The "Introduction/I'm Back" Thread

[b]The Star

Swordsman[/b] - Heheh – he is kinda appealing. Remy’s cuter though, no offense. (snigger) :smiley:

I knew you were going to say that.

Here is my late welcome to you, AussieFan! :smiley:

(Hehe) Think your late Bill? :laughing:

My cordial welcome, lauralee123 and AussieFan! I can personally garauntee you’ll both have a wonderful time here. :smiley: :sunglasses:

?Halo AussieFan!

Welcome to the site :wink:

Nice to see another real new member to Pixar Planet.

I already see that I share an interest with you, and that is severe weather.
But I like to call it extreme weather more over.
I love the weather pretty much.
But yes one of the things I like the most, is that of what you like and all types of T-storms.

If I may ask you since you especially like cyclones,
have you ever been through a major/super one over there in Australia?

Here where I live next to the Gulf of Mejico ocean, I have been through one that was exceptionally strong about nearly 8 years ago. But quite small in size. I still remember a very good amount of how the storm event was. It was very interesting for me to see it, especially when one of the first Squalls had moved onshore towards my city from the system itself ;D

Hello, my name is Michael. I’m 15 and I’m off of Pixarcars. I love Pixar and stuff I am a buzy guy. I have two brothers and one sister they also like Pixar. My favorite Pixar film is Cars. That’s all I have to say for now :smiley:

Hey Hatcat welcome to Pixar Planet hope you enjoy your stay!!! :smiley:

Welcome to the club, Hatcat! Hope you will feel at home here. :smiley:

Welcome to Pixar Planet Hatcat!!! I hope you have a good time here. :smiley:

Welcome, Hatcat! Your name rocks. :laughing:

Welcome to Pixar Planet, Hatcat! I agree with lizardgirl: your name is awesome. :wink:

Dude, everybody has a brother but me. I wish someone would trade… (snigger) :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, Hatcat, welcome to Pixar Planet! Enjoy your stay! :smiley:

Mitch - I’m an only child, so your’e not alone! :smiley:

Bill - Heheh – cha. well, actually I have two sisters…so I do have to deal with some foolishness at one time or another. :laughing:

Welcome HatCat! :smiley:

…names awesome! :sunglasses:

[size=92]Welcome to Pixar Planet, Hatcat! I love your username and avatar. And my fave Pixar film is Cars too, hehe. :slight_smile: [/size]

Thanks all. I feel so happy here :slight_smile:

Thought I said welcome … oh well …

Welcome HatCat ! :wink:

Oooh, yay, highfive! :laughing:

Welcome, HatCat. I love your name also.