The inside of Haunt's head

Very cool! I especially like the Red Panda one and the one of Vi. I really like how you made her look older and still kept her personality. It totally makes sense to me that that’s how she’d look (and Dash was funny! yelling like that)

This is more a sudo journal entry than an art post. I just wanted to say how inspired i was when I attended the Ottawa International Animation Festival this past weekend. It was positively amazing. I meet famed animator Dick Williams (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Thief and the Cobbler) and animator Eric Goldberg (lead animator for Phil from Hercules and Genie from Aladdin). lol, actually I sat next to Goldberg during Williams’ interview. I can describe how amazing that was! I mean, these are industry titans!
The competitions (split into 5 viewings with about 15 a piece) were absolutely inspiriting. some were abstract, some were character based, some were narrative. Oh man. It was intense.
Walking around Ottawa was fun to, if you exclude being harassed by the throngs of meth addicted homeless. At one point I wandered into quebec and realized that everybody was speaking french. I was like, “maybe I should have stayed in Ontario”. But everything was cool and I have a great experience to motivate me. I want to get something into the competition this one day. I’m going for it.

Great stuff, Haunt! I really like your style!

Also that is so cool that you got to meet Dick Williams and Eric Goldberg! I’m jealous! That much have been soooo amazing!

Amazing pictures there, Haunt! I loved your “Wild Things” “Squirrels” and “Happy New Year 2008”. “Desert Rose” looks beautiful. And Sah’rinna looks and seems like an awesome character. My favorite would be “The Butterfly”. For some reason, it’s the rebellious-style teen character designs that seem to look the coolest to me.
Incredible work! :smiley:

Well then. I was planning to do a mass posting of artwork here tonight. Instead I’m turning off my internet and waiting until I know they’ve made a patch for this conficker virus nonsense. You guys can expect artwork tomorrow night when it’s safe again. I’ll be posting here and maybe in my pixar-only thread too.
Check you guys later.

I got all excited to see some more of your work when I saw that you had updated this thread! sigh I’ll just have to wait patiently until tomorrow night!

Better late than never!
Ok, after many delays and random events (aka baby!) I finally got around to posting some crap from school. The descriptions and info are on the dA pages, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Evil char concept

human concept
critter concept

Moon expression sheet

Depot environment

The Forca

Lift Hub environment

Harlequin styles - human version

Harlequin styles - squirrel version

And that’s it for now! I don’t think I’ll be posting any moire art until after finals. spazs Final freakout started like last week for me, and we still have 3 weeks left! If I do draw anything it’ll probably be stress relieving doodles.

Great work! All the sharp designs and coloring…fantastic. I especially like the Moon picture, with the different expressions on one page. And also the Harlequin styles, both human and squirrel versions. (I like how the squirrel version has a human version in the background).

Fantastic! I really love your style, especially the coloring.They are all nicely done! I like the Moon expression sheet too.

bright dot-dasher: Thank you much! I enjoyed both those assignments quite a bit. I highly recommend all artists here to give those exercises a try. It helps you discover both your style and what you character is all about.

Thankies ^^

Just an update of where I’m at in my final year as an animation major. Ugh, sometimes I wish I had switched from illustration sooner. Anyways, I’m about 60% doe with the pre-production of my senior film, Kitsune’s Tale. I’ll post up stuff periodically from now until April. My hopefully time of completion is mid April.
As for this semester, I’m also taking a flash animation class, and my tech 2 traditional animation class.
My prof for tech 2 has been very positive about my progress. I’m slowly starting to undo the stiffness and formality Illustration ingrained in me. He also called my work “Bluthy” (referring to Don Bluth). It’s not intentional (it’s probably subconscious, seeing as I grew up on that stuff), but I think it’s a nice compliment.
Not much to show for the moment since we’re still in the first month, but here is my very first lip sync. It’s only the keys, which is why it’s so blinky. I’m currently doing the breakdowns/inbetweens. On the left is Debacle and on the right is Fiasco.

That’s all for now. Peace out!


(And bonus ‘I Grew Up in the 90’s/old fart’ Points to anyone who can name the song I snagged the intro from)

Looks great! Very cool. Hard to catch some of the frames though, but it’s excusable.

The song is “Steal My Sunshine” but I forget who sang it.

Steal My Sunshine by Len! :smiley: omg if I even think about that song, it gets stuck in my head the entire day long…

Excellent animation, I can tell where your professor is coming from when he says your stuff is “Bluthy” - it really does have a Don Bluth feel to it! :slight_smile: And like ffdude said, it is a bit hard to watch and read the expression as of now, but it seems to flow really well despite that and I think it’ll look fantastic once it’s finished!

little chef

Thanks you guys!
And yeah, I’m still trying to get used to animation without inbetweens. I guess it’s all about training your eye to follow and let the illusion carry the rest through. It’s hard though. Couldn’t really tell if it worked until I re-synced it to the audio. :confused:

Greetings from Ottawa! I’m here in chilly Ontario for the Ottawa International Animation Festival. There’s so much going on, I don’t know what to do with myself. Tonight I got to hear the director of Coraline, Henry Seleck speak about his career and the making his lastest masterpiece.
Tomorrow I have (hopefully) have a portfolio interview with Disney animation studios and Studio B. At the very least I’ll get portfolio advice. Then it’s onwards to more mingling and short competitions. I’ll keep you guys up on whatever dirt I can dig up about TPATF, as well as post pics from the events.
Toodles from the roving iPod of Haunt!

Oh wow, that’s awesome Haunt! Are you gonna attend the story panel with Ronnie Del Carmen? I heard Peter Sohn is there as well, that’d be awesome if you got to meet them! Hopefully you’ll get a lot of info, pics, and other stuff, it’s gonna be awesome to hear your report! Have a great time, and good luck with your portfolio! :wink:

Agreed, sounds awesome there Haunt. Hopefully the portfolio interview goes well. Be sure to fill us in on what happens! Good luck.

Status update!

ffdude1906: I did go to that. We got back about 20 minutes ago. Not only was it a good presentation but we got to see Dug’s Special Mission, which I didn’t know he directed. And Sohn was there. I didn’t see his panel early today, but he came to the UP panel.

Oop! The next short film competition is about to start. Signing off for now.
Peace out

Wow. I’m very impressed at that animation! Nicely done!


School’s still running me ragged, but in a good way. In what little time I have I’ve managed to get some non-pixar fanart done r an anime convention that recently happened in detroit. I needed some extra cash, so I whipped up some artwork and made some shrinky dink charms. This one is my favorite. I didn’t make any other TI charms due to copyright (well, that and I’m greedy :slight_smile:) shinky dink

Here are some of the prints I sold.

Hinata and chibi kitsune/Naruto

Sailor Mars

Sailor Saturn (and Titan) - part of an ongoing SM AU

Risu - she’s my own character, but I felt I could pull it off at Youmacon since it’s my style is a weird combination of anime and american comics.

New animations!

The final version of Fiasco and Debacle’s buttertart convo (the down shooter made Fiasco uber faint, which is annoying since he’s the one in front

Ricochet and Harlequin - the same two teens from the Supers Ball pic fic. Ric got some new toys in the mail and Harle has gone box-diving as a squirrel.

The opening to a two part animation featuring a new character named Bo. The is the first of2 handdrawn scenes. The rest will be done in flash. (this isn’t the final version)

Rough animation from my senior film

That’s it for now. No more updates here til the holidays. Whatever else I do will be pixar related. Toodles.
