express it.

Hope you guys enjoy it, and be sure to drop a comment or two at the video~! :smiley:

Hey there, WBoon! I see you’ve ‘opened’ your new channel and ‘aired’ your first broadcast!
Although I’ve never watched Detective Conan (though I’ve heard of it), I love crossovers (Psst! I’m working on one as a fanfic now!), and I think you’ve done a great job of combining the two worlds. I’m a huge fan of music videos which actually make an attempt to synchronise the footage to either the lyrics or the beats (instead of slapping together a montage of pictures or random videos and calling it an MV), so I’m glad that you made the effort to match the video to certain parts of the lyrics. Gives your MV purpose. is that a Hilary Duff number?
Can’t wait to see the final version. Be sure to pay a visit to my ‘theatre’ on YT! :wink:

Yep, it is. The footage featuring her are actual footage taken from her “Why Not” music video. The final version will include more scenes and, of course, more Duff (not the ‘Dan-’ types :stuck_out_tongue: ), so, I can’t wait either.

Thanks for your review, and I sure will check out your theater (when I find the time to do it… heh)!

Well, I think that this video is looking okay so far. I follow a couple rules when I make an MV and one of my primary rules is to never repeat the same clips in the same MV. There are a few rare cases where repeated clips would work, but for me, the repeats of Violet clips seems a little dull.

You got the timing down pretty well. A thumbs up to ya there. The clips seem to fit and match well with the lryics just fine. THe song, I believe, is a good choice for that video. THe HIlary Duff clips can seem a little distracting, but hey, I’ll admit. It works, (incredibly well if I might add.)

Overall, I think that this MV can work really well. I have to wait and see your finished product before I can give my official review.

Finally, the video I have been waiting for! :laughing: The completed version of Conan x Violet added with music video titles and several scenes edited into it!

Enjoy. :slight_smile: This one is my first big video project, and it is the hardest one. Please comment and give suggestions, and I hope you guys really like it.

Well, there were some really good parts. Some of them include matching the lyrics with the clips (eg: “neon lights” and Connan’s “crazy dance”) Those really got me smiling. For music videos, when you match lyrics with the clips, you add a sense of humor and energy to the video. The viewers are going to watch it and really enjoy it. It was a good song choice too, especially for Violet. I may not be a Hilary Duff fan, but this is one of my more favorite songs of hers. I really liked the ending as well. The ending VIolet and Hilaryy Duff clip made me smile. And if I smile, that means it is a pretty darn good piece of the music video.

Unfortunately, I found some major flaws in this. First off all, I do not agree to using repeat clips. I believe that one can make a pretty good MV without the use of repeats. I believe repeats should only be used for a powerful, impacting effect. There are a lot of Violet clips out there. My suggestion to you would be not to repeat. Secondly, the video seemed kinda choppy. For example, the first TI clip is Dash running the race while the following TI clip is him starting the race. I believe those can be switched up. Also, Violet in the cave where it went from Violet nodding after Helen asks about the bad guys, to “There’s something I gotta. . .”, to the close-up shot of Violet. I would suggest the use of fades if you are going to combine clips that are similar together. And last, there felt someparts were it wasn’t needed at all. For example, the He;en clip on the beat before the first chorus. And the part between 1:01 and 1:03 (the Conan shot) was too still. I would’ve prefered an animated clip.

All I can say is for your first music video, you definetely showed that you really tried. These are some suggestions to you that you can really improve on. Don’t feel down-trotten for my criticisms. Look at it as a way to really improve. I know you can. Still an enjoyable music video.


Alright, first of all, to address the ‘issues’ you’ve brought up.

I’ve used many repetitive Violet clips out there because there aren’t many Violet clips out there. Thank Brad for that, so, it’s not my fault.

Second, your suggestion about the Dash scene seems kinda redundant, because, IMO, a good MV is how it flows through your mind. Accuracies and certain glitches between scenes do not really matter, it’s how the MV tells the story (yes, there is a story behind it which, you seems to have left out in your review).

And thirdly, the nodding scene. Again, that was to give the visual effect along with the music, which seems not to have applied on you because you were under the knowledge that that scene did not happen. As I stated, it does have to be an accurate scene. Violet does not have to do what she did in the movie while in the MV as long as it has that flow, even if the flow is somewhat rugged at some point.

So, overall, I think your review is a little harsh (and lack in detail about the storyline) there. I expected at least a 7.8 or 8 after re-watching this video several times myself.

In terms of professional editing skills and movie accuracies, I’ll admit that a 6/10 is… somewhat reasonable.

There are a whole lot of Violet scenes in the movie. And the song you used was only 3 minutes. And most of them were DC, Hilary Duff, or other TI clips. Violet may not be in the movie a lot, but she has her large share of scenes. I believed that you can use other clips as well.

Ah yes, the story. How could I have forgoten? I guess you can say that was my fault. I left it out. (slaps slef) And I saw the story. I saw what your intention was. For Violet in particular, you wanted to start the MV displaying her insecure side and as the MV progressed, she grows more confidence. I didn’t miss it at all. i just forgot to put it in my review. A thumbs up to that.

The 6/10 was overall. It was the overall score. What knocked you down was the editting and some scene selection, but the story, music, and good combination of lyrics and clips brought you way up.

I didn’t expect you be like TDIT. I wanted you to show me what WBoon was capable of. This is only your first MV. You get better the more you do it. I know you can.

I’m sorry if I offended you at all. I’m just stating my honest opinion. I’m no professional. There are just some things that I look for and if it is there and with good quality, I notice it and remember to praise it.

If you wish to discontinue your fanfic or your next MV project, that is entirely your choice. I’m not going to force you to do otherwise, but part of me still wants you to go and continue.

Okay. First off, I’d like to (yeah, I know you guys are sick of it but) apologize for my… defensive (alright, fine; overly-defensive) tone used. I was just… kinda spaced out by the truth of my video struck head-on into my face, so, yeah, sorry.

I guess both of us had a little misuse of words there. Well, maybe I did more than you, but, yeah, you get my point. :P

I was just feeling so… scared, when I scrolled down that page to read your review the first time, having to know that there is a high possibility it will be a criticizing one.

I will return to my work, but with this… downfall, I’m afraid that my pace will be slower due to my lost of confidence. I don’t blame anyone, of course. It’s just that I think I’ll be a little more worried now about my next video’s quality.

Thanks for reviewing my video in the first place anyway, [b:2nfkk12k]TSS[/b:2nfkk12k], you didn’t really deserve the treatment I gave you. :-\

Wow, not too shabby for a beginner! I’m not quite blown away, but I’m impressed! :smiley: Allow me to elaborate…

I’ve never heard this number or a Duff fan, but it sounds good to me. I find it interesting that unlike other AMV makers, you did not entirely use just the movie clips to replace the original music video, rather you retained the clips of Hilary Duff so that it looks more ‘official’, you know, like those old Disney music videos where they alternated between film footage and the singer singing in a related setting? So that makes your vid stand out more.

The beginning was good, and I like the vehicles alternating between reverse and fast-forward at 0:16, I don’t know whether you did that effect, or it was a part of the clip, but I liked it.

It was a little difficult to see Violet in the night-shots used in 00:53-00:56 and 1:03-1:08. I know it wasn’t your fault (rather Brad Bird’s and the DVD quality), but I would’ve been better to use another clip (daytime) that would have matched as well as the clips that you used.

Is it me, or did the music skip at 1:07-1:08?

1:20-1:28 was clever, “You don’t know where you are… Let’s get into your car… Let’s go baby go baby go!” Nice synching!

In addition to TSS’ 1:01-1:03, I also would’ve prefered to have some movement from 1:29-1:31. Again, not entirely your fault because unlike 3-D animation, 2-D anime can get away with holding a frame still for a few seconds while the character talks (which saves a lot of work on the animator’s part!) instead of the minute movements and subtle tics required in 3-D. But again, you could’ve picked a more ‘dynamic’ clip to go with the lyrics.

2:12-2:37, again, brilliant editing! (Aiy, aiy, aiy, aiyeeee, aiy… Conan kicking the ball into the henchmen’s face, the guy in the suit and red tie asking “Why not?”, Conan saying “Spread your wings and fly”, Violet crooning “Oh!”)

2:42 - Was it coincidence or intentional, that the girl is wearing the same headband as Violet? :smiley:

I liked how you tied to the beginning with Conan on his skateboard again at the end, and the title cards of the anime TV show and the Pixar movie.

Anyway, good effort for a first time. I agree with TSS’ criticisms that you could polish your editing skills a little, and that in this case, repetition of clips was not necessary, but overall I think you did a decent job! I liked your synching to the clips, you got potential!

By the way, is Conan a good detective show? From the clips you used (I mean, a time-bomb defusal situation? High-risk hostage standoff on board a sinking ship? That sounds like exciting stuff!) I’m into cop shows, so I’d like your personal opinion…

And if you mean by “promoting my Digimon Adventure/Incredibles crossover fan fic” is another video, I’m looking forward to it! If not, I hope you do another Incredibles music video (or try other Pixar movies!). I think you’re the only guy I know to attempt a Western 3-D animated film and an Eastern 2-D anime TV show crossover made to look like an official music video!

So don’t be discouraged by these less-than-stellar reviews, you should consider yourself lucky! I got verbal insults for some of my parody vids because people didn’t ‘get’ them. So I just click the ‘Ignore’ button and ‘Block’ the jerks from further commentary. I ‘Approve’ the nice ones and indulge in little ‘ego trips’ in their praises. But the ones I really pay attention to are the ones who give detailed compliments and criticisms, because that’s how I know how other people see my video from the ‘outside’. It can get tough for the work you’ve spent all your time on to get taken apart and analysed, but if it’s constructive, you can use it to improve your next endeavour!

P.S. I sent you a Youtube comment which hasn’t appeared yet! Maybe you’ll need to approve it or something.

Wow, that’s an unexpected compliment right there, heh heh heh! The pleasure’s mine, TSS! :wink:

Alright, let’s start from the beginning.

Yeah, switching between the singer and the movie clips was just one of my ideas to make it look more official, since most MVs I see looks more like amateur work, especially with their poor synchronicity of the flow of the music with the clips.

Working with some of those clips, like the 0:16 alternating vehicle can be kind of hard because if I cut away the glitching scene, I cut away the length of the entire video as well, which means the synchronicity of the entire clip would be broken.

I know I could had added another clip myself so as to piece in the broken section, but working on the video for three days kinda wears you out. Well, at least it wore me out. I had to stop writing my fan fiction because of the stupid project.

Yeah, the music did skip; another issue I tried to correct, with disastrous results. When I pieced the new scenes with the old MV together, the clip just kinda skipped one part. So, what I did was cut away that part, and thus, I had to cut away the music as well to repair the synchronicity. Unfortunately, that’s what you see here.

Now, about the clips you guys complain about, saying how you’d rather another clip to be used. I feel that those clips are necessary for that part of the music. Maybe you guys don’t feel so, but… well, let’s just take a look at some of them.

The still Conan scene with him staring at the window was to add that dramatic touch to the effect, making him seem like he’s pondering on taking a chance with Violet or something.

The darkness of the Violet scenes naturally add that sorrow feeling to Violet, making her look like she’s actually having a very troubling dilemma - whether to go out with Conan or not, etc.

And the ‘Go baby go’ part, well, that was just for humor because I like how Bob says it, or at least, seems like he said it. :stuck_out_tongue:

The still scene where Conan raised his pinky - there was no dialogue. It was the end of the movie where a silent scene takes place, and Conan just rise up from the bottom looking at his pinky. I thought it was more a dramatic pause, if you will.

The entire song, I didn’t feel like it need that energetic effect to keep the scenes jetting after one another like an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. It is classified under the romance genre, so I thought a slow pace was appropriate. Apparently, you guys don’t think so, so anyway…

2:12 - 2:37. I love that part. The way Conan ‘fly up to the heaven’ was very good, and it seems like you’ve missed that added effect, TDIT. :stuck_out_tongue: But anyway. The man with the suit, if you read the subtitles, he was asking Conan who he is, and then he subsequently replied with the large font subtitles, “Need not to know,” which kinda makes him look cool and, also, made Violet jumped and go, “Oh!” :laughing: But yeah, it was a mix of voicing, so one person could be saying this and another that, you just have to notice.

2:42 was not intentional. I just wanted to show Conan being awkward when Violet says, “Friday,” in the scene before.

Also, there was a little scene before that when Violet defended Conan, and if you read the subtitles carefully, he said, “Awesome.” Again, another added shipping (romantic pairings between fictitious characters) effect.

I think my MV is like WALL-E, it just needs to be appreciated rather than be criticized. It has a whole lot of meaning to it and the story (which everyone, including you, TDIT, seemed to miss out on) behind it is, to me, rather compelling, especially when I’m a Conan fan like that.

And yes, it is a very good anime for the young and old, not only because it is a crime related show, but because it is a full blown drama series with various elements. You not only see the common Japanese romantic couples, you get to learn a lot of different stuff from it, but mostly about Japanese, of course. However, I’ve learned about the Interpol from it. I’ve learned about how the CIA only helps the US.

I’ve learned about birds, too. Yeah. Screw Animal Planet. :stuck_out_tongue:

And, the reason I said that my video will never be like yours, TDIT, it is because it’s the truth. What you’ve seen here is my best, and I could never break through the limit. So, if you be wanting to watch my next videos, don’t watch them unless you want to be sitting through three minutes of your life watching a video of the same quality as this one, because that’s just how good I can go. Period.

TDIT’s You Know My Name even got honored recently before TSS’ review arrived, so it was kinda disheartening learning that my video, no, videos, could never come close. I’d be lucky if it ever gets rated a five star, which, BTW, you guys haven’t rated yet, but never mind (would probably be a three star anyway :unamused: ).

About the comment you left there, TDIT, I’ve set the video to receive comments automatically, so you can post your comment without approval now. Somehow, I couldn’t receive a message that requires my authentication, so, screw that. I’ll just leave my video open to any flames people want to post there.

I believe crossover-videos are the toughest to make, because
1, you cannot remove some faces in the scenes. Sometimes, the character you intend to show case just always have other characters around them, especially Violet with her, again, I reemphasized, limited scenes.

2, the animation styles. Conan’s 2-D is always going to be 2-D. No way am I capable of changing it to 3-D. I’m not Brad Bird. If I am, we wouldn’t be having this discussion here, so, screw that.

My next video. Even though my next one is going to be about the Incredibles Young Generation fan fic which I’m semi-working on, it’s going to be quite unprofessional because 1), I cannot remove the subtitles from the scenes from the Japanese series which look a lot better in quality than the English dub without the subs and 2), I don’t have a character to base on for Akai, who is a fan made character I based off the personality of Conan, so you will be seeing Conan in the place of Akai, and 3), the Digimon, they are going to be in there, period. If you see a shade of orange, don’t go, “Oh, hey! I saw a Birdramon in there! Ha ha, noob! 6/10!”


I can try and eliminate as much Digimon scenes as I can, but that’s just it; I am no god. I wish to be an MV god at some point of time, maybe, but not in this lifetime.

Oh, yeah, one more thing before I call this off,
4), I can’t find a lot of Akai/Conan clips, because Conan don’t have superpowers. Finding Kari clips ain’t going to be easy as well, especially when I don’t know how to send the scenes from the Jack-Jack short I have into the WMM. So, yeah, Conan will be mostly seen running around without his superpowers unless I can find some, maybe, Spike scenes (the projectile shooting mutant from X-Men), otherwise, it’s going to look like another piece of 6/10.

Let’s not forget about the Tony limited scenes. You guys are going to complain about that again, not like I have any other choice.

Buddy scenes, too. Great, another downfall.

Luckily, the clip is only going to be as long as an anime opening going to go, so, yeah, it will be a short one, but it will take a long while to make, because I still don’t really feel very confident about this anymore. It’s like I’m going to screw up in the next second and BOOM, it goes into my face and another 6/10, or worse.

Anyway, thanks for the review, TDIT, sorry I can’t do the same for your fan fic yet and, probably for a long time from now with the incoming dark days ahead.

That was a pretty cool video WBoon! I liked how the explosions went off when they said BOOM!

Thanks, mo, but er, which part are you talking about…? :confused:

Okay, I could understand you using those clips, and I respect that. I was just suggesting if you could find similar clips that expressed similar intent that weren’t still or poorly lit, you could use those too. But if these were the best ones for the job, I can totally understand it.

That’s not very encouraging… you need to be less hard on yourself. I keep thinking the last video I made was the furthest I could go, but when I work on the next one, it got better! Many things in life are like that too, the next project is always better than the last (unless you didn’t put in enough effort or went the wrong direction). Saying that this is the best you can do is like saying you have stopped improving. I never think of my videos as perfect, and I always believe there’s some way to push the limit for my next ‘adventure’.

How could you be so sure? You barely started! And ratings will always fluctuate. I once got a measly three star from someone more… uptight on one of my vids, and then it shot up to five after more people saw it and realised it deserved better! Maybe the same could happen to you, just advertise to like-minded people, post it as a response to the original music video, or a Conan or Incredibles MV you really like. Have you seen my videos? I’ve got a three star for one parody vid that I worked my butt off, and a two for a trailer to a music video that I thought was good. But did I complain? No, I shrugged my shoulders and moved on to prove the naysayers wrong, that I can do better! If I thought that my MV was excellent, then I’m unperturbed when others think lesser of it. I’ll just accept it and give them the benefit of the doubt, and try again! :smiley:

Nobody said it was gonna be easy.

You’re welcome. I’m disappointed that you couldn’t take the time to read my fan fic, but if you’re not feeling so good, then I won’t force you.

As Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight said,
“The night is always darkest before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming!”

Yeah, but he said that before he was disfigured… :stuck_out_tongue: I guess it is darkest before an even darker dusk! xD

Thanks for the encouragement, TDIT. In actuality, I wasn’t really feeling as low as I sounded in that post; I just want to lure some encouraging words. :stuck_out_tongue:

But, yeah, I think I can do better, too, that’s why I’m going to be turning this thread into an advice seeking one, where the ‘experts’ in the MV making field could drop here and give any tips and answer any doubts I have on MV making if you want to and have the time to do so.

I’m using Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 right now with a combination of the Windows Movie Maker. I’m only using Adobe for the editing, and the latter for the reviewing (CS4 is a lag train), so, feel free to give your opinions on the programs and combination I’m using.

Also, you know how some clips you download don’t have that high definition the high quality videos have? Well, I’ll need help on raising the definition as well, so, if you know the answer to this, feel free to post your suggestions and advice. I tried raising the sharpness, but it could only go so far before it becomes too sharp and looks it was pieced together with millions of tiny pictures. In other words, I want to reduce the blurness.

Thanks for helping out. I’ll be working on the fan fic tomorrow as I’ll be working on my next video today. Wish me good luck! :wink:

CS3 has virtually no lag whotsoever!

I think I’ll stick with CS4 for now. Its lag has seemed to decrease, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

I’m also thinking about a big project coming up, which I want you guys to comment on.

After hearing about TSS’s idea about his upcoming signature, that which its details I will not spoil for the others without his permission, I thought about making a video featuring all the Pixar characters, including Woody, Sulley, Lightning, Remy, even EVE, just to name a few, but it practically covers all characters from all the past Pixar features.

Now, I know TDIT had already used You Know My Name in his MV, but I really like the song (and I would have used it quickly if I knew he was going to use it), and since this video would reflect on the hardships Pixar characters faced in their respective films, I’m going to use this one again, as it has a really grim tone to it, and I think it would suit my video the best.

So, yeah, tell me about what you think of this, and if the popularity is high, I will think about doing this major project.

You can do it if you wish. The challenge is WBoon, TDIN has already done an MV with the song “You Know My Name”. With that said, you really gotta have this MV as good (or better) than his. This is because TDIT blew a lot of people away with that music video. There will be expectations.

You can do it if you would like. I wouldn’t un less I know I can match it. But it is up to you.

Well, actually, I don’t really want to ‘match it’ against TDIT’s video, I just want to do a video, that’s that. I don’t want to compete - this time. It gets really tiring.

I mean, in the review you’re gonna give to this video in the future after I finished making it, guys, don’t just judge the quality of its editing, have some fun with it. I didn’t work so hard to get a 6/10 just because my editing skills aren’t very good, I made this video for people to enjoy and watch it like we are children, in the sense that we would get excited over particular scenes in the video, post our comments about those favorite scenes, and discuss about it, etc, etc.

I mean, just listen to yourself, TSS, you mentioned nothing about my composition of all Pixar characters mixed into one. All you talked about was my editing which you so conceitedly judge just because of my last video (I assume). Why can’t you just look past the editing and focus on the idea I have, the message behind the video instead of how good EVE looks like when she fires her cannon? :unamused:

So, yeah, in your review of this video, everyone, be sure not to just judge it by its editing (which, I will try my might to correct as far as I can), but also the story. Every video tells a story, and this one, ladies and gents, is a somewhat morbid one, contrasting the jolly, optimistic tone of Pixar movies.

So, no, I’m not going to ‘blow you away’ with this one, because I feel I’m incapable of doing that. If you still choose to be so close-minded because it has the same song, I wish that you do not review my video, please. It is meant for people who can enjoy videos as they would enjoy a good story, something which I’m sure many Pixar fans are able to take up upon themselves.

With that aside, I think I will compete with TDIT on this one. I had rewatched his video again and, though it appears to be a masterpiece, it was merely composed of simple editing skills with the WALL-E movie, something he was probably able to attain through a DVD to AVI converter, which I don’t possess.

However, despite the poor quality of my videos the cynical might not accept, I think I can ‘match up’ to his editing especially when they are composed of just mere cutting and pasting of high resolution clips, a deception of your eyes, if you will.

So, with that, let the competition commence… after I finish the Young Generation promotional video first. :stuck_out_tongue: I still got a lot of work to do; this is only meant for comments and suggestions about my new project.

I hope I’ve misunderstood your last post wboon, because there were a couple of unconscious put-downs both on yours and my behalf…

I’m pretty sure TSS didn’t mean to dissuade you. He was just reminding you to keep improving your editing. It couldn’t hurt to be aware of this. I like your idea, and it’s important to have a good concept, but so is the execution. And since when did you use Eve’s footage in your videos? :wink:

Hey, why not? I know you’re trying to be humble, but you’ve got to have a little faith in constant improvement. How are you so sure you can’t when you haven’t even started? I’m sure you’ll at the least impress us! :smiley:

Well, again thanks for the compliments. Yes, I’ll admit I keep things simple. But you don’t have to be complicated to look good. And I don’t have the DVD, it ain’t out in Oz or Sing yet. Obtaining the source footage has nothing to do with the editing process of the music video though, so not possessing a “DVD to AVI converter” should not be a problem for you.

I don’t think anyone criticised you about the poor quality of your clips, in fact, they were quite good! I myself thought the resolution of Cyrus, Conan, and Violet were okay. Besides, resolution or image quality has nothing to do with editing skills. I’ve favourited music videos that have ‘cinema screener-grainy’ quality, because I think they have done an excellent job of “cutting and pasting” their less-than-stellar-resolution clips together. By the way, I have done more than that, I used transitional effects (like fade ins and white outs) and text overlay (credits ident). And I’m pretty sure I didn’t set out to… “deceive anyone’s eyes”.

Well, this should be fun. I don’t mind you using the same song as my recent music video, I don’t own it, Chris Cornell does. Besides, I’d love to see your take on it, especially since you’re going all-out with a compilation of Pixar movies! I’m sure you’ll do well, don’t be so hard on yourself! I’d like to see you beat me, that way you can set a challenge for yourself. Irregardless of the outcome, you would still get a good result anyway. Perhaps you’d like to advertise this project in your sig so more people than just me and TSS can comment on this? I sincerely wish you the best of luck, and I look forward to seeing this. :slight_smile: